DJI Wanda
eviandrinker Posted at 9-14 22:16
Hi there! I couldn't download a video or photo, but I've uploaded them onto a Flickr album for you to see. The image is taken from the video. It's very blurry. I expect the video to not be 100% clear, but it looks very blurry, and so does the video when the cyclist gets in focus.
The resolution of the video is 1920x1080 at 30FPS.
Hello, we have checked your video and picture. It seems the blurry picture was caused by motion blur, which is a conspicuous trace resulted from fast-moving objects.
Because motion blur is the effect contributed by the relative movements among the camera, objects, and surroundings. We suggest you improve the effect by curtailing the shutter speed, slowing down the moving speed of the drone, or controlling the drone to track the objects. |