Distance limit
22086 37 2021-4-26
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Flight distance : 92427172 ft

Do DJI drones have a distance limit that will break the connection when exceeded. I heard that the mini 2 has a limit of around 11km. But there are movies on YT where the drone flies a little over 11km. I'm just asking theoretically, I like to have full knowledge.
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DJI Stephen

Hello there. Good day and thank you for the inquiry. The DJI Mini 2 has a Maximum Transmission Distance ( unobstructed, free of interference ) of 10 km (FCC), 6 km (CE), 6 km (SRRC), and 6 km (MIC). Just a reminder that the maximum flight range specification is a proxy for radio link strength and resilience, not aircraft battery capability. It only refers to the maximum, one-way flight distance. Data was measured in an open environment without interference. Please pay attention to the return prompt on the DJI Fly app during actual flight. Refer to the following applicable standard in different countries and regions: FCC: United States, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Chile, Colombia, Puerto Rico, and other regions; SRRC: Mainland China; CE: UK, Russia, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Macau, New Zealand, UAE, and other regions; MIC: Japan. In addition, this data is tested under different standards in open areas free of interference. It only refers to the maximum, one-way flight distance without considering Return to Home. Please pay attention to RTH prompts in the DJI Fly app during actual flight. Thank you.
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Do DJI drones have a distance limit that will break the connection when exceeded. I heard that the mini 2 has a limit of around 11km.
You have it backwards.
The only limit is how far the drone is able to maintain signal, and signal is lost when signal is lost.
What distance you might achieve in your flying location could be quite different and will depend on local environmental factors and how much radio interference is around.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 92427172 ft

Thank you for this information. However, I regret to say that the answers are usually off-topic, or people with no current knowledge take the floor. I recommend experimental trials and tests before any binding sentence is uttered. Otherwise, users are being unnecessarily misled. Finally, the most important thing is personal culture. Let's write so as not to offend anyone.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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djiuser_nO2RdSW5BSUg Posted at 4-27 03:55
Thank you for this information. However, I regret to say that the answers are usually off-topic, or people with no current knowledge take the floor. I recommend experimental trials and tests before any binding sentence is uttered. Otherwise, users are being unnecessarily misled. Finally, the most important thing is personal culture. Let's write so as not to offend anyone.

What are you talking about ????
It seems to have no relation to the answer given to your question.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 92427172 ft

I am writing this to people who, like me, know that the 11km limit for the mini 2 is a fact, as is the 19km limit for the Air 2S. I am not interested in the statements of people who have no experience in this regard, but are willing to write a few obvious cliches just to gain a few points.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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djiuser_nO2RdSW5BSUg Posted at 4-27 09:05
I am writing this to people who, like me, know that the 11km limit for the mini 2 is a fact, as is the 19km limit for the Air 2S. I am not interested in the statements of people who have no experience in this regard, but are willing to write a few obvious cliches just to gain a few points.

people who have no experience in this regard, but are willing to write a few obvious cliches just to gain a few points
You have no idea what you are talking about.
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djiuser_nO2RdSW5BSUg Posted at 4-27 09:05
I am writing this to people who, like me, know that the 11km limit for the mini 2 is a fact, as is the 19km limit for the Air 2S. I am not interested in the statements of people who have no experience in this regard, but are willing to write a few obvious cliches just to gain a few points.

"I am writing this to people who, like me, know that the 11km limit for the mini 2 is a fact"

The distance limits ARE NOT A FACT, they are largely inflated sales propaganda. DJI has always quoted range figures that few people have ever been able to realise, and cannot be equalled in most situations.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1235591 ft

Specs are always in the best circumstances messured. Not only for drones, but for all technical stuff.

Distance may differ depending on environment, other electromagnetic waves around, steel, trees, ...
Even the build of drone and transmitter. Even if you use the same electronic components there might be a difference in specs of those components. It is possible that two same drones and receivers result in slightly different results. So nothing is absolute and what is in the specs should be considered as a reference but not absolute in the real world.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

The system (a/c and remote) does not have a set limit. In other words, it will not disconnect just because a distance limit (on paper) has been reached. The DJI "specs" on this are more of a guide to what is expected in ideal conditions.

