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Ronin 4D Global Release and Specifications Update
37663 18 2022-2-14
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DJI Support
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Hong Kong

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中国国外向けRonin 4D発売と仕様のアップデートについて

世界中のプロ映像クリエイターの皆様、お待たせいたしました。シネマカメラの業界に新風を吹き込むRonin 4D-6Kが2022年2月16日より出荷を開始いたします。Ronin 4Dは、刷新されたフルサイズ ジンバルカメラZenmuse X9を搭載し、能動的な4軸安定化機構、LiDAR フォーカス、他に例を見ないワイヤレス伝送とワイヤレス制御といったさまざまな機能をこの一台に統合し、映像撮影を根本から再設計した製品となっています。

Ronin 4Dの何点かの特徴・機能については、発表当初の仕様からアップデートすることとなりました。今回の発表時のファームウェアでは、ミラーリング操作モードを使用して、遠隔モニターでメインモニター画面を表示し制御することができます。また、オーバーレイ情報なしで遠隔モニター拡張プレートのHDMIポートとSDIポートを介してクリーンビデオをストリーミングすることができます。さらに、いくつかのサードパーティー製オートレンズの自動キャリブレーションに対応し、LiDARフォーカスシステム機能を実現しています。一方で、Ronin 4Dは、ローンチ時に発表した圧縮RAW内部収録(Apple ProRes RAW)には対応せず、代わりに、2022年内にリリース予定のファームウェア更新でApple ProRes 4444 XQに対応予定です。これらの仕様変更を受けて、Ronin 4D-6Kコンボの値段は$6,799へと減額いたします。発表時の元の値段でRonin 4Dを先行予約されたお客様には、代理店へご連絡いただくことにより、差額をご返金いたします。この仕様変更についてのお問い合わせは、DJIサポートチームまでご連絡ください。

Ronin 4Dの発売により、フィルム制作の新時代の幕があがります。この次世代シネマカメラが世界中のプロ映像制作者の手に渡り、彼らが撮影した映像を見られる日が来ることを心待ちにしております。

Ronin 4D Markteinführung und aktualisierte Spezifikationen

Die Ronin 4D-6K, die revolutionäre Innovation von DJI, wird ab dem 16. Februar 2022 weltweit ausgeliefert. Die Ronin 4D erfindet die Kinematographie neu, indem sie die brandneue Zenmuse X9 Gimbal-Vollbildkamera, aktive 4-Achsen-Stabilisierung, LiDAR-Fokus und unübertroffene Funkübertragung und Steuerung in einem einzigen Gerät integriert.

Einige Funktionen und Fähigkeiten der Ronin 4D werden gegenüber den ursprünglichen Spezifikationen aktualisiert. Die neue Firmware, die bei Auslieferung verfügbar ist, ermöglicht es dem Funkmonitor, den Hauptmonitor mit dem Gespiegelten Steuerungsmodus zu bedienen, einen kristallklaren Videostream über HDMI- und SDI-Anschlüsse auf der Funkmonitor-Erweiterungsplatte ohne überlagerte Informationen anzuzeigen und ermöglicht die automatische Kalibrierung zur Unterstützung von Autofokus-Objektiven von einigen Drittanbietern, um die Funktionen des LiDAR-Fokusssystems zu realisieren. Die Ronin 4D unterstützt anfangs keine intern komprimierten RAW-Aufnahmen (Apple ProRes RAW). Apple ProRes 4444 XQ wird jedoch später in 2022 durch eine Firmware-Aktualisierung verfügbar gemacht. Aufgrund dieser Änderung der Spezifikationen, wird der Listenpreis der Ronin 4D-6K Combo auf 6.799 US-Dollar angepasst. Kundinnen und Kunden, die die Ronin 4D zum Originalpreis vorbestellt haben, sollten sich an ihren Händler wenden, um eine entsprechende Rückerstattung zu erhalten. Bei Fragen zu dieser Änderung wenden Sie sich bitte an DJI Support unter:

Die Markteinführung der Ronin 4D signalisiert den Beginn einer neuen Ära der Filmproduktion. Wir freuen uns darauf, professionellen Filmemachern weltweit kinematografische Werkzeuge der nächsten Generation in die Hände zu geben und zu sehen, welche Magie sie damit erschaffen können.

Lancement mondial et mise à jour des caractéristiques techniques de Ronin 4D

Ronin 4D-6K, l’innovation révolutionnaire de DJI, sera expédiée aux professionnels de l’imagerie du monde entier le 16 février 2022. Ronin 4D réinvente la cinématographie en intégrant la toute nouvelle nacelle-caméra plein cadre Zenmuse X9, une stabilisation à 4 axes active, la mise au point LiDAR et une transmission et contrôle sans fil inégalés, le tout dans un seule corps.

