Happy Christmas (Not) to all those Grinches at the CAA
2015 39 2020-12-20
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United Kingdom

I thought some of you in the UK might like to wish all the miserable Grinches at the CAA a Happy Chirstmas for delivering us at these very difficult times a kick in the nutts and now having to register our little Drone (mini 2 and mini) because it has an HD Camera on.

May their little luddite cups flow over with green gunge and may they continue to try and steal peoples fun.

I thought those in government were supposed to support and try and spread Joy during these difficult times. Sad little men in grey suits getting paid from our tax money to make our lives less fun........ Well shame on them I say..... I hope they all choke on their green sprouts

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Flight distance : 290174 ft
United Kingdom

I found registering as an operator and flyer was painless and quick and can understand the need due to the ability of these drones. I'd take a wild guess they're doing it to keep the skys safe and not to ruin xmas ;)
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New Zealand

Nice Christmas for them but registration is unavoidable
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I registered a year ago ago it is not about the process you seem to be missing the point of my post.

And if anyone thinks a 245g drone can cause any damage to any full size aircraft they are naive in the extreme.
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United Kingdom

Arpettaz Posted at 12-20 09:33
Stop moaning and just get on with it. It’s easy and straightforward. Or alternatively you could just sell your drone

Well if you had over 250 RC aircraft to stick little stickers in with a number on that changes each year you would think differently......
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Flight distance : 620164 ft
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United Kingdom

martinbanshee Posted at 12-20 09:28
I found registering as an operator and flyer was painless and quick and can understand the need due to the ability of these drones. I'd take a wild guess they're doing it to keep the skys safe and not to ruin xmas ;)

Perhaps you would explain to me how this process keeps the skys safe. Particularly as it is all about the camera..... Do try and engage your grey matter before you post.
Also perhaps you could try thinking for yourself rather than just believe what Big Brother tells you to believe
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 262749 ft

Well, my country should bring the united EU regulations since 1.1.2021, what made me buy a new mini 2 due to weight restrictions. And, at the end of the year, we are only EU country which is not prepared to provide registrations for drone users (Slovakia). So now we still have "somewhat modified" old rules, who knows for how long. I still hope for some clearing in these rules. But I get it, there were more important problems due to virus.

On the other hand, thanks to these regulations, the Mini 2 is on market, which is a spectacular drone in my opinion, and I am really happy that I own one, and can fly it, even till the end of the year, afterwards it will need to stay on the ground for some time.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2068550 ft
United Kingdom

Your £9 buys you nothing, you get nothing other than the ability for the Police to come knock on your door should there be another imaginary Gatwick drone incident.  It’s a tax nothing less until they find another way to suppress the hobby.
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Flight distance : 1479705 ft
United Kingdom

They have to get there payrise from somewhere!!

Been flying helis, planes and drones for over 10 years without endangering the sky?   Only the peeps who will still break the law and rules and "common sense!" cause this.
MERRY Christmas
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The Saint
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Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

registration = confiscation

nothing more, nothing less
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

Interesting viewpoints. I registered myself 10 months ago so that all my drones are covered (5 total). Haven't had even one call from the FBI or FAA yet. Maybe my phone is not working ;-)
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Flight distance : 290174 ft
United Kingdom

Bigplumbs Posted at 12-20 09:47
Perhaps you would explain to me how this process keeps the skys safe. Particularly as it is all about the camera..... Do try and engage your grey matter before you post.
Also perhaps you could try thinking for yourself rather than just believe what Big Brother tells you to believe

Ha, you're obviously trolling, jog on mate.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

The Saint Posted at 12-20 14:42
registration = confiscation

nothing more, nothing less

If you say so. I registered to vote and did so. I am not confiscated. I registered with Social Security in 1960 at the age of 12, and I registered to drive many decades ago, not confiscated and my SS payments have been coming for many years. My cars and boats are all registered, no confiscations there. I registered to be married in 2008, Wife is still here.
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

GaryDoug Posted at 12-20 15:02
If you say so. I registered to vote and did so. I am not confiscated. I registered with Social Security in 1960 at the age of 12, and I registered to drive many decades ago, not confiscated and my SS payments have been coming for many years. My cars and boats are all registered, no confiscations there. I registered to be married in 2008, Wife is still here.

