Mavic Mini - Error code 30105
12768 9 2020-11-6
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United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

I am brand new in this forum,

I need your help as I had a bad crush with my Mavic Mini, so bad that I had to reassembly completely my drone, changing plastics, propellers, and reconstruct the gimbal.

Inaspectatly everything went good, my drone is alive again, does all the. calibrations, the camera is working so it seems I have done good work for the manual part.
However, I cannot get rid of an error that doesn't let me try his first flight after the accident:

Navigation system error: Restart aircraft (code: 30105)

Any idea about what I can try to fix? I haven't replaced the thermal paste, can this error relate to it?

I hope you can help me with that, any advice will be much appreciated!

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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hello franciscoto, My apologies this has caused you and thank you for reaching us out. For the error that you are receiving have you tried to redo the IMU Calibration and ensure that the aircraft is place in a flat level surface far from any magnetic material. I can see that you fixed the damage after crashed. I would suggest you to send your drone for a repair but I'm afraid to tell the we only cover aircrafts that hasn't been disassembled or shell opened not in accordance with official instructions or manuals. Although you can still contact our DJI Support through this link proper resolution will be given. Thank you for your understanding.
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United Kingdom

DJI Paladin Posted at 11-6 15:11
Hello franciscoto, My apologies this has caused you and thank you for reaching us out. For the error that you are receiving have you tried to redo the IMU Calibration and ensure that the aircraft is place in a flat level surface far from any magnetic material. I can see that you fixed the damage after crashed. I would suggest you to send your drone for a repair but I'm afraid to tell the we only cover aircrafts that hasn't been disassembled or shell opened not in accordance with official instructions or manuals. Although you can still contact our DJI Support through this link proper resolution will be given. Thank you for your understanding.

Thanks a lot for your answer!

I’ve tried everything, I noticed that it doesn’t have any gps signal as well. You think it may be a faulty gps unit?

I will try to contact the assistance anyway.
Thanks again for your help.
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United Kingdom

Hello it was the gps unit.

Happy to have solved the problem.

Thanks for the support
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Flight distance : 4777 ft

franciscoto Posted at 11-14 06:15
Hello it was the gps unit.

Happy to have solved the problem.

Hey, I am also facing the same issue with my Mavic mini. It says Navigation System Error code 30105 and unable to take off. If you can share how you resolved the issue it would be of great help.

Thanks in advance.
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United Kingdom


I am pretty sure now that it is related with the gps unit.
I have destroyed my drone, and my gps unit needed a new plastic support. I found one on eBay with the gps unit included (not working) for few pounds.
I probably mount by mistake the broken unit and I got this message. After swop the units I solved the problem.

Not sure if that can help. Let me know
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Hola a todos! Queria pedir ayuda con este error(30105, error del Sistema de navegación) ya probe todo lo que dijeron anteriormente, pero no cambie ningún componente, es decir, el dron es nuevo, no tiene ningún uso, y este error no me deja realizar el primer vuelo, también me pasa lo mismo con la señal GPS que me pone que no hay señal GPS
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fans4900b7a5 Posted at 2020-12-25 15:53
Hola a todos! Queria pedir ayuda con este error(30105, error del Sistema de navegación) ya probe todo lo que dijeron anteriormente, pero no cambie ningún componente, es decir, el dron es nuevo, no tiene ningún uso, y este error no me deja realizar el primer vuelo, también me pasa lo mismo con la señal GPS que me pone que no hay señal GPS

I met a same problem with you (error 30105). Tried many times but without solved.
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United States

Hi everyone,
I was able to fix my issue outside of what was recommended above. DM me on IG:Nomad_A88. My error code stem from the ribbon actually being cut. So I had to order the replacement ribbon from Alibaba and after I disassembled the drone completely I notice that the next issue was that the drone wouldn't fly. At this point the ribbon that had been connected into the GPS unit wasn't fully connected. I hope this help you all but if it doesn't send me a DM.
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United States

I am new to this forum as well,  I know this has been posted a lot, I still can't find the answer. I bought a crashed Air 2s from a friend, I replaced the front left arm. When I powered it up I got the code 30105, so I replaced the GPS module and ribbon cable. I then refreshed the software through DJI assistant, I also  recalibrated the IMU, still no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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