Huginn Kenningar
Second Officer
Flight distance : 49635259 ft
Dryvise Posted at 12-21 03:25
Hello everyone!
Today there was a YAW movement when returning home.
I am uploading video and transcript from Air Data.
That's a misalignment between the gimball and the drone, the drone flies straight (you can see it in the log) but the camera isn't centered. The result is that you perceive that the drone is drifting or not flying straight, but it's just the camera pointing a little bit to one side or the other.
To fix it midflight you just need to leave the sticks and let the drone hover for itself for 5 secs or so. You'll notice the drone "moves" alone, but that's just the gimball automatically aligning again with the drone in the yaw axis.
I usually need to do it onece or twice per flight, the camera automatically recenters perfectly and then the mini 2 just flies perfectly straight... untill it misaligns again. Maybe the missalignmant happens to prevent the video from shaking in some situations, or maybe it's a bug, idk.
PS: The calibrations you must perform are IMU, gimball (in a perfectly leveled surface for better results), compass, and controller. And then just do the calibrations again when the software tell you to do it.
I just calibrated the IMU once, the compass once, the gimball twice and the controller once in 32 hours of flight or so. |