ask the gun owners in new zealand.  if every drone must be registered in a government database and it's a true database meaning the information cannot be manipulated then that database will be used to confiscate your drone without due process.  if the government decides on january 1st that private ownership is illegal, every drone owner in the database will receive a letter or a call from the government with 2 demands:  turn in the drone with the serial number next to your name or be arrested or locked up unless you prove where it is.  this is effective because all pilots and their aircraft are registered else they are illegal.  so i guess the proper phrase is:  mandatory registration = government confiscation.
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Flight distance : 465062 ft
United States

The Saint Posted at 12-20 17:18
ask the gun owners in new zealand.  if every drone must be registered in a government database and it's a true database meaning the information cannot be manipulated then that database will be used to confiscate your drone without due process.  if the government decides on january 1st that private ownership is illegal, every drone owner in the database will receive a letter or a call from the government with 2 demands:  turn in the drone with the serial number next to your name or be arrested or locked up unless you prove where it is.  this is effective because all pilots and their aircraft are registered else they are illegal.  so i guess the proper phrase is:  mandatory registration = government confiscation.

Sorry dude, but you're not going to scare people in other countries with the usual "they're going to take my guns!" rhetoric. That only works with gun nuts in the States.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

I own a gun and registered it in 1980 when I bought it. If the government wants it, so be it; I will gladly give it up. I can use the storage space anyway since I very rarely even touch it. Maybe it's because I worked for the government/military for several years and swore to defend our country, from threats external and INTERNAL.
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

DGCA3 Posted at 12-20 18:32
Sorry dude, but you're not going to scare people in other countries with the usual "they're going to take my guns!" rhetoric. That only works with gun nuts in the States.

not trying to scare anyone but only stating the facts as i see them.  just letting you know why i oppose government registration but i know there are plenty of people who are ok with it.  i  understand why and i would hope others would understand why i am not ok with it.  this is never going to happen in the usa so i don't worry too much.  as long as flying a drone is a recreational hobby, it's not vastly different than other hobbies.  the government doesn't force photographers to register their cameras or cross country buffs to register their skis or scuba divers to register their tanks or bowlers to register their balls in order to play and have fun.  there are a millions kids with drones and fpvs and as long as we are free country, most people (most not all) won't stand for it.  bikes and trikes are not registered and never will be.  however, i don't understand people in other countries don't have a lot of choices.  go with what you are used to.
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

GaryDoug Posted at 12-20 19:03
I own a gun and registered it in 1980 when I bought it. If the government wants it, so be it; I will gladly give it up. I can use the storage space anyway since I very rarely even touch it. Maybe it's because I worked for the government/military for several years and swore to defend our country, from threats external and INTERNAL.

if you truly registered your gun, that's fine.  hopefully you were not forced to.  were you told to register it or go to jail or turn it over (confiscation)?  it's not true registration if there are other options.  my state does not force it's residents to register their guns.  most states do not and i believe a lot of citizens believe they are registered when they really are not.  for example filling out the form to get a background check to purchase a gun is not real gun registration in most cases.  most of the guns in this country are not registered and i'm ok with that.  if some of the drones are registered and most are not, i'm ok with that.  for example, commercial piloting should be forced registration.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

The Saint Posted at 12-20 19:50
if you truly registered your gun, that's fine.  hopefully you were not forced to.  were you told to register it or go to jail or turn it over (confiscation)?  it's not true registration if there are other options.  my state does not force it's residents to register their guns.  most states do not and i believe a lot of citizens believe they are registered when they really are not.  for example filling out the form to get a background check to purchase a gun is not real gun registration in most cases.  most of the guns in this country are not registered and i'm ok with that.  if some of the drones are registered and most are not, i'm ok with that.  for example, commercial piloting should be forced registration.