Certaines fonctionnalités et capacités de Ronin 4D seront mises à jour par rapport aux caractéristiques techniques d’origine. Le nouveau firmware au lancement permet à l’écran sans fil de visualiser et contrôler l’interface de l’écran principal avec le mode de Contrôle en miroir, une transmission vidéo nette via les ports HDMI et SDI de la plaque d’extension de l’écran sans fil sans superposition d’informations et la prise en charge de l’étalonnage automatique de certains objectifs automatiques tiers afin de réaliser les fonctions du système de mise au point LiDAR. Ronin 4D ne prendra pas en charge l’enregistrement RAW interne compressé (Apple ProRes RAW) au lancement, mais Apple ProRes 4444 XQ sera disponible lors d’une future mise à jour en 2022. Pour refléter ces changements de caractéristiques techniques, le tarif du bundle Ronin 4D-6K a été abaissé à 6 700 $. Les utilisateurs ayant pré-commandé Ronin 4D au prix d’origine sont invités à contacter leur revendeurs afin de recevoir un remboursement de la différence. Veuillez contacter l’équipe du Service client DJI pour toute question concernant ce changement :

Le lancement de Ronin 4D annonce le début d’une ère nouvelle de la réalisation cinématographique. Nous sommes impatients de mettre les outils cinématographiques nouvelle génération entre les mains de réalisateurs professionnels du monde entier et les voir faire de la magie avec.

DJI Ronin 4D 全球出貨及規格變更之說明

DJI 首款專業級四軸電影機 DJI Ronin 4D-6K 套裝及配件於 2022 年 2 月 16 日起面向全球出貨。DJI Ronin 4D 具備領先型技術,匯聚全片幅雲台相機 Zenmuse X9、四軸主動增穩系統、LiDAR 雷射跟焦系統和無線影像傳輸控制系統,為創作帶來更多可能。

DJI Ronin 4D 部分功能更新將跟隨出貨同步上線。全新韌體支援鏡像模式、純淨畫面輸出等功能,協助使用者透過圖傳高亮度監視器螢幕查看機身監視器螢幕界面並遠端操作,同時支援透過圖傳監視器擴充板的 HDMI 和 SDI 連接埠輸出無疊加資訊的純潔拍攝畫面。此外,新韌體進一步改良 LiDAR 雷射跟焦系統的鏡頭標定流程,部分自動鏡頭無需標定即可實現所有跟焦功能。新韌體還將帶來錄影規格之變更,DJI Ronin 4D 將停止支援壓縮 RAW 編碼(Apple ProRes RAW),並計劃於 2022 年下半年新增支援 Apple ProRes 4444 XQ 編碼。由於該規格變更,DJI Ronin 4D-6K 套裝售價將下調至 6,799 美元。此前以原價預購 DJI Ronin 4D-6K 套裝的消費者可聯繫經銷商退回差價。若有任何疑問,可聯繫 DJI 官方售後

DJI Ronin 4D 之發表預示影視行業將進入新紀元。我們期待這套理念超前的電影級拍攝方案能在全球專業影視工作者手中大放異彩,協助各位透過先鋒技術,成就巔峰藝術。

Novedad sobre el lanzamiento global y las especificaciones del Ronin 4D

El Ronin 4D-6K, la innovación transformacional de DJI, comenzará a enviarse a los profesionales de la producción de imágenes de todo el mundo el 16 de febrero de 2022. El Ronin 4D reimagina el cine mediante la incorporación de la nueva cámara con estabilizador Zenmuse X9 de fotograma completo, enfoque LiDAR e incomparable transmisión y control inalámbrico en una sola unidad.

Algunas funciones y capacidades del Ronin 4D se actualizarán desde las especificaciones originales. El nuevo firmware, disponible desde el lanzamiento, permitirá al monitor remoto ver y controlar la interfaz del monitor principal mediante el modo de control reflejado, permitirá un streaming de vídeo nítido sin información superpuesta a través de los puertos HDMI y SDI de la placa de expansión del monitor remoto y admitirá calibración automática para algunos objetivos automáticos de terceras partes para realizar funciones del sistema de enfoque LiDAR. El Ronin 4D no admitirá grabación comprimida interna en RAW (Apple ProRes RAW) desde su lanzamiento, pero Apple ProRes 4444 XQ estará disponible mediante una actualización de firmware posterior en 2022. Para reflejar este cambio en las especificaciones, el precio de venta del pack Ronin 4D-6K baja hasta 6799 USD. Los usuarios que realizaron su pedido del Ronin 4D por antelación al precio original deben ponerse en contacto con sus distribuidores para recibir un reembolso de la diferencia. Si tiene alguna duda sobre este cambio, contacte con el equipo de Asistencia técnica de DJI en

El lanzamiento del Ronin 4D marca el comienza de una nueva era en la producción cinematográfica. Nos entusiasma poner herramientas cinematográficas de última generación en las manos de cineastas profesionales y ver la magia que pueden crear con ellas.

