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Disappointed DJI has outright abandoned the S1
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Flight distance : 13 ft

We were told The Robomaster S1 would be expandalbe in the future.
We were shown videos and pictures of an arm upgrade. You can't deny that, and it's misleading and false advertising at this point.
Petty and cheap IMO to do so for a company like DJI.
It's an embarrasment to DJI's prior reputation .
Does your reputation not matter ?

What did we get instead ?
A unit with a very basic and limited set of programmable commands and very little utility.

I would have purchased an EP by now, but I'm not confident DJI will support that product any better than this one.
In fact I will not likly purchase anything from DJI in the furture as a result of my S1 experiance. I feel ripped off.

I purchased all your accessories and several extra battery's, I have well over a grand CDN$ spent on this thing and for what ??? .

I expected a superior product with all the formentionsed addons and far more utility by now.

We as owners shouldn't have to hack the product to access the SDK.

If you want my buisness in the furture, you should make good on your advertising videos of a furture arm addon, unlock the SDK,  and or allow S1 users the ability to upgrade to, and purchase EP related products and sensors.

Don't reply to me and tell me that EP products are not conpatible with the S1, I know people that have hacked the S1 to add the SDK ,then purchased an EP and all the EP hardware works JUST FINE on the S!. The ONLY reason it's not compatible right now is your sofware lock, which can be undone with a firmware update... (or the SDK hack)

Again make good on your adverts and past promises of upgradeabilty or lose myself and likly many other S1 owners as customers in the future.

Very disapointed, and I am sure I am not alone...

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DJI Gamora

Hi, there. We fully understand your feeling. We will transfer your concern to the relevant engineer. Hope we could provide more choices to optimize the usage of the Robomaster S1.
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Flight distance : 13 ft

DJI Gamora Posted at 1-24 22:59
Hi, there. We fully understand your feeling. We will transfer your concern to the relevant engineer. Hope we could provide more choices to optimize the usage of the Robomaster S1.

I really hope they take this seriously, and I encourage other S1 users who feel disappointed for the same reasons I am, to add their concerns to this thread !
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Flight distance : 30817 ft
  • >>>

Wardword Posted at 1-24 23:27
I really hope they take this seriously, and I encourage other S1 users who feel disappointed for the same reasons I am, to add their concerns to this thread !

X2. Robomaster S1 is a sadly a big disappointment.  Bought it because DJI products are usually great, but robomaster is just not. It is way too limited, for any person considering buy this thing, please don't, there are better uses for your money.
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Flight distance : 230259 ft

I am agree with you. It is really disappointing when I came to know the reality. @DJI please stop promoting false information  
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First Officer
Flight distance : 7557283 ft

Wardword Posted at 1-24 23:27
I really hope they take this seriously, and I encourage other S1 users who feel disappointed for the same reasons I am, to add their concerns to this thread !

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Indeed. Extremely disappointing this S1. We have four :-( :-( :-( including batt. packs and all for educational purposes, but feel completely misinformed about the possibilities of the Robomaster S1.
Now that this 'toy' is already on the market for several years, why not remove the 'sofware lock' and just open it up for the Python SDK etc. Even if it were not supported I would take that responsibility.
Our S1s are just collecting dust now.

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I'm getting scared. I love my robot, but now they can discontinue the app on us and that will hurt us completely
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dlnl Posted at 2023-1-19 00:29
Indeed. Extremely disappointing this S1. We have four :-( :-( :-( including batt. packs and all for educational purposes, but feel completely misinformed about the possibilities of the Robomaster S1.
Now that this 'toy' is already on the market for several years, why not remove the 'sofware lock' and just open it up for the Python SDK etc. Even if it were not supported I would take that responsibility.
Our S1s are just collecting dust now.

I wished the had the arm here. Other than that, I wished they made it
do a little more too, but I actually, and still have fun with mine. I want
that EP Core. I think the machine is great for students mostly, but I'm
and old man almost, but I program the crap out of it. I just hate that
it's now discontinued. I'm trying to make dji bring it back, I thought
I was hoping they wouldn't ever discontinue it, because they have
a great idea, or so I think? But now I read that they are discontinuing it
and I made up a complete Robomaster S1 Python programming examples.
Lots of them. Here I am hoping they won't ever discontinue it, only to find
out they did. I want the EP Core, but now that scares me if they discontinue
that as well. They can shut down the app on us and we have nothing more
than a very expensive paperweight. Cozmo did that to me, that little robot.
It became a almost a four hundred dollar paperweight. I then gave it away
to anyone, that wanted it.
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