United States
Hey guys I just put a new naza lite with gps in my flamewheel and im having a problem with it rocking side to side. It takes off fine but if i just let it hover it will be perfectly level then for no reason just start to rock side to side slowly getting worse and worse untill the point where it almost flips. It also does it much worse every time im descending, ascending is the only time its stable so when im trying to land im basically letting it rock back and forth untill it almost flips then giving it throttle to level it some then try to land again.
Im running
turnigy plush 30amp escs
MT2213-935KV MultiStar Motors with 10-4.5 props
the 2200mah 11.1v 20c three cell that came with my phantom 1
turnigy 9x transmitter and recever
I had a kk2.1.5 on before this and it flew fine so im trying to figure out what is wrong with the settings to make it do this.