OP: Nobody is being insulting, what you perceive may be just a language difference. i.e. Labroides was not saying that you are "backwards", only your understanding of the topic.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 92427172 ft

Gentlemen. We can jointly confirm the maximum range declared by the manufacturer. Depending on the geographical zone, the declared range is 6 or 10 km. However, this is not a guaranteed value and there may be deviations. Under certain specific conditions, a range of up to 11km can be achieved with CE limitation. There is evidence of this on the web, I myself know about three such situations. Ideal conditions are needed for this, such as taking off from a hill and flying over non-urbanized areas. The Uda-Yagi antenna on the controller is also useful. I am talking about a situation where someone makes a flight in such conditions and after about 11km breaks the connection, but the signal indicator shows two bars, and the connection quality was previously impeccable and of 100% quality. This proves the existence of a distance limit, or rather a delay time limit in the transmission of information, beyond which the connection is broken, but the antenna indicator still shows the signal strength, e.g. two bars. All control possibilities are stopped. In order to understand it well, you have to undertake such a test yourself. Can anyone confirm this behavior of the mini 2?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

djiuser_nO2RdSW5BSUg Posted at 4-28 08:21
Gentlemen. We can jointly confirm the maximum range declared by the manufacturer. Depending on the geographical zone, the declared range is 6 or 10 km. However, this is not a guaranteed value and there may be deviations. Under certain specific conditions, a range of up to 11km can be achieved with CE limitation. There is evidence of this on the web, I myself know about three such situations. Ideal conditions are needed for this, such as taking off from a hill and flying over non-urbanized areas. The Uda-Yagi antenna on the controller is also useful. I am talking about a situation where someone makes a flight in such conditions and after about 11km breaks the connection, but the signal indicator shows two bars, and the connection quality was previously impeccable and of 100% quality. This proves the existence of a distance limit, or rather a delay time limit in the transmission of information, beyond which the connection is broken, but the antenna indicator still shows the signal strength, e.g. two bars. All control possibilities are stopped. In order to understand it well, you have to undertake such a test yourself. Can anyone confirm this behavior of the mini 2?

I have never seen that behavior with any of my 5 Mavic drones.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 92427172 ft

Do we understand each other well? It is not about a circular flight 11km. It can be done up to 14 km. It's about flying there for 11 km and landing there.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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djiuser_nO2RdSW5BSUg Posted at 4-28 08:21
Gentlemen. We can jointly confirm the maximum range declared by the manufacturer. Depending on the geographical zone, the declared range is 6 or 10 km. However, this is not a guaranteed value and there may be deviations. Under certain specific conditions, a range of up to 11km can be achieved with CE limitation. There is evidence of this on the web, I myself know about three such situations. Ideal conditions are needed for this, such as taking off from a hill and flying over non-urbanized areas. The Uda-Yagi antenna on the controller is also useful. I am talking about a situation where someone makes a flight in such conditions and after about 11km breaks the connection, but the signal indicator shows two bars, and the connection quality was previously impeccable and of 100% quality. This proves the existence of a distance limit, or rather a delay time limit in the transmission of information, beyond which the connection is broken, but the antenna indicator still shows the signal strength, e.g. two bars. All control possibilities are stopped. In order to understand it well, you have to undertake such a test yourself. Can anyone confirm this behavior of the mini 2?

Most flyers want to get their drone back again.
This is the kind of flying that almost no-one does, so they'll never encounter a hard limit (if one exists).
Perhaps the Occusync transmission system has a distance limit to be able to reassemble the data, just like digital phone systems do.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

djiuser_nO2RdSW5BSUg Posted at 4-28 10:44
Do we understand each other well? It is not about a circular flight 11km. It can be done up to 14 km. It's about flying there for 11 km and landing there.

I have exceeded the limit for the Mavic Mini a number of times over water, well over 4km away with no shutdown.

For the MA2, I only once did a range test, over water and away from WiFi noise sources, that went 12.2 km (MA2 has a spec of 10km) away before disconnect. That required a reset of the home point (to prevent automatic RTH) and a planned high-speed chase-down because it would not have made it back all the way. The drone was set to RTH and hover, which it did and was waiting when I got there. It was an interesting day.
On one other flight,  the MA2 followed me around over water, going over 10km from the home point and never disconnected because I was not far ahead. No chase-down was needed in that case because I was already nearby.

I have limited experiences with the Mini 2 and M2P and have no similar info for them. But the manual for the Mini 2 says the limit is 10km, not 11km. Your source is very optimistic.

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United States

Labroides Posted at 4-27 15:15
people who have no experience in this regard, but are willing to write a few obvious cliches just to gain a few points
You have no idea what you are talking about.

