Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13933189 ft
Duarys Posted at 12-14 08:15
That’s the point, by the time of warnings there’s no RC response.
Drone flyaway, i lost control of the device, no visual contact, no data, no connection and no RTH., Not windy, no warnings on the wind.. so my mistake was to fly a device on a “Ready to flight” message.
Hi Duarys,
Another question ? wich one?
Think all is said already by me and Labroides.
Wind data is in the DAT file (on your mob device as well), look for FLY056.DAT.
If you like cloud-link to that file on here, does not give the wind at 140 ofcourse....but mayby it will have other info wich is not in the txt file.
The RTH function on DJI drones never ever fail (if GPS and Compass = oke), so the only logical explantion is that your mini climbed to 140 meters and was drifted away from home because of the wind.