Flight distance : 356391 ft
United States
To anyone who may be curious, I did a very quick test of the zoom camera at 28x zoom before I updated my firmware and after the update. This is not super scientific, just a rough test to see if I would notice a difference in sharpness after the firmware update and at 28x zoom.
The purpose of this test was to test the specific 0500 firmware update note that stated DJI increased sharpness from the zoom camera when shootin at high magnification.
A little about the test:
Drone was set on a flat table. A printed test sheet was pinned to the wall across the room. Nothing was moved or touched in all of the testing. Even as the firmware updated I did not move the drone. I also did not change the lighting in the room at all. Just a standard overhead light. The lighting, at least for this zoom camera, should be considered to be pretty low. I took several pics and videos. Samples provided below
Conclusion is that there is a clear and noticable increase in sharpness at 28x, in both video and photos. It was immediate aparant to me when I looked at the data I collected. I am providing two jpeg samples here just to show the difference. You will notice even in these compressed jpeg samples that the 0500 sample is bolder and sharper, with less fuzzyness. Also of note is that, atleast in the few samples I took, all of the pictures on the 0500 firmware were slighty larger file sizes than those of the 0400 firmware. I dont know if that is just coincidence but it seems not.
EDIT: you will need to download and view the files at full size to really see the difference.