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Mavic Mini Flyaway
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3685 60 2020-12-13
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Flight distance : 165856 ft
United States

I used Mavic Mini in normal situation. Remote controller and Mavic battery were charged not less 90%. Mavic Mini was on altitude about 100ft.

Suddenly connection was lost in the first minute of flight and Mavic Mini started to fly up and away. I tried to return it, but because of lost connection Mavic Mini flew away and didnt return.No RTH options on my controller, I have airdata about this fly. What was wrong? My Mavic Mini was new, was bought at Amazon store and had all last official firmware updates.

Now received an email from DJI saying the record ended without any sign of abnormality wich is not true.

Can anyone help me with this flight log?

I need a fully replacement on this unit

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Flight distance : 165856 ft
United States
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Now received an email from DJI saying the record ended without any sign of abnormality wich is not true.
It is true.
Your flight data shows that you flew out 300 metres with the drone 56 metres up and the data stops at 1:10.1 with the Mini just hovering there.
DJI is correct, there's nothing in the data that is abnormal.

Suddenly connection was lost in the first minute of flight and Mavic Mini started to fly up and away. I tried to return it, but because of lost connection Mavic Mini flew away and didnt return.No RTH options on my controller.

If you have lost the control signal, there will be no way to control the drone.

Did you see the Mini fly up and away?
Which direction did it fly away?

The reason that went up was because loss of signal triggers RTH and you had your RTH height set to 140 metres (much too high).
So the drone would climbfirst, but when it reached the RTH height, it is programmed to return to its home point, which was recorded properly.
The wind at 56 metres was very light but there's no way to know what the wind was like 140 metres up.

Whatever happened to your drone is not able to be determined from the data because what happened was after the data stopped.

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Flight distance : 165856 ft
Dominican Republic

Labroides Posted at 12-13 15:44
Now received an email from DJI saying the record ended without any sign of abnormality wich is not true.
It is true.
Your flight data shows that you flew out 300 metres with the drone 56 metres up and the data stops at 1:10.1 with the Mini just hovering there.

Why not enough data? Only one minute of flight and this happened for no reason, 300 meters from Home 56meters and then disappears. Hovering with no control and no track of the next 20 minutes on air until the crash
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Chief Mole
Flight distance : 13415 ft
United States

Looking at your AirData log (my log, general: notifications) under tips, there is a point by point of your flight. At point F (flight time 52 seconds), when the RC signal is reported as weak, the craft increased altitude to 186.7 ft AGL. I would guess that your signal was just strong enough to transmit the RV-Aircraft link but someone or something else was actually controlling the craft at this point until total loss of signal at point M (1 minute 10 seconds). After this point, your controller isn't receiving any data so it is impossible to tell what happened from your log. The RC antennas can be moved from full vertical to horizontal after being rotated upwards from the storage position. Other than the signal weak warnings, there doesn't appear to be a problem in the flight and if the craft was responding to someone or somethings commands that is not reflected in your flight log, how could DJI come to a different conclusion?
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Duarys Posted at 12-13 16:04
Why not enough data? Only one minute of flight and this happened for no reason, 300 meters from Home 56meters and then disappears. Hovering with no control and no track of the next 20 minutes on air until the crash

Why not enough data?
It should be obvious that without a signal connection, there is no data.

Only one minute of flight and this happened for no reason, 300 meters from Home 56meters and then disappears. Hovering with no control and no track of the next 20 minutes on air until the crash.
What crash?
20 minutes?
Do you know more about this incident?
Can you give some details about what happened after signal was lost?
Did you find the drone .. if so where?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 6763835 ft
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Duarys Posted at 12-13 16:04
Why not enough data? Only one minute of flight and this happened for no reason, 300 meters from Home 56meters and then disappears. Hovering with no control and no track of the next 20 minutes on air until the crash

