Just a warning to all thsoe that want to beta test the new FreeSkies CoPilot app...
DJI Phantom 3 Professional ("P3P") Firmware
All beta testers must have the latest SDK FIRMWARE (released 6/24/15) installedon their P3P. Due to an issue with the latest public firmware (v1.2.6 released6/15/15), all P3P's running this firmware will be incompatible with theCopilot. Furthermore, due to an issue with this release, all users who haveinstalled this firmware v1.2.6 onto their P3P are unable to downgrade to theSDK firmware. The consequences of this are that until an updated version of thefirmware has been released by DJI and tested by our team, P3Ps running firmwarev1.2.6 can not be used with the Copilot. To avoid this issue, we ask the allprospective beta testers refrain from updating their P3P's firmware to v1.2.6,provided that they have not done so already. This is a problem we hope to seesolved soon, as we have seen that DJI already has another firmware update inpublic beta testing.