United States
I think my very first post here was "how accurate is their shipping estimate?" At that time I was still unhip to DJI's reputation and how they do business. I still thought there was a chance I could receive my P3P sooner, but I was wrong. Now don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem with waiting and being patient. If DJI would have listed 30 business days I still wouldn't have mind waiting. A lot of people will respond to this like "cancel your order and go here or to this other place" but like a lot of other people on here once you have put a month of your time waiting and have already given them your money you don't want to have to start all over again, wait for your refund, place your order with another company and hope they ship you their stock within a week or so. Especially not when you have DJI dangling a carrot saying it "may" ship out at the end of this week. So the reason I am posting this is not so much to bitch but just to let anyone who might be thinking about buying direct know that DJI's estimate shipping times are a complete lie. They were a lie when I bought mine, they were a lie when people the week before bought theirs and they will be a lie if you buy yours today. If you try and call the U.S. Office there is no sales dept to speak to, they just direct you to email or chat online. When you do email or chat online they all say the same thing pretty much word for word. They love to say "Sorry" it "May" ship out by the end of the week. Please be patient and wait till then. By the way for US people when you chat with them (Chinese, that's all you get even though the U.S. Dept phone recording makes it sound like you can reach them through chat) during our normal day hours it is night time there so they say sorry but it is night here all I can do is pass it along which we all know is BS. Again I want to end with I am fine waiting, just don't lie to me. |