20 minutes? Crash? It seems you haven't explained the full story in the initial post.
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Chief Mole Posted at 12-13 16:09
Looking at your AirData log (my log, general: notifications) under tips, there is a point by point of your flight. At point F (flight time 52 seconds), when the RC signal is reported as weak, the craft increased altitude to 186.7 ft AGL. I would guess that your signal was just strong enough to transmit the RV-Aircraft link but someone or something else was actually controlling the craft at this point until total loss of signal at point M (1 minute 10 seconds). After this point, your controller isn't receiving any data so it is impossible to tell what happened from your log. The RC antennas can be moved from full vertical to horizontal after being rotated upwards from the storage position. Other than the signal weak warnings, there doesn't appear to be a problem in the flight and if the craft was responding to someone or somethings commands that is not reflected in your flight log, how could DJI come to a different conclusion?

I would guess that your signal was just strong enough to transmit the RV-Aircraft link but someone or something else was actually controlling the craft at this point until total loss of signal at point M (1 minute 10 seconds).
And you'd be wrong.
Why would you guess that?
He just lost signal but it wasn't hijacked by space aliens.

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Flight distance : 165856 ft
Dominican Republic

itsdavesdrone Posted at 12-13 16:13
20 minutes? Crash? It seems you haven't explained the full story in the initial post.

Flight time with full battery  is around 20 minutes right? I dont know whats wrong after one minute. Or maybe still hoovering today., what do you think? Need a full storie?
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Duarys Posted at 12-13 17:13
Flight time with full battery  is around 20 minutes right? I dont know whats wrong after one minute. Or maybe still hoovering today., what do you think? Need a full storie?

I dont know whats wrong after one minute. Or maybe still hoovering today., what do you think? Need a full storie?
No-one can tell what happened after signal was lost.
There is no full story.

Are you going to answer any of the questions I asked?

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Flight distance : 165856 ft
Dominican Republic

Sir., theres no full storie cause the device flyaway, i said crash because if theres no communication the next is a crash or a hard landing. I dont know cause i dont have the device., and the log is only for a minute. Ask your questions to DJI   Im the one looking for an official response
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Duarys Posted at 12-13 17:38
Sir., theres no full storie cause the device flyaway, i said crash because if theres no communication the next is a crash or a hard landing. I dont know cause i dont have the device., and the log is only for a minute. Ask your questions to DJI   Im the one looking for an official response

Sir., theres no full storie cause the device flyaway
There's not enough information to say that the drone flew away.

Ask your questions to DJI
DJi won't have any more answers than I do because all we have to go on is the data, and so far, no more information from you to help.

I was asking you because you are the one that was there.
You said that it flew up and away.
Did you see it fly up?
Did you see if fly away?
Which direction?

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

WAG: You were approaching some fairly tall antennas on top of the Civil Defense building. Maybe some kind of effects there.

Or all that lighting metalwork around the ball field.

OP: Unless you left that parking lot where you launched, there is no doubt in my mind about the loss of signal. You were right beside a two story building that you flew over. The farther away the Mini got, the more likely to lose signal unless you were flying extremely highly (not the case). The only mystery is why the Mini did not return to the home point in the parking lot.

Edit: Hahaha, I just love post #8 ;-)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 359705 ft
New Zealand

Labroides Posted at 12-13 15:44
Now received an email from DJI saying the record ended without any sign of abnormality wich is not true.
It is true.
Your flight data shows that you flew out 300 metres with the drone 56 metres up and the data stops at 1:10.1 with the Mini just hovering there.

Labroides, you commented around having RTH set too high, reminded me of a situation when I was flying a Dronelink mission yesterday.

I was flying up a small valley (only about 400m horizontal distance) then turning up and over a terrace on the side of the valley then down a gentle slope and over a river island at the bottom.

