Flight distance : 13641634 ft
New Zealand
djiuser_CUclUQbFrSPq Posted at 2-13 19:54
I did some research on Mavic 3 4G dongle module. This dongle is using TD-LTE and Australia also use TD-LTE(at least according to Google, Optus use TD-LTE). So it means literally this module can use 4g in Australia. BUT! All the data from this dongle will be processed in DJI's transit server and DJI can terminate this server in a specific country or area regarding the law. It means although this dongle has 4g function in Australia, DJI can simply ban Australia from the server to avoid people using this dongle. Now we need to ask DJI: do they ban any country from using this service or just don't sell them outside China. If they didn't ban any countries on the server, then I believe we can simply buy a dongle from China and use it in other countries. All those information is based on my research today, if you think anything is wrong, welcome to discuss (English is not my mother language, so if anything is unclear, please let me know!)
Very useful information. tried checking which networks in New Zealand uses TD-LTE and cannot find any information. They just state 4G or LTE no further definition. This dongle, in the manual states that it can use FD-LTE and TD-LTE. |