In 1980, before the current fake paranoia, it was just common practice to register the gun so I did it. Also that was before Fox News, back when people were real Americans.
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Flight distance : 465062 ft
United States

The Saint Posted at 12-20 19:44
not trying to scare anyone but only stating the facts as i see them.  just letting you know why i oppose government registration but i know there are plenty of people who are ok with it.  i  understand why and i would hope others would understand why i am not ok with it.  this is never going to happen in the usa so i don't worry too much.  as long as flying a drone is a recreational hobby, it's not vastly different than other hobbies.  the government doesn't force photographers to register their cameras or cross country buffs to register their skis or scuba divers to register their tanks or bowlers to register their balls in order to play and have fun.  there are a millions kids with drones and fpvs and as long as we are free country, most people (most not all) won't stand for it.  bikes and trikes are not registered and never will be.  however, i don't understand people in other countries don't have a lot of choices.  go with what you are used to.

"The government doesn't force photographers to register their cameras or cross country buffs to register their skis or scuba divers to register their tanks or bowlers to register their balls in order to play and have fun"

NONE of those things are being used IN THE AIR ABOVE US. You might want to work on your analogies.
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

GaryDoug Posted at 12-20 19:57
In 1980, before the current fake paranoia, it was just common practice to register the gun so I did it. Also that was before Fox News, back when people were real Americans.

ok sure, that's fine.  i like common practice.  nobody gets raided or go to jail or faces heavy fines over a common practice.  would love it if registering your drone today is a "common practice."  not trying to start a political war, i'm not really into that.  i understand flying a drone is not a right so as hobbyists we can only do the best we can without bending over completely.  it would really really suck if drone ownership in america required strict government registration, do you agree or disagree?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

" it would really really suck if drone ownership in america required strict government registration, do you agree or disagree?"

I agree, but I would not have a problem with it. I don't need a law to prevent me from driving drunk, but I am all for it.
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

DGCA3 Posted at 12-20 20:03
"The government doesn't force photographers to register their cameras or cross country buffs to register their skis or scuba divers to register their tanks or bowlers to register their balls in order to play and have fun"

NONE of those things are being used IN THE AIR ABOVE US. You might want to work on your analogies.

so as long as i keep my hobby on the ground, i'm ok.  is that the criteria?  or does the government control some things on the ground as well?  they do.

those hot air balloons we see floating around, are those balloons registered?
elementary school kids flying kites in the school yard, are those registered?

if i open a pigeon business and i have a handful of birds that fly from one park to another, are the birds registered?

look, i don't mind requiring a license for some things.  as long as it's not onerous.  i'm ok with training and public safety and testing operators; inspections, etc.  i simply don't believe the government should control everything and again i don't disagree with some rules and regulations; i just think mandatory registration PLUS steep ridiculous fines and sanctions are excessive and unconstitutional for my country for a hobby even if that hobby takes place 50 feet off the ground.  i understand it is totally acceptable and expected in other places but in america, there's really only one reason for that and it's to facilitate confiscation when the time comes (exactly why baseballs are NOT registered as they fly thru the air).

i'm not super happy about the recreational rules currently in place but rules are rules and drone flying is not a right, so we deal with it.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 620164 ft
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United Kingdom

martinbanshee Posted at 12-20 14:59
Ha, you're obviously trolling, jog on mate.

So not able to answer the question then.

Perhaps Full size aircraft should leave the skys and let us fly our drones in peace. I dont know of a single instance where a hobby drone has hurt anyone.... Not true of full size aircraft......

Full size destroy the environment, Spread Disease and get in the way of my drone.... Always 2 sides to any arguement
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First Officer
Flight distance : 620164 ft
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United Kingdom

DGCA3 Posted at 12-20 20:03
"The government doesn't force photographers to register their cameras or cross country buffs to register their skis or scuba divers to register their tanks or bowlers to register their balls in order to play and have fun"

NONE of those things are being used IN THE AIR ABOVE US. You might want to work on your analogies.

You can fly certain manned aircraft with no form of training or registration at all.... What about that one.

How many people do you know or have heard of who has been hurt by a hobby drone... None I bet.

