Official Thread to complain about GPS
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14263 388 2022-2-11
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This poll/thread is here for all users that are having issues with getting GPS lock that takes longer then 2/3 minutes and also that have issues with their Air Sense not working after the firmware updates. If you vote, post your comment based on what you voted and what you, the customer want Dji to do to resolve it. Make our voices heard people and do not sit and accept what is being dished out to us.
If you had managed to resolve the issues with regards to Long GPS wait times, please post what you have done to fix this to help others.

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I had a GPS delay with the December firmware. The January firmware made the situation worse. I have no experience with startup firmware.

I want DJI to solve the problem as a matter of priority within a reasonable time. 3 months after the launch, such bugs on such an expensive drone are unacceptable. If the problem is hardware DJI must promptly replace our drones at their expense. An option in which my drone is in DJI service for 1 month is unacceptable.

An official position on the part of the DJI would be a good start. I'm not talking about posts by moderators and administrators. I am talking about the official position of the company.

I agree that this problem should be discussed on all possible platforms, because only this will force DJI to solve the problem in which it involved us.
The launch of such an unprepared product is extremely incorrect market behavior and I personally do not intend to sponsor it in the future. The consumer experience with Mavic 3 makes me decide not to buy more DJI products in the first 4-5 months after their launch.
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Oracle Miata
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United States

At the very least, DJI needs to recognize and admit there’s an issue
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Oracle Miata Posted at 2-11 06:21
At the very least, DJI needs to recognize and admit there’s an issue

They have but have also said there is no plan yet to introduce FW to fix the problem. Plot thickens…
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Adding my grumble grumble here.  Airsense is compeltely non-functional for me, and I do not get alerts that I previously got that were helpful to maintain awareness.

Additionally, the cold start GPS lock time consumes ~10% of my battery while I wait for the M3 to even have enough satellites to go.  It's a real pisah.

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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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New Zealand

OsamaBinAwesome Posted at 2-11 10:30
Just gonna put this here. A 128Gb SD card in exchange for a hardware fault.[view_image][view_image][view_image]

Well below is the BS I got back from them.
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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New Zealand

KokoFresha Posted at 2-11 02:00
I had a GPS delay with the December firmware. The January firmware made the situation worse. I have no experience with startup firmware.

I want DJI to solve the problem as a matter of priority within a reasonable time. 3 months after the launch, such bugs on such an expensive drone are unacceptable. If the problem is hardware DJI must promptly replace our drones at their expense. An option in which my drone is in DJI service for 1 month is unacceptable.

I agree. The more we discuss this and create posts and polls about it, it will force Dji to do something about it. Eventually they will have to listen.
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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New Zealand

Oracle Miata Posted at 2-11 06:21
At the very least, DJI needs to recognize and admit there’s an issue

True but they seem to be shying away from that fact.
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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New Zealand

TonyPHX Posted at 2-11 08:06
Adding my grumble grumble here.  Airsense is compeltely non-functional for me, and I do not get alerts that I previously got that were helpful to maintain awareness.

Additionally, the cold start GPS lock time consumes ~10% of my battery while I wait for the M3 to even have enough satellites to go.  It's a real pisah.

So basically you paid for 46 minutes flight time less the 10% battery wastage sitting on the ground you only get 28 minutes flight time. Not acceptable.
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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New Zealand

OsamaBinAwesome Posted at 2-11 10:30
Just gonna put this here. A 128Gb SD card in exchange for a hardware fault.[view_image][view_image][view_image]

It is like they are trying to bribe their customers into accepting this issues.
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Virgil Quick
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1074104 ft
United States

I think this response was written by Jen Psaki.
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New Zealand

OsamaBinAwesome Posted at 2-11 11:06
Yep. The deny that there are issues. That way they don't have to fix what they can't fix! It supports the notion that this is a hardware problem and also is in line with what the moderator said here- there is nothing to fix!

