G'day guys,
I'm just wondering if having GPS and/or cached maps is actually required if I only want to use the app for connecting to my P2V+ V.3 for recording video and taking photos?
I don't really intend on using waypoints until I am completely adept with controlling my bird (only flown her 3 times - too cold in Australia at the moment)
I'm currently using an iPhone 4S, but I'm highly considering on purchasing an iPad due to not being able to see my iPhone screen without the use of reading glasses and a magnifying glass, (the old eye's aren't what they used to be), I'm not sure whether to go for a WiFi only or WiFi + Cellular iPad?
The only problem is that money is a bit tight at the moment due to recent medical issues and other unexpected expenditures rapidly draining my wallet, (I have about $500 to spend thanks to my mum for the belated birthday gift $250 lol), so I'm trawling ebay for a used/refurbished iPad, my thoughts are that I'd save a considerable amount of money by just going with a WiFi only version
I've read that if need be in the future, when I do decide to use the ground station/waypoint feature, that I can cache maps or use my iPhone as a portable hotspot?
What would you recommend be my best course of action with consideration to the above mentioned?
Sorry for the long winded rambling, (Gee I even ramble in text... I'd talk under wet cement with a mouth full of marbles) hahahaha
Thank you,