Flight distance : 12096457 ft
United States
What's going on fellow droners! It's only appropriate to call us something that rhymes with "stoners" as we all clearly like to get high.
Jokes aside, I've been sharing some of my media with you over the past year and as I was registering for a new platform I realized I never shared this one. From deep inside of one of the busiest passes in America, the Cajon Pass in Southern California. A great place for train spotting. You may appreciate this if you are familiar with the area and may appreciate seeing the trains. It was shot with the Mavic 2 Pro and was the first video when I reignited my YouTube, setting a goal to go full time as soon as I can. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the VLOG, I am sharing it from Rumble, so I think the quality will be limited. However, if for some reason you are interested in my YouTube, I will put the link below.
Thanks everyone, happy flying in 2022!
Link to subscribe to my YouTube Channel: