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Dji Pocket 2 limitation of features user be aware before buying
17106 22 2021-4-5
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Second Officer

Most new users like me learn about various limitations of Pocket 2 camera mostly after purchasing which is kind of frustating experience. I love what I can do with small gimbal camera but remembering all its limitations is quite difficult hence starting this thread post I want to compile all such limitations which I have come accross.
Experienced users may add on their experience & list out the limitations which I will add on to the list. Once we have fairly long list I plan to make an excel sheet with color coding for easy access on mobile phones so while filming user can look at it & know the limitations in the feild. Will also compile possible solutions whereever possible.

This list is based on feature limitation of Firmwere V01.03.00.10 realesed on (01/28/2021)
  • Date: 2021.01.28
  • Firmware: V01.03.00.10
  • DJI Mimo App iOS: V1.5.11
  • DJI Mimo App Android: V1.5.18

    1. HDR video is limited max upto 2.7K @30fps (No 4K HDR) & it zooms the video by approx 1.8X of the focal length (if you have creater combo use wide angle lens & correct distortion in post)

    2. Active tracking not availabe on 4K 60fps (lower your frame rate lesser than 50 fps if you want active tracking to work)
    Note: Active track works best upto 1080P 60fps as you increase resolution to 2k 4k active track behaves very jittery.
    See this video test for tracking problem
    3. Motion tracking only allows 2 way points on camera (use mimo app which offers 4 waypoints to start the motionlapse then unplug or disable wifi & motionlapse will continue shooting thus saving battery power)

    Timelapse and Motionlapse are only available at 1080p where as Hyperlapses can be 4K (use hyperlapse at 2x 5x 10x 15x 30x if you need 4k timelapse & let the camera be still as you do in timelapse mode) Other option is to enable pro mode then you can save dng or jpeg still images & manually process & convert to timelapse.
    NOTE, Body of the gimbal must be completely straight and upright while shooting timelpase else it will fail to shoot, you cannot tilt up or down for shooting timelapse.

    D-Cinelike is not available at 4K 48/50/60fps if the wifi module is attached (remove the wifi module & then you can film with D-Cine 4k 48/50/60fps)
    D-Cinelike is limited to 1600 ISOonly, (Switch to Normal Color mode to enable 3200 & 6400 ISO settings)

    High Quality mode cannot be activated at 4K 48/50/60fps (switch to 30fps if you intend to use best quality mode)
    NOTE, High quality mode ideally should be used only in low light/high ISO setting as it makes video look soft due to noise reduction & some users have reported that 4K video also cause exposure pulsing as mentioned this post & another one in this post

    7. 100Mb/s bitrate is not available on all shooting modes, basically the camera is set to use variable bit rate only not constant bit rate. (No solution to this problem as of now)

    DJI Pocket 2 Video Bitrate: Video Birates listed are max possible in reality it uses variable bitrates so it will be lower in most cases.
    1080p @ 24/25/30 fps: 30Mbps
    1080p @ 48/50/60 fps: 60Mbps
    1080p @ 120 fps: 80Mbps is max listed bitrate however (quality is worse since exif shows Bit rate of 20Mbps)
    1080p @ 240 fps: 100Mbps is max listed bitrate however (quality is worse since exif shows Bit rate of 12.5Mbps)
    2.7K @ 24/25/30 fps: 50Mbps
    2.7K @ 48/50/60 fps: 80Mbps
    4K @ 24/25/30 fps: 80Mbps
    4K @ 48/50/60 fps: 100Mbps

    8. Mimo app has certain extra features which are not available on camera but at the same time camera has certain features which mimo app doesnt have, one such feature is speed control of panning or zooming (best is to use camera controls till the time mimo app is updated to add these 2 features)
    Full gimbal lock mode is only availble on camera & not avaialble on mimo app.

    9. Not all mobiles & tablets are compitable with Dji pocket 2 so it wont work, wont even activate
    (better check these thread before you buy the pocket 2 camera)
    compatible and non-compatible mobile phones
    list of compitable tablets

    10. Slow motion of 4x 120fps and 8x 240 fps limited to only 1080p not more. (Shoot at 50/60FPS & slow it down by 2x in post)
    Slow motion reduces the bit rate very very low (12-20Mbps) thus reducing the quality, video appears as if its out of focus.
    Slow motion by default is set for NTSC not PAL standard so its set to 120fps in 4x mode & 240fps in 8x mode which PAL users cant shoot in room interior lighting as they will need to shoot on 100fps (50Hz) thus interior lighting causes flicker if you are based in PAL countries. while shooting in camera slow motion.