Aggiornamento sulle specifiche e sul rilascio di Ronin 4D

Ronin 4D-6K, l’ultimissima novità di DJI, comincerà la spedizione verso i professionisti dell’imaging di tutto il mondo il 16 Febbraio 2022. Ronin 4D ridefinisce il concetto di cinematografia incorporando la nuovissima fotocamera full-frame Zenmuse X9, la stabilizzazione attiva a 4 assi, il sistema di messa a fuoco LiDAR e una trasmissione wireless di livello impareggiabile in una soluzione unica.

Alcune funzioni di Ronin 4D verranno aggiornate secondo le specifiche originali. Il nuovo firmware disponibile al lancio permetterà al Monitor remoto di visualizzare e controllare l’interfaccia del monitor principale grazie alla modalità Mirror Control, consentirà uno streaming video fluido sulle porte HDMI e SDI sulla piastra di espansione del monitor remoto senza informazioni sovrapposte e supporterà la calibrazione automatica per alcuni obiettivi automatici di terze parti per supportare le funzioni del Sistema di messa a fuoco LiDAR. Ronin 4D non supporterà la registrazione interna in RAW (Apple ProRes RAW), ma Apple ProRes 4444 XQ sarà disponibile tramite un aggiornamento del firmware nel 2022. A fronte di questo cambiamento nelle specifiche, il prezzo di listino di Ronin 4D-6K Combo verrà ridotto a 6.799€. Gli utenti che hanno preordinato Ronin 4D al prezzo originale devono contattare i propri rivenditori per poter ricevere il rimborso della differenza di prezzo. Contatta il team di assistenza DJI per qualsiasi domanda riguardo questo cambiamento:

Il rilascio di Ronin 4D segna l’inizio di una nuova era per la produzione cinematografica. Siamo entusiasti di mettere strumenti cinematografici di ultimissima generazione nelle mani dei registi professionali di tutto il mondo e scoprire quali magie  sono in grado di fare con essi.

Atualização das especificações para o lançamento global do DJI Ronin 4D

O DJI Ronin 4D (6K), a câmera profissional inovadora da DJI, começará a ser entregue mundialmente aos profissionais da cinematografia a partir de 16 de fevereiro de 2022. O DJI Ronin 4D reinventa a cinematografia ao incorporar a nova câmera com estabilizador com quadros completos Zenmuse X9, estabilização ativa em 4 eixos, foco LiDAR e controle e transmissão sem fio sem precedentes em uma única unidade.

Alguns recursos e funções do DJI Ronin 4D serão atualizados em relação às especificações originais. O novo firmware disponível no lançamento permite que o monitor remoto tenha acesso à visualização e controle da interface do monitor principal graças ao Modo de controle espelhado, permitindo uma transmissão de vídeo nítida através das entradas HDMI e SDI na Placa de expansão de monitoramento remoto sem sobrepor informações, suportando ainda calibração automática para algumas lentes automáticas terceirizadas realizarem funções do Sistema de foco LiDAR. O DJI Ronin 4D não suportará gravações em RAW com compressão interna (Apple ProRes RAW) no lançamento, mas Apple ProRes 4444 XQ estará disponível através de atualizações futuras do firmware em 2022. Para refletir estas mudanças nas especificações do produto, o preço de mercado do Combo em 6K do DJI Ronin 4D foi reduzido para US$6.799. Usuários que encomendaram o DJI Ronin 4D pelo valor original devem entrar em contato com revendedores autorizados para receber o reembolso da diferença de preço. Entre em contato com o Suporte DJI caso tenha qualquer dúvida em relação às mudanças mais recentes:

O lançamento do DJI Ronin 4D marca o início da nova era de produções cinematográficas. Mal podemos esperar para colocar a nova geração de ferramentas cinematográficas nas mãos de profissionais da cinematografia ao redor do mundo e ver o que são capazes de criar com elas!