Its a Pity. Well I will wait for a few months if this issue is not resolved, take a hammer and smash the drone and send it in for a Care refresh replacement  
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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New Zealand

Search for the stars That idiotic response made my day. Dji are so disconnected and making themselves look like fools
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New Zealand

Well, just to keep this thread going and updated, below is my response email back to Dji Support:

Hi There

Thank you for the reply. I do not have the RC Pro but use the RC-N1 and having an internet connection will not speed up the drone getting sat lock and recording home point, this is achieved by the gps module within the drone. The Airsense does not work as I tested this at an airport with my client whose plane has ADSB and got no warning no matter where I adjusted the setting. We need a firmware update fix to resolve these issues or I would like a full refund of $4500NZD that I paid for this drone. I did not pay for a half-baked drone but for a drone that worked and had Airsense working and a drone that would give me 46 minute flight time and not be sitting on the ground for over 6 minutes. So either send me a proper working replacement drone that has all this working or send me a refund form and I will not buy another Dji product again. I have owned over 17 Mavic units and phantoms and never had this issues before.

This was a stuff up created by Dji engineers and needs to be fixed as it used to work prior to the December update.

Thank You
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Second Officer
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United States

Just a thought here:

In terms of feedback to DJI, I suspect that the number of active members on this forum is not a large enough sample to move the needle with DJI. I'm not saying the posting and information provided by users is ignored but it certainly does not have the clout of a major publication sounding the alarm on missing features, GPS and other issues.

Perhaps, it may be better to contact industry publications, The Verge, Pixel, etc. to see if they are willing to look into the matter. They have clout far beyond a user forum.

Posting info on testing and possible remedies is a great asset for those here. The "doom scrolling", repeat threads, name calling, desire to "one up" the last poster simply reduce the value overall for all of us.

DJI has enough complaints, suggestions, logs, etc. from the Forum. They clearly know of our concerns. What's needed is the industry reviewers getting on board.

As always, my thoughts and opinions only.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Virgil Quick Posted at 2-11 11:10
I think this response was written by Jen Psaki.

Written FOR her. She ain't smart enough to write for herself!
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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New Zealand

EFRPIC Posted at 2-11 11:47
Just a thought here:

In terms of feedback to DJI, I suspect that the number of active members on this forum is not a large enough sample to move the needle with DJI. I'm not saying the posting and information provided by users is ignored but it certainly does not have the clout of a major publication sounding the alarm on missing features, GPS and other issues.

From a small Island Country like where I am from, this would not be possible and I highly doubt we have many Mavic 3 owners here. From a Country like USA, where majority of Dji drones gets sold to now that would be a voice to reckon with.
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United States

Country size does not matter in this case. The more individual owners that contact the BIG publisher names the better.
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Virgil Quick
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1074104 ft
United States

It might also help get DJI's attention by writing honest reviews, not rants, on major retail sites like Amazon, B&H and others.
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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United States

So, in my pursuit to get GPS working I downgraded the drone to .400 including the RC. powered up drone on my deck like I always do and waited about a minute and half to 2 minutes and got a full GPS lock of 12 sats including home point updated, went for a short flight (its raining here and very windy) and did a Mastershots test and landed. Drone performed as expected but could not test ADSB as no helicopters were going overhead. I will now leave the drone for 2 hours or so and test again. If the home point lock is the same then we know the issue. I will then update back to .500 and do the same tests again. I will post my results back on this thread.
***EDIT*** Just to add, i tried the silly suggestion of Dji support and turned off wifi on my phone and had mobile data connected, i doubt it is related but in next tests i will try in flight mode.
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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United States

So, I put the drone outside again and it has been 2 hours since the last flight. Turned iPhone to Flight mode so no wifi and mobile data on phone. The drone is still on .400 firmware and locked full homepoint in 2 minutes flat. I can now confirm that the drone does not need the phone or RC-Pro data connection to speed up the sat lock to record home point, I can also 100% confirm that this issues was caused by Dji themselves because Airsense also works and gives me alerts as a Helicopter went by. This concludes that Dji messed up the firmware either intentionally or not and don't know what they have done wrong to be able to fix it and are feeding us crap feedback to keep us quiet
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Suren Posted at 2-11 15:49
So, I put the drone outside again and it has been 2 hours since the last flight. Turned iPhone to Flight mode so no wifi and mobile data on phone. The drone is still on .400 firmware and locked full homepoint in 2 minutes flat. I can now confirm that the drone does not need the phone or RC-Pro data connection to speed up the sat lock to record home point, I can also 100% confirm that this issues was caused by Dji themselves because Airsense also works and gives me alerts as a Helicopter went by. This concludes that Dji messed up the firmware either intentionally or not and don't know what they have done wrong to be able to fix it and are feeding us crap feedback to keep us quiet

Wait 2 hours more and fire it up WITH data/wifi to see if that speeds it up.
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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United States

Mobilehomer Posted at 2-11 15:53
Wait 2 hours more and fire it up WITH data/wifi to see if that speeds it up.