I launched about 15m above the river and at the top of my valley run the height above were I took off was about 140m the terrace was probably another 20m higher and the drone on the mission about 10 m above that. I worked out to be safe and clear any obstacles (mainly the terrace) I would have to have RTH set of around 140m + 20m + 10m = 170m  I was not comfortable with that but couldn't see any way around it. Laws here say max 120m AGL so I would eventually break through that as it go closer to home, not to mention wind at that altitude. Any ideas how to mitigate a situation like that?

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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Bussty Posted at 12-14 00:47
Labroides, you commented around having RTH set too high, reminded me of a situation when I was flying a Dronelink mission yesterday.

I was flying up a small valley (only about 400m horizontal distance) then turning up and over a terrace on the side of the valley then down a gentle slope and over a river island at the bottom.

Is that North or South Island?
You've got some very picturesque rivers in NZ.
I took some great pix on one in the South Is.

Laws here say max 120m AGL so I would eventually break through that as it go closer to home, not to mention wind at that altitude. Any ideas how to mitigate a situation like that?

The only thing you can do about wind is to avoid conditions where it could be a problem.

I haven't flown Dronelink, but if it's any thing like Litchi you can set waypoints to different levels.
Or if you have have signal, you could always cancel and fly home manually to keep the drone within120 m of the ground below it.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 359705 ft
New Zealand

Labroides Posted at 12-14 02:29
Is that North or South Island?
You've got some very picturesque rivers in NZ.
I took some great pix on one in the South Is.

Cheers for that, sounds like all I can do really.

The Mini doesn't have on board waypoints so if I lost connection it stops the mission. So it would fly back at RTH, but yes I agree not flying in windy conditions and taking manual control (if I could) would be best bets.

I'm in South Island, Queenstown and yes we are very lucky down here with the scenery. Need to take more of it with the drone!

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Chief Mole
Flight distance : 13415 ft
United States

Labroides Posted at 12-13 16:26
I would guess that your signal was just strong enough to transmit the RV-Aircraft link but someone or something else was actually controlling the craft at this point until total loss of signal at point M (1 minute 10 seconds).
And you'd be wrong.
Why would you guess that?

I would guess that because the pilot stated that at about one of minute of flight time the Mini started to climb without his controlling it and the flight data is stating "Warning - Weak Signal - Adjust Antennas" starting at the 52 second mark and continues this warning until the end of the flight recording.
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Flight distance : 165856 ft
Dominican Republic

GaryDoug Posted at 12-13 20:10
WAG: You were approaching some fairly tall antennas on top of the Civil Defense building. Maybe some kind of effects there.

Or all that lighting metalwork around the ball field.

Exactly, whats wrong with the RTH?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Chief Mole Posted at 12-14 04:14
I would guess that because the pilot stated that at about one of minute of flight time the Mini started to climb without his controlling it and the flight data is stating "Warning - Weak Signal - Adjust Antennas" starting at the 52 second mark and continues this warning until the end of the flight recording.

That sort of thing happens all the time without any need for a mysterious hijacker to explain it.
And having read the flight data of hundreds of flight incidents, I've never run into any case of a drone being hijacked in flight.
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Duarys Posted at 12-14 04:34
Exactly, whats wrong with the RTH?

Exactly, whats wrong with the RTH?
We'd all like to know but unfortunately there's no data to tell that story.
But you were there and indicated that you saw what happened but won't give any more details.

btw .. the radio antennas had nothing to do with the loss of your drone.
At worst, they could only have swamped the control signal which would have initiated RTH and sent your drone up to 140 metres to come home.

The only hint we have is your 140 metres (460 feet) and maybe that was a factor.
But we don't have enough data to tell if it was.

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Chief Mole
Flight distance : 13415 ft
United States

Duarys Posted at 12-14 04:34
Exactly, whats wrong with the RTH?

