Flight distance : 3316614 ft
Hello Guys i need your help,
I got a new project for a theatre and they asked me to film some high resolution videos in 4K used for mapping and splited on 6 screens. Well, the journey was a pleasure but after editing and post treatement i had a bad surprise while we made some tests on the screens.
Until now i always observed some minor stuttering on my computer screen (ok,...the picture is not as good as i hope but i can live with it and i d'ont talk about the RAM, Graphic interface, GPU, CPU and so on (Macbook Pro retina 16GB Ram, Intel i7, from 2013)).
BUT if you put it on a big screen the result is not usable!!! By the way, yes, we used professional hardware/software for the projection...
The question now is:
- Does the camera has some dropframes when you film in 4K?
- If it is a problem with the current compression of the native video file?
- Does the internal camera hardware slows down when too hot?
- Is my SD Card is good enough? ( San Disk extreme PLUS, class 10, 32GB )
- Filmed in 23.97 fps is the problem?
You will find an example here:
Just feel free to give me some advice what is wrong with my footage :-)
In the beginning of this Year Tahoe_Ed shared a link for a download from a short video of the Lake Tahoe in 4K and it was fluid and beautifull, but i never had the same results with my I1. User problem?
Thanks for your help
PS: Sorry for my english