Yup, will do that
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Suren Posted at 2-11 15:57
Yup, will do that

The more info that is sent to DJI, the better. Especially empirical data.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

6 minutes 45 seconds lock time tonight in a very familiar place, This was the worst time by far for me. This is going the wrong way.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3440564 ft
United States

Virgil Quick Posted at 2-11 11:10
I think this response was written by Jen Psaki.

I hear you there
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3440564 ft
United States

Mobilehomer Posted at 2-11 11:52
Written FOR her. She ain't smart enough to write for herself!

Oh you so nailed that one
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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New Zealand

Okay Guys. So the whole day today was crappy because of heavy winds and on/off rains so I had nothing better to do then to try and find a solution to this crappy GPS issue that most of us are getting. I have posted above what I had started testing but below is a small recap:
1. Downgraded Ac and RC to previous firmware which is .400
2. Powered on Ac then RC and connected phone with mobile data turned on in the iPhone
3. Drone connected to home point and locked 11 sats (which gps signal bar turned white) in under 2 minutes
4. Turned drone off and removed battery for 2 hours ( watched movies)
5. Turned on drone again then RC and connected iPhone but I turned off the phone mobiles data - Put it into Flight mode- drone connected to 11 sats-turned white and recorded home point in under 2 minutes again
6. upgraded RC to .500 and left drone on .400 firmware- Full sat lock took 3 minutes this time to record the home point. Locked 11 sats again which turned GPS bar to white
7. upgraded drone to .500 (latest firmware) and downgraded RC to previous firmware .400 and drone locked full 11 sats in 53 seconds after being turned off for 2 hours - cold start
8. upgrade both drone and RC to latest firmware .500 and turned on drone then RC with Mobile data on phone enabled and drone took 6 minutes and 36 seconds to locks 12 sats and record home point.
9. Downgraded RC again, left drone on latest firmware and tried after an hour and the drone locked full sats in 1 minute and 30 seconds.

How is this possible that the RC when on the latest firmware causes the drone to take longer to register sats. When the drone and RC is on the previous firmware which is .400 the drone only needs 11 sats to register the home point but on the latest firmware needs 12 sats to register. The story about mobile data and using the phones A-GPS has been debunked here but something is not right in the firmware for the RC which should have nothing to do with locking in satellites. One thing I can be 100% sure of is that when I downgraded both the drone and RC to the previous versions I also managed to get alerts again from AirSense. This proves beyond a shadow o doubt that the newest firmware, although gave us all the missing features caused major issues for some, if not the majority of us with GPS and AirSense. I hereby urge Dji to hurry up and produce an update that will gives AirSense back and working GPS times with all the features that we paid for.

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Flight distance : 12142077 ft
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United States

GaryDoug Posted at 2-11 18:58
6 minutes 45 seconds lock time tonight in a very familiar place, This was the worst time by far for me. This is going the wrong way.

I hate the idea of posting videos on Youtube highlighting more problems with this turkey of a drone, because I think it is going to be a great drone someday, but it may be time to go into "creative" mode.   

Your six minutes matched mine today also.  Very poor.  Definitely getting slower and slower.
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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New Zealand

TonyPHX Posted at 2-11 23:10
I hate the idea of posting videos on Youtube highlighting more problems with this turkey of a drone, because I think it is going to be a great drone someday, but it may be time to go into "creative" mode.   

Your six minutes matched mine today also.  Very poor.  Definitely getting slower and slower.