Have you looked at the high detail flight log? In the high detail flight player it looks as though a stationary item (tree?) may have been struck.
At time 01:02.8, aircraft is moving at 19mph towards the right with right stick direction right.
At time 01:03.2, aircraft is moving at 13mph with right stick direction right but it appears that the aircraft is now moving right with some forward movement.
At time 01:03.6, aircraft is moving at 10mph with right stick direction right but the aircraft is now moving mostly forward instead of towards the right.
At time 01:04.0, aircraft is moving at 10mph with right stick direction right but the aircraft is now moving mostly forward instead of towards the right. This which would be an indication that the aircraft has changed its orientation.
At time 01:04.4, aircraft is moving at almost 14mph with right stick direction right but the aircraft is still moving forward.
At time 01:04.8, aircraft is moving at almost 16mph with right stick direction right but the aircraft is still moving forward.
At time 01:05.2, aircraft is moving at almost 18mph with the aircraft still moving forward. Both control sticks are centered. Aircraft slows down during the next four seconds and continues at about the same height above ground until data loss. Suspect that the aircraft struck an object hard enough to change the orientation of the aircraft and caused enough damage to render the aircraft unable to fly.

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Flight distance : 7069688 ft
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United Kingdom

You need to take this one on the chin, mate.  Notwithstanding that you were flying in a built-up area, with high risk of signal interference, it appears your RTH height was set far too high.  Several highly experienced observers have already explained to you here on the forum, quite clearly, what went wrong. Ignoring their comments won't alter the facts.  You screwed up. DJI cannot be  expected to accept responsibility for your lack of judgement.  Suck it up and accept the fact that you made an expensive mistake.  One which I'm sure you won't repeat.  Fly Safe!
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Chief Mole
Flight distance : 13415 ft
United States

Labroides Posted at 12-13 16:26
I would guess that your signal was just strong enough to transmit the RV-Aircraft link but someone or something else was actually controlling the craft at this point until total loss of signal at point M (1 minute 10 seconds).
And you'd be wrong.
Why would you guess that?

I was initially going by the coarse data indications on the General tab of the AirData. HD data suggests that the aircraft struck an object and flew for a short time after that before full data loss.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Chief Mole Posted at 12-14 05:55
I was initially going by the coarse data indications on the General tab of the AirData. HD data suggests that the aircraft struck an object and flew for a short time after that before full data loss.

HD data suggests that the aircraft struck an object and flew for a short time after that before full data loss.
Sorry to break this to you, but nothing like that happened.
The data shows his drone hovering there without any hint of a collision.
Want to try another wild guess?
I prefer to keep my interpretations to things that are actually shown in the data.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Chief Mole Posted at 12-14 05:37
Have you looked at the high detail flight log? In the high detail flight player it looks as though a stationary item (tree?) may have been struck.
At time 01:02.8, aircraft is moving at 19mph towards the right with right stick direction right.
At time 01:03.2, aircraft is moving at 13mph with right stick direction right but it appears that the aircraft is now moving right with some forward movement.

Suspect that the aircraft struck an object hard enough to change the orientation of the aircraft and caused enough damage to render the aircraft unable to fly.
He was 180 feet above flat ground so he's not going to hit any ground-based objects.
Collisions leave plenty of evidence in the flight data, particularly in the pitch, roll and yaw data.
There is nothing in the data that looks anything like a collision.
All the changes of direction correspond perfectly to his rudder inputs.

There's no mystery around the flight that we have data for.
The unknown is what happened after the data stopped.
The OP has been asked several times for more info but doesn't want to cooperate.

btw Airdata is next to useless if you want to analyse flight data.
Look at this for a start (and there's a lot more info than you see at first glance).

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Blériot53 Posted at 12-14 05:39
You need to take this one on the chin, mate.  Notwithstanding that you were flying in a built-up area, with high risk of signal interference, it appears your RTH height was set far too high.  Several highly experienced observers have already explained to you here on the forum, quite clearly, what went wrong. Ignoring their comments won't alter the facts.  You screwed up. DJI cannot be  expected to accept responsibility for your lack of judgement.  Suck it up and accept the fact that you made an expensive mistake.  One which I'm sure you won't repeat.  Fly Safe!

