Flight distance : 3144075 ft
MattCaz Posted at 12-28 07:33
I bought the SC 2 weeks ago.. you can sideload Fly 1.2.2 and if you install the android SDK, from what I've read it installs the 32 bit version for the 32bit SC. People in the other threads have had no issues at all running 1.2.2 on the SC.
I just sideloaded it on mine and we'll see how it behaves. Just went to Lightning browser, to dji.com/mobile/downloads and selected the dji fly apk. downloaded, went to file mgr and installed. ran app, sync'd to MA2. charging batteries now to test it out.
There must be some reason not to release an official SC-version of 1.2.2. I’ll use the stock controller and my iPhone until it’s released. I just wish DJI would prioritize their own hardware little higher, even more now when they released a MA2 package including the SC. |