 Second Officer
fansfe82067d Posted at 11-23 16:27
Some aspects of the review were confusing - references to fine and superfine for instance, which were settings on the previous model and not this one, and to a noise reduction setting (which according to the reviewer made no obvious difference to the picture quality - if he was actually referring to the wind noise reduction setting, then indeed it won't affect the picture). And as I've commented on the review, he didn't really address the options available for built in sound, which would have an effect on his comparison between that and the wireless mic sound. But apart from those nitpicks, and bearing in mind the review is in the context of shooting news footage rather than family videos, blogging, or travel videos, it's indeed a thorough review.
I agree, this review, even if is the most detailed by now, it is not 100% complete.
I agree also on the fact that it is focused mostly on the pro usage side of this device.