    11. Heating issue, pocket 2 heats up more with wifi (do it all handle) connected & shuts down giving warning of overheat mostly within 20 mins (compose you scene & make settings via wifi then remove the do it all handle & continue shooting with main camera unit)
    Specs say Operating Temperature  is 0° to 40° C (32° to 104° F)
    In summers where I live my ambient tempurature touches over 47°C  & wondering how the camera will behave?

    12. Battery is not replacable & have read that it offers approx 800-1000 charge cycles which means the camera will be a dead unit in next 2-3 years time, I wish & hope Dji makes some arrangement to offer battery replacements.

    I hope this list is further expanded by more experienced users who have been using Pocket 2 for longer than me.
    Plesae add more limitation you are aware of & possible solutions if any you may have found

    Lastly remember I love my pocket 2 and trust me inspite all these limitations you can do a lot with this tiny gimbal camera so focus on what you can do with it by keeping the limitations in mind.

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11. Heating issue, pocket 2 heats up more with wifi (do it all handle) connected & shuts down giving warning of overheat mostly within 20 mins (compose you scene & make settings via wifi then remove the do it all handle & continue shooting with main camera unit)

I asked HowToGuy to do this test because he is great fan of DJI Pocket cameras. He recorded with Handle and Wireless Mic 1 hour 25 minutes and it never stopped because overheating. I recorded only under 10 minutes and thats why I sent it back to the DJI repairs. So what I mean is that your device might be defective! Pocket 2 is a video camera and it should keep recording under normal situations. Here is the test and other useful tests

Any ways great guide for new users!
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Second Officer

Aavalaakso Posted at 4-5 22:03
11. Heating issue, pocket 2 heats up more with wifi (do it all handle) connected & shuts down giving warning of overheat mostly within 20 mins (compose you scene & make settings via wifi then remove the do it all handle & continue shooting with main camera unit)

I asked HowToGuy to do this test because he is great fan of DJI Pocket cameras. He recorded with Handle and Wireless Mic 1 hour 25 minutes and it never stopped because overheating. I recorded only under 10 minutes and thats why I sent it back to the DJI repairs. So what I mean is that your device might be defective! Pocket 2 is a video camera and it should keep recording under normal situations. Here is the test and other useful tests

So did Dji solved problem of your overheating camera?
Mine is just one month old & I am yet to face peak summer hotter temperature.
I am thinking other possible solutions to dissipate heat by using heatsink etc.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 328 ft
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Ranjan Posted at 4-5 22:20
So did Dji solved problem of your overheating camera?
Mine is just one month old & I am yet to face peak summer hotter temperature.
I am thinking other possible solutions to dissipate heat by using heatsink etc.


I recorded 50 minutes using Pocket 1 in hand without any problems. Easter eggs are slowing packets so my Pocket 2 is still going to repairs to Germany. But what I discussed with the service they nearly directly wanted me to send the camera back to them. So I guess they know something.

Maybe they forgot to add thermal paste to some Pockets xD seriously this is not even a new thing with laptops I have fixed..
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First of all, a great idea for a thread. This will certainly be useful for those considering to buy Pocket 2, and probably for many of those who already own one.

Second, thank you for mentioning my thread here. It certainly is not a bad thing for that thread to get visibility, so people can report or check about their phone's compatibility with Pocket 2.

Third (kind of related to second point), I'd like to remind that there is also a similar thread for tablets, in case user doesn't have a compatible phone but do have a tablet, or for those who want to use a bigger screen. The thread is available at

Anyways, gathering this kind of information will be very useful for many of us, so keep up the good work :-)
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Second Officer

HGDC84 Posted at 4-6 02:45
First of all, a great idea for a thread. This will certainly be useful for those considering to buy Pocket 2, and probably for many of those who already own one.

Second, thank you for mentioning my thread here. It certainly is not a bad thing for that thread to get visibility, so people can report or check about their phone's compatibility with Pocket 2.