Hey Tony, try what I did and downgrade your drone and RC to the previous version using a PC to .400 and see if it helps you as well. If it does and many of us can prove that the downgrade works we can then prove what Dji is feeding us is total BS.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 15050643 ft

Suren Posted at 2-11 21:41
Okay Guys. So the whole day today was crappy because of heavy winds and on/off rains so I had nothing better to do then to try and find a solution to this crappy GPS issue that most of us are getting. I have posted above what I had started testing but below is a small recap:
1. Downgraded Ac and RC to previous firmware which is .400
2. Powered on Ac then RC and connected phone with mobile data turned on in the iPhone

Hi Suren,
Excellent test Suren and 100% proof of the problem. Would DJI not have been able to do this test months ago? It's like the Australian Ostrich, just put our head in the sand and you have no problems. I hope they see you test and fix this problem once and for all. Are they so afraid of admitting to this problem and loosing face, like the Japanese? Many thanks for your time taken to do this test, great job indeed.
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Flight distance : 12142077 ft
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United States

Suren Posted at 2-11 23:14
Hey Tony, try what I did and downgrade your drone and RC to the previous version using a PC to .400 and see if it helps you as well. If it does and many of us can prove that the downgrade works we can then prove what Dji is feeding us is total BS.

I have one mavic cine 3 in the box unopened still.  I can just bust that one out.  I may end up doing that on Sunday.  But I already know this is firmware.  I recall no crazy GPS delays until the successive updates.
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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New Zealand

kyalami Posted at 2-12 00:15
Hi Suren,
Excellent test Suren and 100% proof of the problem. Would DJI not have been able to do this test months ago? It's like the Australian Ostrich, just put our head in the sand and you have no problems. I hope they see you test and fix this problem once and for all. Are they so afraid of admitting to this problem and loosing face, like the Japanese? Many thanks for your time taken to do this test, great job indeed.

Thanks mate. I also email the admin of this forum and included the email I sent to support and my post from here, hopefully something gets done soon.
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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New Zealand

TonyPHX Posted at 2-12 00:17
I have one mavic cine 3 in the box unopened still.  I can just bust that one out.  I may end up doing that on Sunday.  But I already know this is firmware.  I recall no crazy GPS delays until the successive updates.

Yes it is firmware but if more of us can prove this they might work faster in providing a fix
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6. Under 2 minutes, that's 3 to 4 times slower than my Mini2 which costs more than 4 times less.
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DJI Susan

Hi there, I feel sorry for this issue and we notice the feedback about the satellites searching issue. If you have encountered the issue, please try to enable a network connection for DJI Fly app and try again.
If it still takes a long time for the drone to collect satellites (e.g. over 3 mins), please help to export the flight log from the aircraft via DJI Assistant 2, and record a video of the issue, I will forward the log and video to our engineers and ask them to check it further.
I am very concerned about this case, the related posts had been forwarded to our engineers, I still look forward to your cooperation and export the data. Hope to receive your reply soon.
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Suren Posted at 2-12 00:53
Yes it is firmware but if more of us can prove this they might work faster in providing a fix

I think there is something to this AGPS, as far back as two weeks ago I received an email from dji explaining how this should help make faster GPS connection. Of course on posting the email here it was rubbished. So I just connected my RC pro to hotspot on my phone started up from cold my drone and 40 seconds my drone had GPS lock.

It was the underlying question why are some having more problems with waiting times than others. Could it simply have been that some were unknowingly flying with app connected in the background so receiving gps quicker while others not having app connected or not connected to hotspot were taking longer to receive signals.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4658274 ft

The promotions of Mavic 3 with us have already started ...
I added a comment below the post about the GPS problem. I think that way we have a better chance of getting a solution.

I also posted my problem in the national drone group. The problem is not isolated,  affects the majority of owners. What is worrying is that there are colleagues who have absolutely no problem, but claim to have the latest firmware. There is a colleague who called for service for this problem, but his drone was returned with the explanation that he was waiting for an update. There is no deadline for the update.

Beyond the facts, I have a bad feeling that the GPS module (or GPS antennas) used are not a Hi-End solution. They are rather mediocre. Technically fit, but low class.
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Flight distance : 878373 ft
South Korea

Tip: The post by the administrator or moderators shield
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