Chris Con
Flight distance : 501175 ft
United States
Here's a personal experience that I'd like to share with everyone that could possibly make you a much better pilot, but more importantly more comfortable with your Inspire 1. First a bit about me; Some of you may know me from my posts here, but if you've never seen my name pop up on the forums before, I've been an active Inspire 1 user since the product was first released... I absolutely love flying, but I've had issues with my Inspire 1 like many of us have.. Most recently I had a TB48 swell on me while flying, which caused it to lose power and then my Inspire 1 fell about 15 feet from the sky (This was just 5 weeks ago). It was in flight mode , but by some sort of miracle the only damage was the two cables that connect the gimbal to the bird popped out and had to be resinserted and one broken prop... I've also been very active in all of the testing communities and other areas here that I'm not allowed to talk about..
So I've recently been trying to fly my Inspire 1 as much as possible to test it whenever I can. I prefer to go to some amazing area that lacks people so I can just fly without all the questions from the general public and take beautiful photos. But one way for me to fly during the day and crank up as much flight time as possible is to fly the inspire 1 at my business. I own garden centers. So what I've recently been doing is flying FPV from my office desk while my outside staff is working as spotters (I believe this is legal FAA wise) and at least for me it's an incredibly liberating experience. For me, when you can't see the Inspire 1, but are simply staring at a screen you remove all of that nervousness of "is $2800 about to fall out of the sky" or "am I too close to that tree"...... When you are flying these somewhat boring, repetitive flights simply because you are helping test the Inspire and then completely remove yourself from the fear of it crashing, It's really liberating.. Flight controls almost become "muscle memory" and you are able to fly with much more nuanced techniques then if you were staring at the bird and then staring at the screen and then staring at the bird and that constant back and forth switching..
Too Long, Didn't Read... Get a spotter and a location where if anything goes wrong it's completely fine, seperate yourself from the bird and just trust your judgement and fly the Inspire 1 like it's an extension of you. It's really amazing and in this form I'm really able to appreciate how amazing this quadcopter is as well as develop my skills much faster than before.