Thanks I added the link of your tablet thread now to the list.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 328 ft
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Full gimbal lock mode is available when using Mini Stick. Like me using Controller Wheel I don't have that mode which forces to use Stick if you want to use this option.
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United States

Great idea to start this thread.    This will be some very useful information.  
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United Kingdom

Aavalaakso Posted at 4-6 04:43
Full gimbal lock mode is available when using Mini Stick. Like me using Controller Wheel I don't have that mode which forces to use Stick if you want to use this option.

Gimbal Lock mode is also not available when using DJI extension rod.
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Second Officer
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United States

Great work, Ranjan.  The Pocket 2 has to be level in order to keep the horizon level when panning.  Otherwise, it tilts on one corner and floats up.  This defeats the whole purpose of the P2 in that the horizon should always stay level regardless of handle position.
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Dominican Republic

Great post if only was before buying my dissapoiment with this camer is inmensurable
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Possible thoughts about some issues mentioned here earlier on.

Today, I tested recording a timelapse while using the Do-It-All handle and charging the Pocket 2 using an AC adapter while recording. I started the recording remotely using a tablet. After some time, the connection to the tablet was lost due to Do-It-All handle overheating. Haven't checked yet if the recording also stopped or if it finished properly.

I'm just wondering: If I need the remote control options and need to make a longer timelapse (considering there is an option for up to 5 hours!), then how am I supposed to power the Pocket 2 for that time, if I can't use an AC adapter for that? The Pocket 2's battery only lasts 140 minutes, and that is when the Do-It-All handle is NOT attached, so some kind of external power source will be required. Not even sure if power banks meant for phones and similar devices are enough.

Any workaround ideas for this?
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Second Officer

HGDC84 Posted at 4-7 12:14
Possible thoughts about some issues mentioned here earlier on.

Today, I tested recording a timelapse while using the Do-It-All handle and charging the Pocket 2 using an AC adapter while recording. I started the recording remotely using a tablet. After some time, the connection to the tablet was lost due to Do-It-All handle overheating. Haven't checked yet if the recording also stopped or if it finished properly.

This has an easy fix which I had tried earlier on when I discovered that wifi (Do-it-all handle) sucks battery.
Start with 20% battery on pocket 2 camera & connect it to a 5v 2A output power bank via usb-C cord, set timelapse & start it via Mimo app once it starts switch off the wifi on phone or connect it to another wifi router having internet for your usual surfing.
Now as & when you need to monitor how timelapse is progressing you enable wifi again then you will seemlessly be back & connected.

The reason to start with 20% power is that dont let the pocket 2 charge 100% since that will stop the supply from powerbank & you will have manually switch On the power button thereafter.

A fully charged 10000mAh powerbank can get you sail through 5 hrs time, I have now got myself a 20000mAh powerbank but have not been able to test it as I am hitting summer temperature here where ambient temp is 36-40°C.  
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Second Officer

Slow motion by default is set for NTSC not PAL standard so its set to 120fps which PAL users can shoot in daylight without any problem however cant shoot in room interior lighting as they will need to shoot on 100fps (50Hz) thus interior lighting causes flicker if you are based in PAL countries while shooting in camera slow motion.
Hope PAL/NTSC option is added in next FW upadte.
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Flight distance : 2882041 ft
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Thanks for the insight!
To my best knowledge the timelapse feature also has the option to export the individual (raw or jpeg) files.
This would eliminate the problem of 1080p only right?
You would need to do a lot of post processing on them, but at least it is an option.
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Flight distance : 2882041 ft
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Ranjan Posted at 4-9 21:27
Slow motion by default is set for NTSC not PAL standard so its set to 120fps which PAL users can shoot in daylight without any problem however cant shoot in room interior lighting as they will need to shoot on 100fps (50Hz) thus interior lighting causes flicker if you are based in PAL countries while shooting in camera slow motion.
Hope PAL/NTSC option is added in next FW upadte.

Slow motion is very limited indoors anyways, since it requires quite fast shutterspeeds.
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United States

The tracking of the Pocket 2 is garbage, it's constantly losing tracking of my face, irrespective of the lighting. If I walk around in my living room with the windows open? It loses tracking constantly. If I walk around outside? Loses tracking constantly. Additionally, I lost the windscreen from the Creator Combo and DJI do not offer a replacement for sale. Seriously regret not returning this. Tried to like it, I use my phone for most of my video recording and photo needs (S21 Ultra).