And as for a 248 g one what damage could that do..... Keep it real
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Flight distance : 465062 ft
United States

The Saint Posted at 12-20 20:44
so as long as i keep my hobby on the ground, i'm ok.  is that the criteria?  or does the government control some things on the ground as well?  they do.

those hot air balloons we see floating around, are those balloons registered?

Hot air balloons are fully registered aircraft by the FAA and are subject to regular airworthiness checks by authorized personnel. Again, BECAUSE THEY ARE FLYING OVER US and because they CARRY PEOPLE ON BOARD. You REALLY wondered if those were registered?? Wow.

You're continuing to lose the argument. Quit now.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 620164 ft
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United Kingdom

DGCA3 Posted at 12-20 22:58
Hot air balloons are fully registered aircraft by the FAA and are subject to regular airworthiness checks by authorized personnel. Again, BECAUSE THEY ARE FLYING OVER US and because they carry people. Damn, are you really that ignorant??

Now enough with the long paragraph diatribes. You lost the argument.

Just saying a person lost the argument does not of course make it so
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United Kingdom

To be fair this has been known for some time and was postponed a couple of times due to covid.
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United States

Wow, this thread has everything - conspiracy theorists, lemmings, guns, kites, hot air balloons, pigeons?

What the hell was this thread about, oh yeah, registering a drone if it has a camera?
If that’s the case and everything being equal and you only have to register if it has a camera then yes, it is a dumb law.
Seems to be all about the camera and not the drone or am I mistaken and this thread is really about Fox News?
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

DGCA3 Posted at 12-20 22:58
Hot air balloons are fully registered aircraft by the FAA and are subject to regular airworthiness checks by authorized personnel. Again, BECAUSE THEY ARE FLYING OVER US and because they CARRY PEOPLE ON BOARD. You REALLY wondered if those were registered?? Wow.

You're continuing to lose the argument. Quit now.

maybe hot air balloon was not the right choice but i find it interesting that you think because if flies in the air over us is good enough for complete government control.  this not an argument but a discussion about registration and you're being disingenuous when you know not all aircraft are "registered" and you seem to think the drone is the only aircraft in the air that flies about us that is getting away without proper registration and that needs to be fixed.  i find it interesting that you are working against the drone recreational community and declaring recreational drone pilots are losing and the faa is winning the "argument."  who's side are you on?  can you find ANY reason why not all consumer recreational drones need to get registered with the faa?  drones don't carry people but you do think all drones must be registered with the faa because they fly about us?
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Flight distance : 465062 ft
United States

The Saint Posted at 12-21 09:20
maybe hot air balloon was not the right choice but i find it interesting that you think because if flies in the air over us is good enough for complete government control.  this not an argument but a discussion about registration and you're being disingenuous when you know not all aircraft are "registered" and you seem to think the drone is the only aircraft in the air that flies about us that is getting away without proper registration and that needs to be fixed.  i find it interesting that you are working against the drone recreational community and declaring recreational drone pilots are losing and the faa is winning the "argument."  who's side are you on?  can you find ANY reason why not all consumer recreational drones need to get registered with the faa?  drones don't carry people but you do think all drones must be registered with the faa because they fly about us?

I'm done wasting my time with you. No one is ever going to get through that thick head of yours.
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

DGCA3 Posted at 12-21 14:28
I'm done wasting my time with you. No one is ever going to get through that thick head of yours.

that's fine, you're welcome to dip in and out of the conversation at your convenience.  interesting that you choose to drop out when confronted with the tough questions but that's to be expected.  this isn't an easy task and choosing sides is difficult especially when you disagree with some of the people that are supposed on your same side.  these are tough times and not everyone can cope, i get that.

i'll take the opportunity and have the last word; leave you with this:  mandatory registration of all drones is never going to happen in america.  we won't allow it.  it is but a dream.  saying because it has camera is a slippery slope and we all know that is code for total registration which ultimately means confiscation.

i won't resort to name calling as you have done but all i can say is please get on the team and don't be so quick to bend a knee to your government in the name of safety.  after all, we are supposed to be telling the government what to do, not the other way around.  should have learned that lesson over the past 4 years no matter which country you are from.  peace!
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Flight distance : 266 ft

Totally agree with The Saint.
Remember:  who sacrifices his freedom for security, deserves neither!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 620164 ft
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United Kingdom

Lisa3 Posted at 12-21 05:38
Wow, this thread has everything - conspiracy theorists, lemmings, guns, kites, hot air balloons, pigeons?

