Flight distance : 2804810 ft
good to see others think it feels a bit better..
I got to fly it in better conditions today...
I do think overall it is a bit smoother (in M mode), and I seemed be more confident and pushing it a bit more - so I think its probably being a bit more predictabe (to me), so thats all a good sign.
that said, not perfect, a couple of times in the flights, I did get quite a bit of prop wash (as previously), but perhaps thats inevitable given its weight and motors, and its certainly something i can fly around.
it'll be interesting look at the footage, see if that looks more stable - as there were complaints from some that the oscillations were making it difficult to use the video footage.
motors were quite warm, about what you'd expect (id not call them hot, as you could hold them easily)
I'd say they could go a tad more aggressive still but I guess DJI will play it a bit conservative, to account for differences in condition of props etc.
so as Max said, its not as stable as my 5" - but its feeling good in its own right, and combined with its solid RTH and decent battery... its a great drone to fly.