Several highly experienced observers have already explained to you here on the forum, quite clearly, what went wrong. Ignoring their comments won't alter the facts.  You screwed up.
The data doesn't show enough to say what happened or that he screwed up.
And I didn't notice several highly experienced data readers.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13933189 ft
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Nice to see lots of comments and guesses....
The only 'fault' the OP made was
1) not returning home after weak signal messages, but mayby understandable as the "OutOfControl" RTH function does work great always...
2) 140 height setting mayby not wise, for sure not wise if you do not know for 100% certain that the wind speed at 140 meters is < mini can handle.

This log is so easy to analyze, as there is nothing out of the ordinary in it....
Just at the end a full disconnect, this after 4 times a warning on the screen about weak sginals.
Sometimes it is better to return to home after such messages, and ofcourse 140 meters for a RTH can be troublesome.
Well in my country that is, almost never a day without (too much ) wind here!

Chart is the visualisation of this flight, no yaw changes and or pitch/roll changes to the end, this mini was happy hovering at 56 meters height.

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Flight distance : 165856 ft
Dominican Republic

That’s the point, by the time of warnings there’s no RC response.

Drone flyaway, i lost control of the device, no visual contact, no data, no connection and no RTH., Not windy, no warnings on the wind.. so my mistake was to fly a device on a “Ready to flight” message.

After a few seconds it just disappear from my eyes and no RC signal and the rest is history. When i said “crash” was because i assume the drone at some point loss battery power.

No data to aa annalysis so, at this point after a new post theres another question.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13933189 ft
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Duarys Posted at 12-14 08:15
That’s the point, by the time of warnings there’s no RC response.

Drone flyaway, i lost control of the device, no visual contact, no data, no connection and no RTH., Not windy, no warnings on the wind.. so my mistake was to fly a device on a “Ready to flight” message.

Hi Duarys,

Another question ? wich one?
Think all is said already by me and Labroides.

Wind data is in the DAT file (on your mob device as well), look for FLY056.DAT.
If you like cloud-link to that file on here, does not give the wind at 140 ofcourse....but mayby it will have other info wich is not in the txt file.

The RTH function on DJI drones never ever fail (if GPS and Compass = oke), so the only logical explantion is that your mini climbed to 140 meters and was drifted away from home because of the wind.

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Occams Razor
Second Officer
Flight distance : 639327 ft
United States

Bussty Posted at 12-14 02:44
Cheers for that, sounds like all I can do really.

The Mini doesn't have on board waypoints so if I lost connection it stops the mission. So it would fly back at RTH, but yes I agree not flying in windy conditions and taking manual control (if I could) would be best bets.

Great photos on your site.  We were in Queenstown last March right when the Pandemic was gaining traction.  I think we drove from Te Anau to Queenstown and then over to Glenorchy.  We also did a Shotover Jet Boat which was a blast.  Unfortunately we didn't have a lot of time for Drone flying but really enjoyed the amazing and diverse sights on the South Island.  You are fortunate to live in such a beautiful country.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 6713271 ft
United States

One point that you are ignoring is RTH- you had it set to 140 M according to what I could find for the DR "Overview: Drone rules in Dominican Republic
Maximum Altitude: 400 Foot (121,9 Meter) in uncontrolled airspace. Jun 22, 2020"

1) Your RTH setting caused you to fly above the legal limit.
2) the wind at that height could easily take your drone away ( the mini is not good in much wind!)
3) because you lost signal you could not bring the drone back, because the RTH was to high to allow you to regain signal/ control.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 359705 ft
New Zealand

videoeditman Posted at 12-14 12:06
 One point that you are ignoring is RTH- you had it set to 140 M according to what I could find for the DR "Overview: Drone rules in Dominican Republic
Maximum Altitude: 400 Foot (121,9 Meter) in uncontrolled airspace. Jun 22, 2020"

