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How to Turn Off Smart Battery RTH on RC Pro & Mavic 3??
4286 35 2021-11-24
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I'm going on a diving adventure to Isla del Coco, a remote island in the Pacific Ocean, where I will be filming the boat as it navigates.  I always turn of the "Smart Battery RTH" when flying from a moving vessel to avoid fly away.  However, I do not see that setting in the DJI Fly software on the RC Pro?  I do see a "change the Home Point" in the settings and I know the RC Pro has its own GPS radio. Does the Mavic 3 and RC Pro have a Dynaminc Home Point?  Can I set the Mavic 3 to follow the RC Pro, or, am I missing a setting in the software for turning off Smart Battery RTH?? Would love to discover the Mavic 3 and RC Pro do have a Dynamic Home Point.
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I dont think you can turn it off, but there are only two reasons this might cause you a problem . 1/ if you lose sight of the drone and you initiate RTH. 2/ if you lose signal it will initiate RTH, To initiate the first would be a mistake I’m sure you wouldn’t make. But the second you can change the RTH sequence, by setting loss of signal to hover or land but i guess land is not an option.

I haven’t seen dynamic homepoint setting in the app yet, hopefully it will come.

I haven’t used M3 from the boat yet but I use above regularly with Air2s with no problems, but I always fly within VLOS Which is essential.

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hallmark007 Posted at 11-25 02:36
I dont think you can turn it off, but there are only two reasons this might cause you a problem . 1/ if you lose sight of the drone and you initiate RTH. 2/ if you lose signal it will initiate RTH, To initiate the first would be a mistake I’m sure you wouldn’t make. But the second you can change the RTH sequence, by setting loss of signal to hover or land but i guess land is not an option.

I haven’t seen dynamic homepoint setting in the app yet, hopefully it will come.

Nice video and smooth movements to follow the boat. Well done.
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Can I set the Mavic 3 to follow the RC Pro?

or, am I missing a setting in the software for turning off Smart Battery RTH??
If you are filming a boat as it's moving a significant distance, what you need to do is prevent the drone trying to zoom off to where it was launched when it calculates that it has only enough battery to fly that distance.
The simple way to prevent that is to reset the homepoint every 5 minutes or so to keep the homepoint close to where the boat is.
There's no need to set it to the controller's location.
Resetting to the drone's current location is just a good for this purpose.
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hallmark007 Posted at 11-25 02:36
I dont think you can turn it off, but there are only two reasons this might cause you a problem . 1/ if you lose sight of the drone and you initiate RTH. 2/ if you lose signal it will initiate RTH, To initiate the first would be a mistake I’m sure you wouldn’t make. But the second you can change the RTH sequence, by setting loss of signal to hover or land but i guess land is not an option.

I haven’t seen dynamic homepoint setting in the app yet, hopefully it will come.

Amazing footage hallmark.  
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Labroides Posted at 11-25 03:16
Can I set the Mavic 3 to follow the RC Pro?

Only problem with choosing that option is you continually get the warning Aircraft and Mobile unable to access GPS. Whether this is a fault with dji or other signal, its almost certain that you will get these warnings, so they are not dependable and when Ive tried to use it thats the message i get. Its certainly not something I’d depend on just now.
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DowntownRDB Posted at 11-25 05:02
Amazing footage hallmark.

Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your Family.
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hallmark007 Posted at 11-25 05:22
Only problem with choosing that option is you continually get the warning Aircraft and Mobile unable to access GPS. Whether this is a fault with dji or other signal, its almost certain that you will get these warnings, so they are not dependable and when Ive tried to use it thats the message i get. Its certainly not something I’d depend on just now.

I made it clear and simple, but you didn't understand what I wrote.
I said that all that's needed is to reset the homepoint to the drone's current location.
There is no problem doing that, which is why I recommended it.

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Labroides Posted at 11-25 06:42
I made it clear and simple, but you didn't understand what I wrote.
I said that all that's needed is to reset the homepoint to the drone's current location.
There is no problem doing that, which is why I recommended it.

