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Safest flying over water
2205 12 2021-6-3
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Flight distance : 914688 ft


I was flying today above the river which was quite still and muddy, so the bottom of this river was not visible and from the perspective of the Mini2's positioning sensors, there was no details recognizable down there at all. I think that the river surface must even have been looking as the mirror for positioning sensors... The height was cca 8 meters above the water and my Mini2 was hovering quite stable I would say - just occasonally slightly varied on height (however this does not happen at all when I hover above the land).

Please, what can I consider as 100% safe height for hovering my Mini2 above this type of still, muddy water that might be looking as some kind of mirror?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10499931 ft
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You should be over downward sensor range in order for the drone not to get confused by the water. Specs says sensor range for Mini 2 is 10 meters.
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DJI Stephen

Hello there Denndb. Good day and thank you for reaching out.  Just a reminder that when flying above the water, the vision positioning function will turn off  and only the GPS and barometer are used for positioning, if affected by the accuracy range, and an accident might happen. In addition, I will also post a DJI Forum thread on How to Fly Safely Over Water. Thank you and fly safe always.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13811834 ft
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DJI Stephen Posted at 6-3 18:47
Hello there Denndb. Good day and thank you for reaching out.  Just a reminder that when flying above the water, the vision positioning function will turn off  and only the GPS and barometer are used for positioning, if affected by the accuracy range, and an accident might happen. In addition, I will also post a DJI Forum thread on How to Fly Safely Over Water. Thank you and fly safe always.

Hi Stephen,

Your link to "How to Fly Safely Over Water" is an old video DJI GO4, in wich you could disable the bottom sensor.

MINI2 uses FlyApp, you cannot disable the VPS bottom sensor!

Your text is confusing beacuse you state that "the vision positioning will turn off".
Vision does not turn off, if out of range and or signals are not good enough, the vision system does not function but will function again if enough signals are received.

If the vision position is not function, the bottom sensor may function oke, so height is controlled by barometric sensor assisted by the bottom sensor (VPS height).

Please explain "...if affected by the accurancy range..."  Range from vision sensors or bottom sensor?

GPS is used for positiong, barometer for controlling height (not positioning).

Wish we had the possibility in the FlyApp to enable/disable the downward sensor AND enable/disable Landing Protection !!

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13811834 ft
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Hi Denndb,

I fly alot over water, and real low with my MINI2.
No need to fly over water outside the VPS bottom height sensor!
Best is to fly low over water with your drone visual, and be ready for pull up if something happens.

Only  tricky part is flying / hovering low over streaming water, this will confuse the sensor.

My experience is that bottom sensor does work over water, even if the water surface looks like a mirror!.I never noticed that the bottom sensor did measure the bottom under the water, always the water surface.
(easy check by checking VPS height values flying from abover water to land)

An example...


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Flight distance : 599560 ft
Hong Kong

I would fly 3-5 meters above water. 10 will be good if such a headroom available.

Hi Stephen, That’s why i like dji go4 app more than dji fly app. I want to have everything and every-bit in control but not hidden or omitted by design or said by default. The programmable key on RC can only set a few function from the list but if you open it without connecting to the drone. You will see a lot of function available for the hot key. Center auto focus and center metering are my favorite in Mavic Pro.  
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Flight distance : 359619 ft
United States

------->   HELP#  <-------
Hi Guys!  Good morning!

I always fly over the bay waters. The only area that is clear of tall buildings.

Is there a way to set a low terrain alarm on the Mavic air 2 or any other Mavic drone?

I get very distracted and lost altitude moving the left joystick, not trying to lower the altitude but rotating.
A "LOW ALTITUDE WARNING" would be life-saving.  The idea is to increase altitude if I get below 5 or 10 meters without realizing I did.  To prevent getting submerged in the water.  I already lost the Mavic mini on the Bay. I know where it is, but I can't retrieve it.

I can't believe there are so many warnings except a low-altitude one. All man-driven Airplanes have several LOW TERRAIN WARNINGS.

