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DJI Care Refresh 1-Year Plan FPV Drone
862 9 2021-3-22
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Flight distance : 345860 ft


I have some questions about the Care refresh plan:

1. If break a arm on the drone. How much does it cost extra to fixing it when I send it in? Some people say is cost 250 dollars extra over the 199 dollars/year.

2. If don't have the dji care plan. How much does one drone arm cost to fix it?

3. If I don't get the dji care plan and buy a new one. Sell the old battery and the gimbal camera from the crashed one. And maybe some motors and stuffs. I think that's a better deal. Do Dji stuff gets angry?

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Alex Zhang
Flight distance : 917848 ft

I had a similar question, but I still bought care refresh. (Could not get a refund unless I return my entire order back)
Even if you do not sell the parts of the crashed drone, you still can get an additional battery(159USD) and a brand new drone(instead of refurbished) for 280USD more without a care refresh plan for your first crash.
And assume it is seriously damaged and you can find the crashed drone(if it is a flyaway, you can not claim the replacement).
Additionally, you would pay the same amount for repair whether you have care refresh or not if your damage is little and do not want to go with a replacement.

From my point of view, you can only get some benefit with care refresh if you crash your drone twice (serious crash and you can find the drone), which is not normal in real life.

I thought I could get my FPV drone repair for free if I have care refresh, I should do more research before purchase care refresh.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 27904331 ft
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Alex Zhang Posted at 3-22 07:24
I had a similar question, but I still bought care refresh. (Could not get a refund unless I return my entire order back)
Even if you do not sell the parts of the crashed drone, you still can get an additional battery(159USD) and a brand new drone(instead of refurbished) for 280USD more without a care refresh plan for your first crash.
And assume it is seriously damaged and you can find the crashed drone(if it is a flyaway, you can not claim the replacement).

Exactly. Correctly. Sorry...

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Flight distance : 345860 ft

frankymusik Posted at 3-22 08:48
Exactly. Correctly. Sorry...

What exactly?
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Flight distance : 345860 ft

Do any one have good answers for my questions? I’m going to order one soon! I’m a little bit stressed
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4698707 ft
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United Kingdom

EWmedia Posted at 3-22 22:58
Do any one have good answers for my questions? I’m going to order one soon! I’m a little bit stressed

If you buy refresh then make two claims, that will cost you the cost of a replacement drone! The difference being you effectively pay in instalments rather than outright.

The guys at DJI obviously expect that there will be two write offs during this first year.

If you do crash and break something and send it to DJI they will asses the damage and give you a price to repair, you then get a choice to repair or use one of your lives and then pay the refresh charge.

If you don’t have refresh then you have a choice of pay for a repair or just write it off and buy a drone only.

In the UK some dealers are selling the aircraft only with no battery for £499.00 which is good value. It’s comes with next day delivery too so you don’t even have to wait long!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4698707 ft
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United Kingdom

DJI won’t give you a repair cost without the aircraft, there is  no what if pricing!
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Flight distance : 345860 ft

Buzzyone Posted at 3-23 02:38
If you buy refresh then make two claims, that will cost you the cost of a replacement drone! The difference being you effectively pay in instalments rather than outright.

The guys at DJI obviously expect that there will be two write offs during this first year.
Thank you, I’m going skip the dji care refresh. I will buy a new drone if I crash. Have you buy the dji care?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 27904331 ft
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EWmedia Posted at 3-22 11:40
What exactly?

... what Alex wrote!      
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Second Officer
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United States

Care Refresh doesn't really make financial sense. The best option is to simply not crash it, . But the better option if you do is to buy another one outright and keep the crashed one for parts. Depending on how bad the crash is, it makes a lot more sense to have a good aircraft plus a stock of, say, 75% of spare parts as backups. If you broke only one arm, you have a 75% chance of having a good spare the next time you break an arm on the new one. And similarly for other parts, especially the ones you can't get from DJI.
And if the battery survives, you're already ahead $160 for an extra battery.

The risk, of course, is breaking the same part again on the new one. So it's kind of a gamble. But to me that makes more sense in the long run than Care Refresh - those premiums and deductibles are just too high over the long term.
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