Well except if your on a moving boat as soon as you update that update becomes useless .
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Well, I think you've all answered my primary question which is, "Can I turn off the Smart Battery RTH?"  Seems the option doesn't exist so that is a very strong issue for DJI to fix in a firmware update. I've been flying DJI drones on the open ocean since getting the Phantom 2 Vision+ in 2014.  It used a "Dynamic Home Point" which would constantly update based on the position of the remote control.  I lost my 1st Phantom 4 because of the Smart Battery upgrade when, shooting a fast moving dive boat my Phantom 4 suddenly stopped, shot up into the sky, and few back to dive spot in the Gulf of Mexico I launched it from. At the time, I did not understand the new features, nor, did anyone else really. DJI later updated the firmware to let you turn it off in DJI Go 4 app. When you shoot from a moving boat in the middle of the ocean you aren't worried about line of sight, you want uninterrupted flight time. No anxiety means not fiddling with software settings during flight to change home point
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Dear DJI,,, please fix the Mavic 3 software so I can turn off Smart Battery Return to Home in DJI Fly settings. Even better solution, provide a "Dynamic Home Point" setting for binding the Mavic 3 to the RC Pro. (that would be Sweet a'la Phantom 2 Vision+ model)
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hallmark007 Posted at 11-25 07:38
Well except if your on a moving boat as soon as you update that update becomes useless .
I've explained it as clearly as possible and you still don't get it.
The discussion is not how to get the drone to land on a moving boat.
The OP gives a clue in his thread title and where he asks: am I missing a setting in the software for turning off Smart Battery RTH??
It's not to facilitate landing on a boat.

The whole point is to keep the homepoint close to the boat and not off in the distance where the drone was launched, so that you don't get a situation where the drone zooms off into the distance becauase low battery RTH cuts in.
What I've suggested, solves that issue.
It's not useless at all.

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Labroides Posted at 11-25 14:27
I've explained it as clearly as possible and you still don't get it.
The discussion is not how to get the drone to land on a moving boat.

The drone will still zoom off in the distance if you lose signal unless you set to hover, so I think thats the first best option. I know he’s not trying to land in Rth on a boat, but I don’t think he’s trying to avoid low battery Rth , anyone can cancel that, if you think its easier to reset homepoint every 5 mins than it is to watch your battery level and keep VLOS which most I’m sure do when flying from a boat. The OP gives the biggest clue when he says he was missing dynamic homepoint, there are other ways just as safe to fly on the water than updating homepoint every 5 minutes, I think I’d rather keep an eye on the drone I’m flying , you can move a drone a long way in 5 minutes and you can move some boats a lot further in 5 minutes.
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hallmark007 Posted at 11-25 14:47
The drone will still zoom off in the distance if you lose signal unless you set to hover, so I think thats the first best option. I know he’s not trying to land in Rth on a boat, but I don’t think he’s trying to avoid low battery Rth , anyone can cancel that, if you think its easier to reset homepoint every 5 mins than it is to watch your battery level and keep VLOS which most I’m sure do when flying from a boat. The OP gives the biggest clue when he says he was missing dynamic homepoint, there are other ways just as safe to fly on the water than updating homepoint every 5 minutes, I think I’d rather keep an eye on the drone I’m flying , you can move a drone a long way in 5 minutes and you can move some boats a lot further in 5 minutes.

The drone will still zoom off in the distance if you lose signal unless you set to hover, so I think thats the first best option.
Try to stick to the topic of discussion rather than introducing new and irrelevant things.
No-one has mentioned losing signal (and it's unlikely anyway when filming the boat you are one.
Setting the Loss of Signal action to hover won't do anything to address the issue the OP brought up.
It won't prevent a low battery RTH.

I know he’s not trying to land in Rth on a boat, but I don’t think he’s trying to avoid low battery Rth
So why is his thread title: How to Turn Off Smart Battery RTH  ?
And why does he ask:  am I missing a setting in the software for turning off Smart Battery RTH??

anyone can cancel that,
And if it's that simple, why didn't you explain how you think anyone can cancel that, since that's what the OP was asking for?

if you think its easier to reset homepoint every 5 mins than it is to watch your battery level and keep VLOS which most I’m sure do when flying from a boat.
I use that method because it's quick and simple and prevents the problem that the OP is asking about
You can leave your homepoint at the launch point and sort out your own problems.

