Flight distance : 288658 ft
United States
Buzzyone Posted at 12-1 05:36
The message “Remote is not bound to the controller” is a confusing one, which needs a slight explanation. Binding should not be confused with Linking as they are different. Linking refers to the actual communication between the remote or RC Pro, which is carried out by selecting Linking in the Control part of the Fly App. Binding is tying the serial number of the remote to the serial number of the aircraft and form part of the ‘Fly Away’ part of the DJI Warranty/Refresh program. If you Link a different remote to the aircraft you will receive a message that the remote is not bound to the aircraft with an option to bind the remote. The brief message you get at start up may be a result of the start up where the check carried out by the system to confirm that the remote and aircraft are bound. If they are not bound then this may impact any fly away claim you may subsequently make as the result of a flyaway.
You are allowed to fly an unbound aircraft a maximum of 5 times before you have to swap the bound controller to the un-bound one. An internet connection will be needed to carry out this swap.
Thanks for this explanation. I asked this question on a different thread, and this makes much more sense to me now. At first I was getting a message that the Remote was not bound to aircraft at startup. The message has since stopped appearing. No idea why. I also had tried to bind my Mac Mini 2 remote as backup to my M3 for a trip I was taking. I actually then got the message regarding the 5 times. That was unrelated to the inital binding error, however.
As an aside - I did decided to keep my Cine edition. I believe the majority, if not all, of my iniitial issues should be addressed with firmware updates. I flew both my M2Pro and M3Cine last night for a few hours, and while I still love my M2Pro, the M3 is so much more enjoyable. I absolutely love the dual camera system and the explore option. Anyway, thanks everyone for their replies.