Flight distance : 465062 ft
United States
Chuck Campfield Posted at 5-14 12:45
I agree 100% with this guy and he really knows his stuff. 5m/s in Cine Mode is way too fast for a lot of situations. DJI, please watch this video and PLEASE give us the ability to adjust the speed of Cine Mode down to as low as 1m/s. I would think this could easily be done with a software/firmware update. @DJI Stephen
It's a shame he doesn't get tons more views. I've been following Philip for years. He's always doing topnotch work and offering great insight. I love how his drone footage doesn't look like drone footage. Much of it is very subtle. It has the vibe of being a either a steady cam, crane, dolly or something else. He's not just whipping it around in the sky because he can. |