Stanislav Vasiliev
Flight distance : 31253550 ft
CoreyB10 Posted at 4-14 03:18
Adjusting the rates on this is quite simple. To start off with you have a linear line from top right to bottom left. Left as stock, the drone will be quite twitchy. As you alter the rates, add expo etc, you will notice that the line in the middle will curve and flatten out slightly. The bigger the curve or flat area at centre stick, the softer the movement. It dampens the input to the drone. however, once your movement moves out of that curve, it speeds up again. You have to be careful to not dampen it too much though as this can have a reverse effect when trying to avoid an obstacle or trying to come out of a move. each pilot will have a different setting to the other. It's literally a case of altering it to your individual flying style. Short version = More curve at centre stick = smoother cruising with sharp reactions at the edge of the stick movement. Linear curve or straight line as per stock = sharp response through the whole stick range. Hope this helps a little. Expo is like a dampener. Rate is how quick the drone reacts to stick inputs. High rate = vey quick response, Low rate = steady response. More expo = Softer control, Less expo = Sharper control.
Thanks a lot :-) You explained it very good. The only problem - I'm not sure I see any curves in the goggles, and in the Fly app there are no controls for the drone at all. At the moment my Fly app gives me only the live feed without any menus or overlays. So I have to change all the settings through goggles UI right in the field.
In general It's almost the same process like changing sticks sensitivity for a Mavic. The question is how to find optimal ones for me. I mean how to check the values during the flight to understand that now they are much better. For example, when I change mouse sensitivity for FPS, I can do a movement with my wrist and if the rotation was 210 degrees, than I lower the sensitivity until the same movement results 180 degree turn (not more and not less). After it I start changing vertical sensitivity and check after every change that it's more or less accurate. What is the right way to check rates on FPV? To do rolls after every change, or to do some other movements? |