dlnl Posted at 2023-1-19 00:29
Indeed. Extremely disappointing this S1. We have four :-( :-( :-( including batt. packs and all for educational purposes, but feel completely misinformed about the possibilities of the Robomaster S1.
Now that this 'toy' is already on the market for several years, why not remove the 'sofware lock' and just open it up for the Python SDK etc. Even if it were not supported I would take that responsibility.
Our S1s are just collecting dust now.
I wished the had the arm here. Other than that, I wished they made it
do a little more too, but I actually, and still have fun with mine. I want
that EP Core. I think the machine is great for students mostly, but I'm
and old man almost, but I program the crap out of it. I just hate that
it's now discontinued. I'm trying to make dji bring it back, I thought
I was hoping they wouldn't ever discontinue it, because they have
a great idea, or so I think? But now I read that they are discontinuing it
and I made up a complete Robomaster S1 Python programming examples.
Lots of them. Here I am hoping they won't ever discontinue it, only to find
out they did. I want the EP Core, but now that scares me if they discontinue
that as well. They can shut down the app on us and we have nothing more
than a very expensive paperweight. Cozmo did that to me, that little robot.
It became a almost a four hundred dollar paperweight. I then gave it away
to anyone, that wanted it. |