Ive lost braincells reading his comments lol
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Second Officer
United States

djiuser_nO2RdSW5BSUg Posted at 4-27 03:55
Thank you for this information. However, I regret to say that the answers are usually off-topic, or people with no current knowledge take the floor. I recommend experimental trials and tests before any binding sentence is uttered. Otherwise, users are being unnecessarily misled. Finally, the most important thing is personal culture. Let's write so as not to offend anyone.

Oh puleeze......
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 15176119 ft

djiuser_nO2RdSW5BSUg Posted at 4-28 08:21
Gentlemen. We can jointly confirm the maximum range declared by the manufacturer. Depending on the geographical zone, the declared range is 6 or 10 km. However, this is not a guaranteed value and there may be deviations. Under certain specific conditions, a range of up to 11km can be achieved with CE limitation. There is evidence of this on the web, I myself know about three such situations. Ideal conditions are needed for this, such as taking off from a hill and flying over non-urbanized areas. The Uda-Yagi antenna on the controller is also useful. I am talking about a situation where someone makes a flight in such conditions and after about 11km breaks the connection, but the signal indicator shows two bars, and the connection quality was previously impeccable and of 100% quality. This proves the existence of a distance limit, or rather a delay time limit in the transmission of information, beyond which the connection is broken, but the antenna indicator still shows the signal strength, e.g. two bars. All control possibilities are stopped. In order to understand it well, you have to undertake such a test yourself. Can anyone confirm this behavior of the mini 2?

Hi, I have red your statement:  I am talking about a situation where someone makes a flight in such conditions and after about 11km breaks the connection, but the signal indicator shows two bars, and the connection quality was previously impeccable and of 100% quality.

If I understand you correct, you say that you have 100% signal on you RC and than suddenly only 2 bars. That to me indicates that there is something wrong somewhere. I assume that the signal strength on your RC is the strength of what the drone sends back you. It should slowly get lower and lower as the drone gets further away, not suddenly jump from full to 2 bars. However it may be that it is the signal strength of the RC that determines how far you can co, as if the RC signal can not be registered by the drone and it disconnects. I might be wrong here and it works the other way around. I would love to hear what others has to say about this As it is an interesting condition. This is how have understood you.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 92427172 ft

Do they also add points for such comments? This forum is coming to the end.   This is not for you Kyalami
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Second Officer
United States

In a perfect situation, say in the desert, with (it won't happen) Zero Rf interference whatsoever, no wifi, no cell, no nothing, ZERO RF, and nothing else (no trees, buildings, etc)
"maybe" you could establish "a baseline". Maybe.
Again, to many variables.
It's like when you buy a car,
The mileage estimates will not be what you get...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 92427172 ft

kyalami Posted at 4-30 05:57
Hi, I have red your statement:  I am talking about a situation where someone makes a flight in such conditions and after about 11km breaks the connection, but the signal indicator shows two bars, and the connection quality was previously impeccable and of 100% quality.

If I understand you correct, you say that you have 100% signal on you RC and than suddenly only 2 bars. That to me indicates that there is something wrong somewhere. I assume that the signal strength on your RC is the strength of what the drone sends back you. It should slowly get lower and lower as the drone gets further away, not suddenly jump from full to 2 bars. However it may be that it is the signal strength of the RC that determines how far you can co, as if the RC signal can not be registered by the drone and it disconnects. I might be wrong here and it works the other way around. I would love to hear what others has to say about this As it is an interesting condition. This is how have understood you.

Don't confuse signal strength with quality. You may even have one bar of signal strength, but the quality will still be 100%. You can see this in the Airdata report. Suddenly, just after 11km, the connection is broken with the message: drone not connected to RC. You can still see the range bars working, one go up or down, but there's nothing you can do. The drone will either force landing if you have set it so, or RTH. Rather, don't expect the connection to reconnect. However, this is a task for users of the highest quality. There are not many such users in this forum.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 15176119 ft

djiuser_nO2RdSW5BSUg Posted at 4-30 05:59
Do they also add points for such comments? This forum is going to the bottom.

Sorry, but you lost me here. OK understand.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 92427172 ft

kyalami Posted at 4-30 06:11
Sorry, but you lost me here.