What the hell was this thread about, oh yeah, registering a drone if it has a camera?

Well yes it is a stupid law. I am the one who started the thread and if you look at the first post it is a request for people in the UK to comment on the CAA.

In the UK we dont generally have guns like the US and I have never seen and don't intend to ever watch Fox News... Why would I
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First Officer
Flight distance : 620164 ft
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United Kingdom

DGCA3 Posted at 12-21 14:28
I'm done wasting my time with you. No one is ever going to get through that thick head of yours.

The saint makes a very good point. I feel it is your head (Thick, thin or otherwise) that cannot understand his valid points.

Perhaps it is you who has now lost the argument.

On a side note this thread was started about the CAA and not the FAA
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First Officer
Flight distance : 620164 ft
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United Kingdom

The Saint Posted at 12-21 15:00
that's fine, you're welcome to dip in and out of the conversation at your convenience.  interesting that you choose to drop out when confronted with the tough questions but that's to be expected.  this isn't an easy task and choosing sides is difficult especially when you disagree with some of the people that are supposed on your same side.  these are tough times and not everyone can cope, i get that.

i'll take the opportunity and have the last word; leave you with this:  mandatory registration of all drones is never going to happen in america.  we won't allow it.  it is but a dream.  saying because it has camera is a slippery slope and we all know that is code for total registration which ultimately means confiscation.

Very well put.
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United States

Bigplumbs Posted at 12-21 22:16
Well yes it is a stupid law. I am the one who started the thread and if you look at the first post it is a request for people in the UK to comment on the CAA.

In the UK we dont generally have guns like the US and I have never seen and don't intend to ever watch Fox News... Why would I

Yes, I know you are the OP and no you didn't exactly request a call to arms against a law you feel is stupid.
It was a snarky post wishing they choke on something.
If you want change then get a group of like minded people together, start a petition and move on.

Don't care about Fox News, that sailed over your head.
Don't care about your gun laws, my comment was about the lemming who would bow to the government and hand his over while in the same breath defend his country from threats foreign and domestic. I picture him on his knees.

On the topic of laws does anyone think DUI laws prevent drunk driving, yep it was mentioned in this thread? I'll help you answer, no they don't, people still drive drunk.

Now that I've joined the ranks of what I detest, people posting their political views when it has nothing to do with the original topic, it's time for me to step away.

Remember to aim your antenna at the drone, calibrate your compass often, fly safe always.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 620164 ft
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United Kingdom

Lisa3 Posted at 12-22 05:36
Yes, I know you are the OP and no you didn't exactly request a call to arms against a law you feel is stupid.
It was a snarky post wishing they choke on something.
If you want change then get a group of like minded people together, start a petition and move on.

I am afraid you are talking like a typical American with little knowledge of the outside world.

Very soon I expect you to stand up shout Kick Arse and Way to go America.

By the way that bloke with the terrible Hair Cut lost the election but he don't seem to know that
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United States

Bigplumbs Posted at 12-22 08:25
I am afraid you are talking like a typical American with little knowledge of the outside world.

Very soon I expect you to stand up shout Kick Arse and Way to go America.

You seem to know a lot about me and Americans.
Unfortunately I can’t stand up but f I could I wouldn’t be using words like kick arse.
No interest in the bloke with the funny haircut, just a child.
Anything else?
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Flight distance : 290174 ft
United Kingdom

Well, if we skip past the disagreements we all know drones will get more capable, more popular and without doubt abused by more people and if it gets out of hand tougher restrictions will soon follow.
Obviously we can't all do what we want whenever we want, a civilised world doesn't work that way so the more people that refuse to register and keep flying the worse it'll get. The CAA/FAA are just getting in early to make sure things don't go pear-shaped and if there's no dangerous UAVs they'll let us fly, they just want to keep a close eye on it.

Have a good xmas folks, it's honestly not a big deal.
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