Mohd Nor Azmil
I'm not to sure if it is the gimbal firmware issue or something. When I got mine out of the box, I was able to charge it... and I believe even during usage since I was setting up the raveneye during that time. After upgrading firmware etc for both raveneye and gimbal, seems to not work anymore. Haven't tried it if I turn off the raveneye if it charges or not on the gimbal. I can charge raveneye from my computer USB even if it was on.
I did also have issue with Raveneye not updating it's firmware since for some unknown reason, 1.02 was considered downgrade. Got it fix today and charging via my usb first. Will try to see if my gimbal charge it after.
So, not sure at the moment. I let you know if I have time to test it again after this.
Ok, I think this is definitely some bug not sure if can be fix via firmware or gimbal issue. Here I test it.
1) I powered on the gimbal + raveneye still off = Light blinking, not the usual type of charing light I see from 1 to 3 light when charging but just the missing light being charge, in my case, the final light just blinking (since I already charge my RE via USB).
2) I then powered up my RE = Still working. Good news, light blinking. However, using the DJI RE apps, I do not see the "charging symbol". If I use my computer to charge via USB, I connect my RE to my dji app, I can see the charging symbol. I believe that it just drains slower since it is being used and the gimbal supplement that power. I did see it still drains.. or maybe it's actually showing my gimbal power during that time. Not sure.
Now, here is the interesting part.
3) I turned of the RE by long pressing it + Gimbal still powered. = No more blinking lights. Seems that when you manually turn the RE off, there is some issues with the gimbal restarting the charging/blinking
4) I turned back the RE = Still no blinky.
Now, another interesting thing happens,
5) Pull the RE connection to the bottom port out of the gimbal and reinsert it back OR power-off the gimbal and power-on back, this will now restore the blinkies/charging. Turn the RE on, it was still blinking.
So, to be honest, I think it is more of the gimbal issue. Not sure if DJI can fix this via firmware or just something wrong with the gimbal itself.
Hope this helps.