Don't bother coming back with another irrelevant demonstration of your poor reading comprehension and reasoning ability.
I've over-explained the concept already.

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Labroides Posted at 11-25 15:10
The drone will still zoom off in the distance if you lose signal unless you set to hover, so I think thats the first best option.
Try to stick to the topic of discussion rather than introducing new and irrelevant things.
No-one has mentioned losing signal (and it's unlikely anyway when filming the boat you are one.

To cancel low battery RTH “PRESS THE X ON THE SCREEN” that might be hard for you to understand and I can believe that….
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hallmark007 Posted at 11-25 14:47
The drone will still zoom off in the distance if you lose signal unless you set to hover, so I think thats the first best option. I know he’s not trying to land in Rth on a boat, but I don’t think he’s trying to avoid low battery Rth , anyone can cancel that, if you think its easier to reset homepoint every 5 mins than it is to watch your battery level and keep VLOS which most I’m sure do when flying from a boat. The OP gives the biggest clue when he says he was missing dynamic homepoint, there are other ways just as safe to fly on the water than updating homepoint every 5 minutes, I think I’d rather keep an eye on the drone I’m flying , you can move a drone a long way in 5 minutes and you can move some boats a lot further in 5 minutes.

"keep VLOS which most I’m sure do when flying from a boat"

I hope not. I would rather lose the drone than run into something with the boat. 2 lbs versus 3600 lbs, a no brainer.
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You cannot turn it off. Labroides method works if you want it to never use Smart battery RTH, but it does require some diligence.

IMO, the best plan is to set it to hover. I never want it to land anywhere automatically in this situation.
EDIT: will not work, read posts below....

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United States

Just to clarify. I simply want to see if there is a setting in the New Mavic 3 DJI Fly app to turn off the Smart Battery RTH.  I've been flying on the open ocean all over the world.  Sometimes, I travel far from the boat to capture a landscape or create a sense of the "expanse of ocean".  When flying on the open ocean from a moving boat I do two things, "I turn off Smart Battery RTH and I set the drone to "hover".. I've been doing that since my 1st Phantom 4 sank in the Gulf of Mexico about 3 weeks after I got it. Its flight behavior was completely new to the Phantom 2 I flew before and I did not understand what it was doing.  Now, while "cancelling RTH" is something that is easy to do in theory, sometimes your just trying to maintain your balance on a rolling boat.  Sometimes your trying to fly between the sailing rigging or land in wind and surge.  Its a added degree of anxiety you don't want to worry about if you can simply turn off the RTH feature on low battery. Thats all, if it doesn't exist on the New Mavic 3 flight software it should.  Better yet, since the RC Pro has its own GPS radio it would be a possibility to create a "Dynamic RTH" feature which would be even better. Also, DJI should know that at least for me, and I'm sure other photographers like me, not being able to turn off "Smart Battery RTH" is a work flow issue and problem when flying from a moving vessel in the ocean. So, once again, I simply hope now to get DJI to address the software issue that is not present on DJI Fly but is on DJI Go 4 software.  I'm going out on the Pacific in a couple weeks and I'd like to fly the Mavic 3 without additional anxiety.  Its quite stressful enough just launching and landing on the open sea without worrying about a software notification I've got to cancel while my mind is on staying above the water. Shot with a Phantom 4 on the Andaman Sea, in the Mergui Archipelago. I'm flying at max altitude, 12,000 feet away from that sailing yacht you see navigating toward a remote, uninhabited island. That's where I'm flying from.  I launched the drone somewhere far behind me. You've got to be able to turn off the Smart Battery RTH to have confidence in taking shots like these.
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GaryDoug Posted at 11-25 20:09
You cannot turn it off. Labroides method works if you want it to never use Smart battery RTH, but it does require some diligence.

IMO, the best plan is to set it to hover. I never want it to land anywhere automatically in this situation.

IMO, the best plan is to set it to hover.

That's a different thing.
You can set your Loss of Signal option to hover if you want.
But that only affects the drone's behaviour when (if) it loses signal.
It won't stop the drone from trying to go back where it was launched, when it calculates that it only has enough battery to get back there (if you haven't reset the homepoint)

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GaryDoug Posted at 11-25 20:06
"keep VLOS which most I’m sure do when flying from a boat"

I hope not. I would rather lose the drone than run into something with the boat. 2 lbs versus 3600 lbs, a no brainer.

