Reza mavicmini
Flight distance : 288104 ft
Hi , how to rectify this problem. after perform IMU calibration , it will stuck at 11% . And it will go again tiil the battery died.
I'm really appreaciate if the is a best solution. 
List of try & error solution which was fail :-
1) Reboot drone a few times
2) redo calibation and stuck at 11%
3) downgrade firmware using cable
4) upgrade firmware using cable
5) upgrade/downgrade using wifi
error code IMU initializtion failed recalibrate IMU (Code :30084)
imu calibration incomplete recalibrate IMU (Code :30056)
IMU not calibrated. Calibrate IMU (Code: 30055)
Gimbal calibration error. Restsrt aircraft or contact Dji Support if the issue persist (Code 40011)