Do not take it personally. I posted a comment on the earlier ones. I didn't know you already wrote. See, I use google translator and I have to correct it. I won't always want it anyway. After all, I try to communicate with the world. Everyone understand that.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 15176119 ft

djiuser_nO2RdSW5BSUg Posted at 4-30 06:22
Do not take it personally. I posted a comment on the earlier ones. I didn't know you already wrote. See, I use google translator and I have to correct it. I won't always want it anyway. After all, I try to communicate with the world. Everyone understand that.

No problems, I understand you. Good you mentioned that you use google to translate. It some times can come across a bit harsh.

Yes, there are 2 things. You have the RF carrier wave and on that is data being modulated and transmitted together. So the carrier wave is still there and good (signal strength), data corrupted (quality). Do I understand this correct that it is this you are talking about?

Have you tried contacting DJI direct with this?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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GaryDoug Posted at 4-28 18:27
I have exceeded the limit for the Mavic Mini a number of times over water, well over 4km away with no shutdown.

For the MA2, I only once did a range test, over water and away from WiFi noise sources, that went 12.2 km (MA2 has a spec of 10km) away before disconnect. That required a reset of the home point (to prevent automatic RTH) and a planned high-speed chase-down because it would not have made it back all the way. The drone was set to RTH and hover, which it did and was waiting when I got there. It was an interesting day.

I have limited experiences with the Mini 2 and M2P and have no similar info for them. But the manual for the Mini 2 says the limit is 10km, not 11km. Your source is very optimistic.

The manual doesn't say anything about this limit.
The distance in the specs is about a max possible range but our Polish correspondent is talking about the Occusync transmission breaking down when the distance is exceeded.

When we used analog mobile phones, you could make a call as long as you had a clear line of sight to a cell tower.
From up in a plane or on a mountain top, you could use the phone over areas where it would be impossible down low..
But when mobile phones went digital there was a hard limit on the range over which mobile phones could be used.

I suspect this is the sort of limit he's talking about.
It's not something many flyers would ever run into.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 92427172 ft

Thanks to Labroides, I think we're starting to understand each other. Originally I thought that there was a distance limit (not to be confused with the declared maximum range), but the distances vary, usually 11100m plus or minus 20m. I have been thinking for some time now that this is a kind of data transmission time delay limitation for security reasons. I could share the videos, but for obvious reasons I won't. I want to talk to someone who will understand what I am talking about and have a similar experience.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

Labroides Posted at 4-30 06:38
I have limited experiences with the Mini 2 and M2P and have no similar info for them. But the manual for the Mini 2 says the limit is 10km, not 11km. Your source is very optimistic.

The manual doesn't say anything about this limit.

"The manual doesn't say anything about this limit.
The distance in the specs is about a max possible range but our Polish correspondent is talking about the Occusync transmission breaking down when the distance is exceeded."

I know to what he refers. I think you meant to say "restricted" rather than "breaking down"
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

djiuser_nO2RdSW5BSUg Posted at 4-30 07:18
Thanks to Labroides, I think we're starting to understand each other. Originally I thought that there was a distance limit (not to be confused with the declared maximum range), but the distances vary, usually 11100km plus or minus 20m. I have been thinking for some time now that this is a kind of data transmission time delay limitation for security reasons. I could share the videos, but for obvious reasons I won't. I want to talk to someone who will understand what I am talking about and have a similar experience.

A typo I suppose: "...usually 11100km...", nearly the diameter of the Earth, Super-drone ;-)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 92427172 ft

Attentive reader, I like such. Already corrected. Thanks.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 92427172 ft

This video proves the existence of a distance limitation. Of course, there are different restrictions for each model.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 648202 ft

As I'm flying/living in an area with so many HV cable systems, my flights rarely exceeds a radius over 2500m, mostly RC connection goes weak at 1.300m.
But, I can fly as many meters I want (well, restricted to battery condition is above 10% of their capacity, for my Mini 2' safety) but in that circle.
As user manual states, an interference free medium could augment that radius to 6km (I use an UE/CE version).
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United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 2021-4-26 20:15
Hello there. Good day and thank you for the inquiry. The DJI Mini 2 has a Maximum Transmission Distance ( unobstructed, free of interference ) of 10 km (FCC), 6 km (CE), 6 km (SRRC), and 6 km (MIC). Just a reminder that the maximum flight range specification is a proxy for radio link strength and resilience, not aircraft battery capability. It only refers to the maximum, one-way flight distance. Data was measured in an open environment without interference. Please pay attention to the return prompt on the DJI Fly app during actual flight. Refer to the following applicable standard in different countries and regions: FCC: United States, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Chile, Colombia, Puerto Rico, and other regions; SRRC: Mainland China; CE: UK, Russia, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Macau, New Zealand, UAE, and other regions; MIC: Japan. In addition, this data is tested under different standards in open areas free of interference. It only refers to the maximum, one-way flight distance without considering Return to Home. Please pay attention to RTH prompts in the DJI Fly app during actual flight. Thank you.

