Mats Bohlinsson
 Second Officer
Flight distance : 2100607 ft
h8id Posted at 3-27 13:11
I think you could be closer than you are assuming... the video and range issues sounds an awful lot like: "If an application is not activated, the aircraft not bound (if required), or a legacy version of the SDK (< 4.1) is being used, all camera live streams will be disabled, and flight will be limited to a zone of 100m diameter and 30m height to ensure the aircraft stays within line of sight.". any of those conditions? This is only supposed to apply if you are in China, but maybe the droneID that is being used has some regional component identifying it as Chinese. Is there some way you can share your work?
I actually got it to work today. I mocked the drone type to a mavic air2 and it works!! Even with video feed and telemetry.
But this was with heavy function hooking, I don't know how to get that into an app though:-/
Anyway this shows it's possible! Just matter of time to someone gets it to work.