So I got permission to fly around an old unused Atlas missile base recently.
I have more video then just this but I dont see a reason to post 20 minutes worth of video.
Oh yea, if you ever fly around one of these keep the drone 10 to 20 feet away from the bunker. There is SO MUCH metal in those things it will cause system failure and the compass will lose it. I nearly crashed here. I thought it would be a good idea to try and land on the doors of the bunker. When I got close the drone just decided to follow the bunkers magnetic field and shot off on me.
Here is the video description if you watch it from here as opposed to youtube. The guys website and youtube channel is below as well and he has more videos of the interior as well as the full length video I did. I will be going back soon, maybe I can get to some of the other bunkers.
A video I did at an old missile base. I met the owner at a meeting of a history organization. There are a bunch of these old silos around here.
Here is his youtube channel where you can see more of the bunker and the entirety of the video I took.
I sat in a Minuteman Missile control center with the keys during the Cold War. This Phantom was not bothered by all the metal while flying inside the Titan Museum south of Tucson.