If you filming and trying to pilot then thats a mistake.
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BengalBoy Posted at 11-25 21:12
Just to clarify. I simply want to see if there is a setting in the New Mavic 3 DJI Fly app to turn off the Smart Battery RTH.  I've been flying on the open ocean all over the world.  Sometimes, I travel far from the boat to capture a landscape or create a sense of the "expanse of ocean".  When flying on the open ocean from a moving boat I do two things, "I turn off Smart Battery RTH and I set the drone to "hover".. I've been doing that since my 1st Phantom 4 sank in the Gulf of Mexico about 3 weeks after I got it. Its flight behavior was completely new to the Phantom 2 I flew before and I did not understand what it was doing.  Now, while "cancelling RTH" is something that is easy to do in theory, sometimes your just trying to maintain your balance on a rolling boat.  Sometimes your trying to fly between the sailing rigging or land in wind and surge.  Its a added degree of anxiety you don't want to worry about if you can simply turn off the RTH feature on low battery. Thats all, if it doesn't exist on the New Mavic 3 flight software it should.  Better yet, since the RC Pro has its own GPS radio it would be a possibility to create a "Dynamic RTH" feature which would be even better. Also, DJI should know that at least for me, and I'm sure other photographers like me, not being able to turn off "Smart Battery RTH" is a work flow issue and problem when flying from a moving vessel in the ocean. So, once again, I simply hope now to get DJI to address the software issue that is not present on DJI Fly but is on DJI Go 4 software.  I'm going out on the Pacific in a couple weeks and I'd like to fly the Mavic 3 without additional anxiety.  Its quite stressful enough just launching and landing on the open sea without worrying about a software notification I've got to cancel while my mind is on staying above the water. Shot with a Phantom 4 on the Andaman Sea, in the Mergui Archipelago. I'm flying at max altitude, 12,000 feet away from that sailing yacht you see navigating toward a remote, uninhabited island. That's where I'm flying from.  I launched the drone somewhere far behind me. You've got to be able to turn off the Smart Battery RTH to have confidence in taking shots like these. [view_image] [view_image]

If you get low battery Rth you can cancel just by pressing the big X on screen. You are then free to fly to land manually , you cannot cancel critical low battery Rth so you need to be tucked up before that. But the answer to your question is yes you can but you can only cancel it when it comes on.
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hallmark007 Posted at 11-25 05:32
Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your Family.

Thank you very much hallmark.  
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Labroides Posted at 11-25 22:00
IMO, the best plan is to set it to hover.

That's a different thing.

Yes, I stand corrupted again. I have been using the M2p mostly lately.
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hallmark007 Posted at 11-26 00:20
If you filming and trying to pilot then thats a mistake.

Some people can multitask. No worse than glancing in the rear view mirrors from time to time. It's called defensive driving.

And what does filming have to do with anythng? I start "filming" at takeoff and leave it set until landed.

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GaryDoug Posted at 11-26 18:33
Some people can multitask. No worse than glancing in the rear view mirrors from time to time. It's called defensive driving.

And what does filming have to do with anythng? I start "fiming" at takeoff and leave it set until landed.

Well maybe, but we were thought at yacht masters that what happens behind you is the responsibility of those behind ;+)
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Labroides Posted at 11-25 22:00
IMO, the best plan is to set it to hover.

That's a different thing.

That setting is not on Mavic 3, Rth on Mavic 3 is different, it now calculates wind etc before reaching what it thinks is its threshold , its much more accurate and you have the option to cancel this, the only thing you cannot cancel is critical battery and when craft enters this mode you still have control until battery dies. And if your still flying from a boat when this happens then good luck....
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hallmark007 Posted at 11-27 03:12
That setting is not on Mavic 3, Rth on Mavic 3 is different, it now calculates wind etc before reaching what it thinks is its threshold , its much more accurate and you have the option to cancel this, the only thing you cannot cancel is critical battery and when craft enters this mode you still have control until battery dies. And if your still flying from a boat when this happens then good luck....

That setting is not on Mavic 3, Rth on Mavic 3 is different
I'm reluctant to ask ...