11 K is about 6 Miles and I can't get my Mini 2 to fly even a 1/2 mile away from me and I set the app limit in distance to "No Limit" and it made no difference. I would be happy if I could get 1 mile let alone 6 miles. So what am I doing wrong? I live in a very rural area and have little to no obstructions. I was really hoping this Mini 2 would fly a lot farther than it does and what I'm seeing in Videos on YouTube. I must be doing something wrong.
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United States

FNG72 Posted at 8-30 07:27
11 K is about 6 Miles and I can't get my Mini 2 to fly even a 1/2 mile away from me and I set the app limit in distance to "No Limit" and it made no difference. I would be happy if I could get 1 mile let alone 6 miles. So what am I doing wrong? I live in a very rural area and have little to no obstructions. I was really hoping this Mini 2 would fly a lot farther than it does and what I'm seeing in Videos on YouTube. I must be doing something wrong.

> 11 K is about 6 Miles and I can't get my Mini 2 to fly even a 1/2 mile away from me and I set the app limit in distance to "No Limit" and it made no difference. I would be happy if I could get 1 mile let alone 6 miles. So what am I doing wrong? I live in a very rural area and have little to no obstructions. I was really hoping this Mini 2 would fly a lot farther than it does and what I'm seeing in Videos on YouTube. I must be doing something wrong.

We're seeing the same.  We fly to an island 1/4 mile (1,320 feet/0.4 Km) away, with direct line of sight. Just before we reach the island the RC indicator on the app turns amber, than it indicates weak signal, and than lost connection.  The response is so jerky that we cannot capture any good videos of people hiking on the island or surfing there.  A lot of time it looses the connection and does an automatic RTH.
We're not looking for 11 Km but would like something like 1.6 Km (1 mile).

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Droningalex Alex B.
Second Officer
Flight distance : 25361788 ft


GaryDoug Posted at 2021-4-28 10:17
I have never seen that behavior with any of my 5 Mavic drones.
Mavics 1,2 are limited to around 17.8km.
Mavic 3 and air3 have more distance, how much more who knows, no one yet got it to the max until disconnection like with mavic1,2.
But mavic 3 and air3 got to 20km no problem.
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Droningalex Alex B.
Second Officer
Flight distance : 25361788 ft


GaryDoug Posted at 2021-4-28 10:17
I have never seen that behavior with any of my 5 Mavic drones.
It's true, there is a software distance limit on DJI drones.
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Droningalex Alex B.
Second Officer
Flight distance : 25361788 ft


djiuser_nO2RdSW5BSUg Posted at 2021-4-30 07:18
Thanks to Labroides, I think we're starting to understand each other. Originally I thought that there was a distance limit (not to be confused with the declared maximum range), but the distances vary, usually 11100m plus or minus 20m. I have been thinking for some time now that this is a kind of data transmission time delay limitation for security reasons. I could share the videos, but for obvious reasons I won't. I want to talk to someone who will understand what I am talking about and have a similar experience.

I know what you are talking about.
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Flight distance : 8447523 ft

I agree with several users that one must have proven knowledge to give an opinion on extreme "long range". It is not enough to read the manual or watch videos, you have to do the practice to test and understand the limits of the equipment. As other users mention, the limit is 11km (in a single direction) and a few meters (even when the number of signal bars is good) which is a LIMITATION OF THE SYSTEM, beyond that limit the signal is cut off and activate the rth. In my country (Argentina) I have carried out many long range tests, I am not an improvised user, greetings!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 92427172 ft

I can also add that if you stop the drone just before the signal is cut off, then by setting a new homepoint a maximum of two kilometers away, you can make a total flight of just over 13 km. Unfortunately, immediately after 11.12 km the signal will be cut off and the drone will fly without communication to the designated new homepoint, of course if the battery is at least 3500mAh. However, this is a discipline for top-class pilots with extensive experience and preparation. This can usually be seen by the flight distance in the air below avatar. Regards.
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