Глобальный релиз Ronin 4D и обновленные характеристики

Доставка Ronin 4D с камерой 6K, инновационного инструмента от DJI, профессионалам в области создания изображения начнется 16 февраля 2022 г. Ronin 4D открывает кинематографию заново, объединяя новейшую полнокадровую камеру Zenmuse X9 со стабилизатором, активную 4-осевую стабилизацию, фокусировку с помощью лидара и беспрецедентную систему беспроводной передачи и управления в одном корпусе.

Некоторые функции и характеристики Ronin 4D будут отличаться от заявленных ранее. Новое ПО, доступное с момента выпуска, позволит использовать удаленный монитор для просмотра и управления главным монитором при помощи зеркального режима управления, обеспечивая чистый видеопоток через порты HDMI и SDI на расширяющей пластине удаленного монитора без наложения информации. Поддержка автоматической калибровки некоторых автоматических объективов от других производителей позволяет использовать систему фокусировки с помощью лидара. Ronin 4D не будет поддерживать внутреннюю запись сжатых файлов RAW (Apple ProRes RAW) в момент выпуска устройства, однако запись Apple ProRes 4444 XQ станет доступна после обновления ПО позднее в 2022 г. Цена набора DJI Ronin 4D с камерой 6K снизится до $6799, отражая изменение характеристик устройства. Пользователи, выполнившие предзаказ Ronin 4D по первоначальной цене, должны связаться с представителем, чтобы получить возврат разницы в цене. Если у вас возникли вопросы об изменениях характеристик устройства, свяжитесь со службой поддержки DJI:

Выпуск Ronin 4D ознаменовал начало новой эры в кинопроизводстве. Мы счастливы представить профессиональным кинематографистам со всего мира инструменты нового поколения и с нетерпением ждем новых творений.

Ronin 4D 글로벌 출시 및 사양 업데이트

DJI가 선보인 혁신적인 Ronin 4D-6K 모델이 2022년 2월 16일부터 전 세계 촬영 전문가에게 배송될 예정입니다. 새로운 풀 프레임 젠뮤즈 X9 짐벌 카메라, 능동 4축 안정화 시스템, LiDAR 포커스, 필적할 수 없는 무선 전송 및 제어 시스템을 하나의 유닛에 통합한 Ronin 4D는 시네마토그래피의 새로운 미래를 정의합니다.

원 사양과 비교해 Ronin 4D의 일부 기능 및 사양은 업데이트될 예정입니다. 제품 발매에 맞춰 새로운 펌웨어를 사용할 수 있으며, 리모트 모니터에서 확인하는 것은 물론, ‘미러 컨트롤 모드(Mirror Control Mode)’로 메인 모니터 인터페이스를 제어할 수 있고, 리모트 모니터 확장 플레이트의 HDMI 및 SDI 포트를 통해 오버레이 정보 없이 또렷한 동영상 스트림이 가능합니다. 또한, 타사 자동 렌즈에 대한 자동 캘리브레이션도 지원해 LiDAR 포커스 시스템 기능을 실현할 수 있죠. Ronin 4D 발매를 시작하면서 내부 압축 RAW(Apple ProRes RAW) 레코딩은 지원하지 않습니다. 하지만, 2022년 중 Apple ProRes 4444 XQ를 추후 펌웨어 업데이트를 통해 사용할 수 있습니다. 사양 변경을 반영하여, Ronin 4D-6K 콤보 가격을 $6,799로 인하했습니다. Ronin 4D를 원 가격으로 사전 주문한 고객의 경우, 딜러로 문의해 차액을 환불 받으시기 바랍니다. 이번 변경에 관련한 질문은 DJI 고객지원(링크:으로 문의해주세요.

Ronin 4D 출시는 영화 제작 산업의 새 시대를 열어갈 신호탄이라 할 수 있습니다. 차세대 시네마토그래피 툴을 전 세계 프로 영화 제작자에게 전달할 수 있어서, 또한 앞으로 만들어 나갈 마법 같은 작품을 볼 생각에 설렙니다.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 303373 ft
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yes, DJI should go with BRAW (blackmagic)
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  • >>>
United States

Internal ProRes Raw was a huge reason I wanted the Ronin 4d. I still plan on buying it, I just hope the update for PRR is either free or no more expensive than the discounted rate of $400.
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United States

Postpone release date, CHECK, drop one of the main advertised Pro features, CHECK. Release an ambiguous statement, CHECK. DJI, fire your public relations team. I am glad I ordered the Sony FX cam several days ago, but at least have the decency to explain to your customers on the full details of a feature you just miraculously dropped, is pro res raw not coming to the 4d at all, and prores xq sometime in 2022, to get the full dynamic range?.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 303373 ft
  • >>>

Ratzlaff Posted at 2-14 07:00
Internal ProRes Raw was a huge reason I wanted the Ronin 4d. I still plan on buying it, I just hope the update for PRR is either free or no more expensive than the discounted rate of $400.

it will ending here or higher (RAW activation) also with prores RAW
(thanks goes to RED for this!)

