Flight distance : 914688 ft
So here's the result of my test, by using Galaxy S21 5G and DJI Fly 1.4.8 (1185).
Took several photos and one pano photo 360 with my mini2.
Tried to wirelessly download pano photo, but there was the same issue - Creating pano photo(s) message is stuck on 0% and stays like that forever.
Then tried to transfer my other (not pano) photos wirelessly - the transfer finished successfuly. However, when I took a look at my phone, the photos were all transferred correctly except two of them which were broken (obviously not transferred correctly). Those two broken photos cannot be open on the phone.
When I take the micro SD from mini2 and read the files with some card reader, all the photos are there and all are correct.
So it leads me to conclusion that there's something strange with wireless transfer in combination with S21.
And it seems that both issues persist even with this 1185 beta vearsion of the app.
Please help. |