Flight distance : 612503 ft
fansfe82067d Posted at 3-1 01:23
Sadly low shutter speeds and electronic stablisation don't go together. I'm surprised you don't get similar problems with another camera because EIS needs shutter speeds of around 1/300 or above for good processing. The camera is comparing one frame with the next all the time, and if shutter speed is too low, the resulting motion blur makes it impossible for the camera to analyse the frames for movement. Every time I see a review on YouTube for ND filters that doesn't mention this, I or someone else will comment "only use ND filters on static shots." Now whether you could find the point at which the EIS will work and you get a little bit of motion blur using a low value ND filter I don't know - personally I don't have such a filter for the Action 2 because I don't use an action camera for static shots (usually). I did get a set of ND filters for the Action 1, immediately hit the problem you describe, and they have been in the drawer ever since!
I understand your point. I was think that 1/120 will be enough, but i'm wrong. BUT GoPro don't have these problem on 1/120 with stabilization on. Maybe it's a better algorithm, I don't know. If Action 2 could add gyro data to stabilize footage in GyroFlow, I could record without RS and problem solved... but not  |