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United States

Indio Posted at 2-14 03:27
yes, DJI should go with BRAW (blackmagic)

Vote for BRAW too )
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Disk Jockey
Flight distance : 4149610 ft
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Dear DJI… then please have the R4D updated to allow uncompressed CinemaDNG, like with the X7 / Inspire 2.

Thank you
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United States

Disk Jockey Posted at 2-15 11:36
Dear DJI… then please have the R4D updated to allow uncompressed CinemaDNG, like with the X7 / Inspire 2.

Thank you

Yes, Cinema DNG would be the obvious replacement. BRAW is an option as others have mentioned, but since DNG is already incorporated in other DJI products this would be an easy choice.
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United States

Does that mean that Apple Prores HQ is removed as well or just RAW?
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Frontliner 2020
Second Officer

thank you for these info...
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Flight distance : 84288 ft
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Ordered the Ronin 4D right after i received the email. Can't wait for it to ship!
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Disk Jockey
Flight distance : 4149610 ft
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fanse963a6ec Posted at 2-16 10:39
Yes, Cinema DNG would be the obvious replacement. BRAW is an option as others have mentioned, but since DNG is already incorporated in other DJI products this would be an easy choice.

yes and in Davinci Resolve it is fast to work with and great to Grade plus excellent Quality. Please bring back CDNG, thank you!
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DJI Susan

luisedtr07 Posted at 2-16 14:37
Does that mean that Apple Prores HQ is removed as well or just RAW?

Hi there, Apple Prores HQ 422 is still available. It is the Apple Prores RAW that had been removed.
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United States

LeroyWolf Posted at 2-17 00:44
Ordered the Ronin 4D right after i received the email. Can't wait for it to ship!

Good luck with that, just canceled my $10,800 order, I ordered first thing in the morning on the 16th, showed estimated delivery Feb 20th, checked back today, they put my entire order on hold, because the remote monitor went out of stock, and they deemed it below them to inform the peasants, and provide an option to ship the order without it. Customer service here is comical at best.
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Flight distance : 84288 ft
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StanM Posted at 2-18 16:55
Good luck with that, just canceled my $10,800 order, I ordered first thing in the morning on the 16th, showed estimated delivery Feb 20th, checked back today, they put my entire order on hold, because the remote monitor went out of stock, and they deemed it below them to inform the peasants, and provide an option to ship the order without it. Customer service here is comical at best.

Awh .... That's a bummer dude!
I've received the Ronin 4D pretty fast. Got it on the 18th already. But now i'm waiting for the lens to arrive. Said it got shipped on the 18th from China. The waiting game has started
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ElectricLife Atellani
Flight distance : 9674836 ft
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LeroyWolf Posted at 2-22 06:14
Awh .... That's a bummer dude!
I've received the Ronin 4D pretty fast. Got it on the 18th already. But now i'm waiting for the lens to arrive. Said it got shipped on the 18th from China. The waiting game has started

Groundbreaking. It's a pity the it lost ProRes. but it still seems to be a, like most of DJI's products, a huge step forward in the field. An all in one woder like the Ronin 4D will allow many people to approach complex filming in a much easier way. It seems that DJI is one of the few companies left to create products that are highly innovative and thought to simplify the flow. Think about drones before DJI...They seem to really think about making things easy, just like iTunes or many Apple products did back when Steve Jobs was still running Apple. I cannot think of many fields where one company is innovating so much these days. Certainly Apple is not part of that anymore. I just love the Ronin 4D.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 7557283 ft

Ratzlaff Posted at 2-14 07:00
Internal ProRes Raw was a huge reason I wanted the Ronin 4d. I still plan on buying it, I just hope the update for PRR is either free or no more expensive than the discounted rate of $400.

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Hope mine will arrive soon, i vote for BRAW too
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United States

So, since ProRes RAW is no longer supported on the 4D, the spec sheet leaves a lot of questions:

The product page (for the X9 8K Combo) states 8K 75fps, but it appears that frame rate was only supported when using ProRes RAW. So, what is the camera's actual maximum frame rate when shooting 8K? I imagine offering the ProRes 4444XQ codec won't solve this, since it is a much higher bitrate codec than ProRes RAW, but maybe I'm mistaken?

So many questions...
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