Hello there Henrik Olsen. Good day and thank you for sharing this video that you have created. Just a reminder to please use the recommended DJI application ( DJI Fly application ) when flying your DJI Air 2S to ensure stability and comparability during flight and 3rd party applications like Litchi can void the warranty of your DJI Air 2S. Thank you and safe flying always.
DJI Stephen Posted at 1-9 21:55
Hello there Henrik Olsen. Good day and thank you for sharing this video that you have created. Just a reminder to please use the recommended DJI application ( DJI Fly application ) when flying your DJI Air 2S to ensure stability and comparability during flight and 3rd party applications like Litchi can void the warranty of your DJI Air 2S. Thank you and safe flying always.
Can you clarify DJI's stand on this - you are offering an SDK for third-party apps to integrate, but this is breaking the warranty? How about Care Refresh?
Henrik Olsen Posted at 1-10 01:24
Can you clarify DJI's stand on this - you are offering an SDK for third-party apps to integrate, but this is breaking the warranty? How about Care Refresh?
Good Question.
Does this only apply when the Apps are on Beta or extends to when they are on the production version
There is no cover when using fly app, ie if app crashes etc and you crash you don’t have any warranty cover. And Litchi is exactly the same you are not covered if app is the cause of your crash.
But if drone malfunction happens while using DJI app or any other app your drone is covered by your warranty, so long as the app you are using is not the cause of your crash.
It clearly states in the warranty that if your drone malfunctions your warranty will cover this.
Its almost unheard of that the app has caused any crash and I don’t know of one single case where Litchi app caused any crash. DJI have accepted many times logs that showed user was using Litchi app when malfunction has occurred . But its important to check that third party apps can record proper logs.
hallmark007 Posted at 1-20 07:53
There is no cover when using fly app, ie if app crashes etc and you crash you don’t have any warranty cover. And Litchi is exactly the same you are not covered if app is the cause of your crash.
But if drone malfunction happens while using DJI app or any other app your drone is covered by your warranty, so long as the app you are using is not the cause of your crash.
I'm not taking your know it all word for warranty coverage!
hallmark007 Posted at 1-20 07:53
There is no cover when using fly app, ie if app crashes etc and you crash you don’t have any warranty cover. And Litchi is exactly the same you are not covered if app is the cause of your crash.
But if drone malfunction happens while using DJI app or any other app your drone is covered by your warranty, so long as the app you are using is not the cause of your crash.
"Its almost unheard of that the app has caused any crash and I don’t know of one single case where Litchi app caused any crash."
You polled all people using Litchi and know NO ONE has crashed. Hmmmmm....Mr. Expert!
TP-FPV Posted at 1-20 14:43
"Its almost unheard of that the app has caused any crash and I don’t know of one single case where Litchi app caused any crash."
You polled all people using Litchi and know NO ONE has crashed. Hmmmmm....Mr. Expert!
Ive been on this forum over 6 years there is not a single case here of a crash caused by using Litchi app. If you think I’m wrong show me all those cases. There was one crash using litchi with an inspire but dji used his flight log and it showed a malfunction with the aircraft and he was awarded correctly a warranty replacement.
You will also find it incredibly hard to find a single case of dji go/go4/ or fly app causing a crash. Your app is not covered in your warranty.
So no I haven’t polled all litchi users, I don’t need to.
hallmark007 Posted at 1-20 15:03
Ive been on this forum over 6 years there is not a single case here of a crash caused by using Litchi app. If you think I’m wrong show me all those cases. There was one crash using litchi with an inspire but dji used his flight log and it showed a malfunction with the aircraft and he was awarded correctly a warranty replacement.
You will also find it incredibly hard to find a single case of dji go/go4/ or fly app causing a crash. Your app is not covered in your warranty.
According to Litchi and Maven the Air 2S Sdk is broken. Their apps don't support all the relevant functions except for normal user stick flight. I would love to know when they might get around to fixing it.