Flight distance : 56598 ft
United States
djiuser_3iPqH6gdgSvc Posted at 11-8 11:54
Now, after the latest Android update to my Pixel 4, The app crashes when the logo appears on the screen. I've did all the troubleshooting and such. Just like the last Android update, until they catch up with the fix I'm screwed.
To gather more data on the issue it might help to put the smart device into "airplane mode". That could eliminate any other communications conflicts that background apps could be having on the device. If it doesn't resolve the issue, at least the extra data point can be passed on the the DJI folks, if it does resolve the issue, then perhaps you might need to look at which apps might be running in the background that require mobile data service continuously. Operation of these background apps and the DJI fly app my be fighting for the same resources on the device? Good luck! |