But what setting is not on the M3?
The manual shows that the M3 has Low battery RTH.
p17 .. Low Battery RTH is triggered when the Intelligent Flight Battery is depleted to the point that the safe return of the aircraft may be affected.
And page 18 suggests that the Loss of Signal actions are the same as they always have been:
... the action the aircraft performs when the remote controller is lost must be set to Return to Home in DJI Fly

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Labroides Posted at 11-27 05:25
That setting is not on Mavic 3, Rth on Mavic 3 is different
I'm reluctant to ask ...

The setting to turn off auto Rth , but its not needed, you can turn off low battery rth if it initiates so no need to be updating homepoint every 5 minutes.
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hallmark007 Posted at 11-27 06:04
The setting to turn off auto Rth , but its not needed, you can turn off low battery rth if it initiates so no need to be updating homepoint every 5 minutes.

Effective communication would be a lot easier if we spoke a common language.

What do you mean by Auto RTH?
That's not a term that you find anywhere in a DJI drone manual.

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Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 11-27 02:53
Well maybe, but we were thought at yacht masters that what happens behind you is the responsibility of those behind ;+)

And we were taught in the USCG that you are responsible to some degree for anything around you, no excuses. And being ahead does absolutely not give you special navigation privileges. Look them up.
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GaryDoug Posted at 11-27 20:49
And we were taught in the USCG that you are responsible to some degree for anything around you, no excuses. And being ahead does absolutely not give you special navigation privileges. Look them up.

I’m certain that no one sanctioned flying drones while piloting a boat. Or the need to include flying a drone as multi tasking while piloting a boat. That should be the end of this.
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Labroides Posted at 11-27 14:58
Effective communication would be a lot easier if we spoke a common language.

What do you mean by Auto RTH?

I’m certain you know what it is we’re talking about, but Apoligies if you don’t. Low Battery rth which can be exited at anytime until it reaches critical battery and allows controller to control craft and in this case fly back to where ever operator is and land if he chooses.
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hallmark007 Posted at 11-28 03:23
I’m certain you know what it is we’re talking about, but Apoligies if you don’t. Low Battery rth which can be exited at anytime until it reaches critical battery and allows controller to control craft and in this case fly back to where ever operator is and land if he chooses.

I’m certain you know what it is we’re talking about, but Apoligies if you don’t.

You might be certain, but I have no idea what you are blabbering about, because you can't answer a simple question with a simple answer.

I'm not asking about exiting from Low Battery RTH.
You've explained that about 5 times more than was needed.

I'm trying (unsuccesfully), to work out what setting you say is not on the M3.
You've said:
That setting is not on Mavic 3
You called it "the setting to turn off auto Rth".

Is it too much to expect you to explain in terms anyone else can understand?
What setting are you talking about?
What is this setting to turn off "auto RTH" that you mentioned?
I know lots about various RTH methods with DJI drones, but I don't know what "auto RTH" is or what setting there is to turn it off.
Please try to use recognised terms instead of making up your own.

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Labroides Posted at 11-28 03:33
I’m certain you know what it is we’re talking about, but Apoligies if you don’t.

You might be certain, but I have no idea what you are blabbering about, because you can't answer a simple question with a simple answer.

There used to be an option on phantom 4 to turn off, I think it was called smart RTH or it could have been low battery “I’m not certain” this option is only available in Mavic 3 as it kicks in.
I’m glad you realize that resetting homepoint from a boat is not the best option .
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hallmark007 Posted at 11-28 03:45
There used to be an option on phantom 4 to turn off, I think it was called smart RTH or it could have been low battery “I’m not certain” this option is only available in Mavic 3 as it kicks in.
I’m glad you realize that resetting homepoint from a boat is not the best option .

I’m glad you realize that resetting homepoint from a boat is not the best option.
Where did you get that ridiculous idea.
Not from anything I said.

I use that process because it works best for me, because it's quick and simple and it prevents the issue before it becomes a problem.
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 11-28 02:51
I’m certain that no one sanctioned flying drones while piloting a boat. Or the need to include flying a drone as multi tasking while piloting a boat. That should be the end of this.

You do whatever you want and I will continue doing anything not illegal. Enough said.
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