Just a point, sometimes you have to set a RTH higher than the legal height limit but it doesn't mean you necessarily are passing through the local AGL height at point you instigate RTH. Case in point flying up a hill where at point of RTH your drone has to climb over some additional obstacle e.g a tree or valley wall. I had this case recently and felt very nervous setting a 170m RTH but my drone would have only reached  30m above ground level at the highest point if it had to RTH. I guess in this case you can only hope once it starts coning home you then manually drop altitude so you meet local maximum AGL rules closer to home point. A bit of a conundrum!  
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First Officer
Flight distance : 359705 ft
New Zealand

Occams Razor Posted at 12-14 08:46
Great photos on your site.  We were in Queenstown last March right when the Pandemic was gaining traction.  I think we drove from Te Anau to Queenstown and then over to Glenorchy.  We also did a Shotover Jet Boat which was a blast.  Unfortunately we didn't have a lot of time for Drone flying but really enjoyed the amazing and diverse sights on the South Island.  You are fortunate to live in such a beautiful country.

Thank you so much! You would have seen some pretty awesome sights on that drive, did you get into Milford Sound? Another world in there.

Yes never take where I live for granted, very fortunate :-)
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Duarys Posted at 12-14 08:15
That’s the point, by the time of warnings there’s no RC response.

Drone flyaway, i lost control of the device, no visual contact, no data, no connection and no RTH., Not windy, no warnings on the wind.. so my mistake was to fly a device on a “Ready to flight” message.

No data to aa annalysis so, at this point after a new post theres another question.
It's hard to take you seriously.
If you really wanted help, you'd answer the questions I've asked you several times.
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Flight distance : 165856 ft
Dominican Republic

Labroides Posted at 12-13 15:44
Now received an email from DJI saying the record ended without any sign of abnormality wich is not true.
It is true.
Your flight data shows that you flew out 300 metres with the drone 56 metres up and the data stops at 1:10.1 with the Mini just hovering there.

Answering your questions..

I only see the drone going up and then “no connection”

What direction? I dont know.. it went up and disappears

You said you dont know if im serious about this.. Hope you guys help me out with these answers.

Thank you

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Flight distance : 1824862 ft
United States

How long did you wait around at the point of take-off after you lost the drone?  It would have taken several minutes to climb to 140m, fly back to the start point and then fly back down to land (assuming the wind was not too strong.)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

What was the local time there? The log file seems to show it was almost 6 pm. Is that right? If so, it must have been getting dark (at sunset In Santo Domingo) to be able to see the drone from that distance (900ft). Was the drone lit?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Duarys Posted at 12-14 15:53
Answering your questions..

I only see the drone going up and then “no connection”

You said you dont know if im serious about this.. Hope you guys help me out with these answers.
How do you imagine any on can help you?
You lost sight of your drone as it because to RTH after losing signal.
You have no information to indicate that it "flew away".
There is no data to show what happened after it lost signal.
You've had all the help that's possible with so little data to work with.
There are no more answers.

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Flight distance : 165856 ft
Dominican Republic

Grumbleduke Posted at 12-14 18:19
How long did you wait around at the point of take-off after you lost the drone?  It would have taken several minutes to climb to 140m, fly back to the start point and then fly back down to land (assuming the wind was not too strong.)

around 30-35 minutes. RTH never works
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 6713271 ft
United States

RTH did work, and there in is your problem.
Because you went out of signal range the Mini does an automatic RTH.
RTH first goes to the height set, then attempts to go back to the home location (via direct straight line).
But because you set the RTH at such a great altitude (UP) 140 Meters, then the wind most likely took it (AWAY) as you said.
So there is no fault of DJI, or the drone itself, the loss was caused because of the RTH that you set so that the drone can not overcome the wind.
Sorry for your loss!
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