Flight distance : 9998369 ft
Flight Altitude restricted. Log in or go real-name autentication.
This message pops up. I am logged in so that should not be a problem.
Where do i get a real-name autentication?
I got this message yesterday when i tried fly. Went back home, tried to unlock a place (serveral miles away) and that seem to work. I got a sms code on my phone after entering my phone number, in some kind of verification process. There is no restrictions where i need to fly!
Went out again on loaction today, downloaded the license i unlocked (the drone then is connected to the internet) and tried taking of and fly more than 30 meters up/or 50 meters out, and the same message came back, the flight altitude restricted.
Landed my drone, and tried again, and this time it worked. Battery got low, landed, swapped batteries and was ready to finish my work, and then this message came back!
This drone is now useless for me. I dont know when i can fly or not.