Flight distance : 145896 ft
United States
It looks like they to some extent removed the dev tools from the release, much sadness.
I had to open the "DJIApp\app.asar" file with 7zip, make edits, and then rezip app.asar.
They added a bunch of booby-traps to disable Electron's developer console.
"main.js" intentionally closes the developer console whenever its opened ("ipcMain.on('open-devtools',"), commenting it out fixes it.
"utils.js" "banDevTools" intentionally nukes the entire program when dev tools are opened. Commenting out the function fixes it.
Then I was able to enable "debug" and "debug_enabled"...
After all that, I was able to click the "Developer Tools" button which now appeared, but it links to a html file not included so I guess thats that. |