Could anybody please please;  contact DJI engineers and bring the idea?  It will bring more safety to the drones and would be a very substantial improvement.

Sincerely,   Lesmex F.

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Flight distance : 359619 ft
United States

Tuxtard Posted at 6-3 14:59
You should be over downward sensor range in order for the drone not to get confused by the water. Specs says sensor range for Mini 2 is 10 meters.

------->   HELP  <-------

  Hi  Good morning!  

I always fly over the bay waters. The only area that is clear of tall buildings.

Is there a way to set a "LOW ALTITUDE WARNING"  on the Mavic air 2 or any other Mavic drone?

I get very distracted and lost altitude moving the left joystick, not trying to lower the altitude but rotating it.

The idea is to increase altitude if I get below 5 or 10 meters. without realizing I did.  To prevent getting submerged in the water.  I already lost the Mavic mini on the Bay. I know where it is, but I can't retrieve it.  I can't believe there are so many warnings except a low-altitude one.

All man-driven Airplanes have several "LOW TERRAIN WARNINGS". Could anybody please please;  contact DJI engineers and bring the idea?  It will bring more safety to the drones and would be a very substantial improvement.

   Lesmex F.
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Flight distance : 359619 ft
United States

Good morning!

I always fly over the bay waters. The only area that is clear of tall buildings.

Is there a way to set a low terrain alarm on the Mavic air 2 or any other Mavic drone?

I get very distracted and lost altitude moving the left joystick, not trying to lower the altitude but rotating.

A "LOW ALTITUDE WARNING" would be life-saving.  The idea is to increase altitude if I get below 5 or 10 meters without realizing I did.  To prevent getting submerged in the water.  I already lost the Mavic mini on the Bay. I know where it is, but I can't retrieve it.

I can't believe there are so many warnings except a low-altitude one. All man-driven Airplanes have several LOW TERRAIN WARNINGS at different low altitudes.

Could anybody please please;  contact DJI engineers and bring the idea?  It will bring more safety to the drones and would be a very substantial improvement.


Lesmex F.

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Flight distance : 359619 ft
United States

JJB* Posted at 6-4 08:03
Hi Stephen,

Your link to "How to Fly Safely Over Water" is an old video DJI GO4, in wich you could disable the bottom sensor.

-------> HELP# <-------

Hi, Good morning!

I always fly over the bay waters. The only area that is clear of tall buildings where I live.

Is there a way to set a " LOW ALTITUDE WARNING" on the Mavic air 2 or any other Mavic drone?

I get very distracted and lost altitude moving the left joystick, not trying to lower the altitude but rotating it. Sometimes I forget to look at the altitude for a long time.

A "LOW ALTITUDE or Terrain  WARNING" would be life-saving.

The idea is to increase altitude if I get below 5 or 10 meters without realizing I did. To prevent getting submerged in the water.

I already lost the Mavic mini on the Bay. I know where it is, but I can't retrieve it. I can't believe there are so many warnings except a low-altitude one.

All commercial airplanes have several LOW TERRAIN WARNINGS.

Could you please; contact DJI engineers and bring the idea?

I am still a novice and learning to speak English, I dont know how to do it by myself.

The warning will bring more safety and joy to the flying experience and would be a very substantial safety improvement for everybody.

Lesmex F
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13811834 ft
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Why post this in many other threads as well?  pls do delete all your postings except just 1.
Or delete all and start a new thread on this subject.

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Flight distance : 359619 ft
United States

JJB* Posted at 6-8 23:18

Why post this in many other threads as well?  pls do delete all your postings except just 1.


I am new here, still learning and getting familiar. I dont know how to find what I posted.
How can I create a new threat?
Thank you.
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Photo Raptor

djiuser_YyDMf0V8bjrf Posted at 6-9 12:19

I am new here, still learning and getting familiar. I dont know how to find what I posted.

Go to the forum area you want to create a thread in then click the large "Create Thread" button in the top right corner.
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