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United States

What I find interesting is that while you can't enable 4K60 and D-Cinelike when the Do-It-All-Handle attached using the on-camera controls, you CAN enable 4K60 and D-Cinelike with the Do-It-All-Handle attached if you do it from the Mimo App.

Has anyone else discovered this?
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Second Officer

DaveBurbank Posted at 6-25 11:35
What I find interesting is that while you can't enable 4K60 and D-Cinelike when the Do-It-All-Handle attached using the on-camera controls, you CAN enable 4K60 and D-Cinelike with the Do-It-All-Handle attached if you do it from the Mimo App.

Has anyone else discovered this?

I just tried setting 4k 60fps D-cinelike from mimo app the moment I set to 60fps the High Quality mode switches to battery Saver mode.

So what you said is not possible recheck again at your end.
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Yup, its a great little device, but the limitations on resolutions for simple stuff like Timelapses and HRD is annoying as hell... I've come up and suggest to DJI hopefully they listen to yours and my gripes and suggestions ... p;extra=#pid2612927
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I decided to try creating a longer timelapse with the Pocket 2 (to see how long it could record with the power bank) now that I received my 20,000 mAh power bank with trickle charge mode, but I noticed a couple of oddities when attempting to set it up with a wireless connection using my father's tablet with the Mimo app installed.

First of all, I couldn't for some reason change the timelapse mode from motionlapse to basic timelapse mode without switching it from the Pocket 2 itself. So I had to disconnect the tablet and switch it from the Pocket 2 itself.

Then, I noticed that the infinite timelapse setting didn't seem to be available from the Mimo app, it set itself to 5 hours and I couldn't find the infinity setting from the Mimo menu. Oh well, I just decided to try with the 5 hour setting and see how it would go.

However, not even a single hour managed to pass by when I heard a beep from the Pocket 2 and found out it had stopped recording. Not sure if it was some kind of an overheating issue (the Mimo app was opened on the tablet but wasn't active in the foreground so I couldn't see any overheating warnings), so I decided to stop it and try again after changing the settings. So I had to disconnect again and set it to infinite from the Pocket 2 itself.

Now, when no tablet is connected and the Pocket 2 is recording by itself, it seems to carry on as it should.

Are these possibly some limits that the hardware causes or did I do something wrong? I an shooting the timelapse inside my apartment, in normal room temperature and the DIA Handle attached.

EDIT: It also complained in the Mimo app about some shutter values not matching with the timelapse requirements, or something like that. I managed to get it solved after switching the exposure mode to automatic.

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Second Officer

HGDC84 Posted at 12-3 09:53
I decided to try creating a longer timelapse with the Pocket 2 (to see how long it could record with the power bank) now that I received my 20,000 mAh power bank with trickle charge mode, but I noticed a couple of oddities when attempting to set it up with a wireless connection using my father's tablet with the Mimo app installed.

First of all, I couldn't for some reason change the timelapse mode from motionlapse to basic timelapse mode without switching it from the Pocket 2 itself. So I had to disconnect the tablet and switch it from the Pocket 2 itself.

Start the timelapse using mimo app then close the app or disable wifi & timelapse will continue shooting thus saving battery power, that way you use best of both.

DIY handle is very power hungry so when you disable wifi it doesn't heat much & can shoot longer.
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Ranjan Posted at 12-3 19:07
Start the timelapse using mimo app then close the app or disable wifi & timelapse will continue shooting thus saving battery power, that way you use best of both.

DIY handle is very power hungry so when you disable wifi it doesn't heat much & can shoot longer.

Thanks, I'll have to bear those tips in my mind the next time I'm doing a timelapse.

Other than the problems I mentioned, the timelapse test seems to be an absolute success. I expected to at least get the 5 hours mentioned in the menu, but it was still rolling after eight and a half hours, power bank at 3/4ths of power. It would have probably had carried on longer, but I thought this was convincing enough and stopped the recording at that point.

So having a 20,000 mAh power bank with trickle charge function makes all the difference when aiming for longer timelapses. :-)
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