Charles Adams
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3821312 ft
United States
I don't make any claims that the length of time for the M3 to acquire sattelite lock is or isn't an issue. This thread is to share how I make lemonaid from lemons.
I've factored in the time-to-lock and come up with a "post" pre-flight checklist, so I utilize the amount of "time-to-lock" productively.
First I will lift off the ground by about 9 or so feet to reduce the ground level obstructions that may be impeeding lock. I don't have any scientific evidence that this helps, but my observations are that it does seem to reduce the amount of time required. It seems to help when I can go above 10' as well, but that's personal observation without real evidence.
While in a stationary position and waiting for "lock", I will go into settings and validate my "environment" specific settings (that's my term). I'll review my bypass mode, I'll review RTH height (which is not always used now), and I'll review my max altitude setting (I fly around places where ground level changes dramatically in a short amount of time, so sometimes 400' isn't enough to account for the ground level elevation changes in my environment). P.S. I don't condone flying over 400' AGL.
I then recenter my gimbal. It seems to always start uneven, and recentering seems to address the issue. Oddly, it seems to improvde during flight as well.
I then set the pro settings on my camera (I am now pretty much avoiding auto settings most of the time).
Usually when I finish, lock has been acquired, and I'm ready to fly.
Some of this can occur pre - lift off, but I'm using the time that DJI has graciously given me.