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New remote control (w/ gimbal wheel) - 4 LED lights always stay green
4099 19 2014-11-29
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United States

My main question is with the new remote.  The 4 LED lights always stay green as the lipo battery life should be going
down... 75%, 50%, 25%...while being used.  It does not, all 4 LED's stay green.  Is anyone else experiencing this or know how to fix this?
I have the Transmitter version set to "Upgrade version" under Basic RC via Assistant Software v3.6.

Here is some additional information if it helps the analysis.

For 2 weeks now I have owned the Phantom 2 vision+ (v3) with the new remote with gimbal wheel.  
I have the latest firmware loaded:

Main Controller -  3.08
P330CB -
Zen IMU -

I have not upgraded the battery yet to the
I am still on   I am not sure I want the auto discharge feature after 10 days and there have been a few bugs around this upgrade.
Although, I am curious, do people feel this battery upgrade is working now without adverse affects?

Thanks up front for any feedback,
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Second Officer


Seems something wrong with the part determining the remaining capacity of a battery??
How about other LED indications? Is anything else unusual?
Anyone else have same problem??
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First Officer
Flight distance : 6467 ft
United Kingdom

Hi Dave,
I think we have answered your transmitter question In another thread ?
The transmitter batteries should last at least 10 hours of constant use from fully charged, you will not see the battery level go down after a few flights.
As for the smart battery upgrade, I updated 3 of mine without any problems, the auto discharge kicks in after 10 days and seems to work fine.
Before that I used to fully charge them after each flight and leave them in my case for up to 3 weeks with no issues either, but I guess having them stored at a lower charge is better for them.
I just have to remember to check the batteries the day before flying, instead of just grabbing my case and walking out the door.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1379308 ft
United States

I haven't had any problems with either the batteries or the new transmitter (it took a number of flights before the LEDs dropped from 4 to 3)

Actually, the battery upgrade has made me become a bit smarter about how I use and charge my batteries.  I have 3 Phantom 2s and 5 batteries and in the process of doing the upgrade I discovered I was not rotating them, i.e. one battery had 17 discharges and another only had 4.  Previously I would keep all of them fully charged but now let them "rest" between uses and only keep two fully charged.  Not suggesting everybody do that but hey, at $129.00 a pop, I want to make sure I can squeeze every little milliwatt out of them before I have to get any more!
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United States
Offline Posted at 2014-12-1 17:31
I haven't had any problems with either the batteries or the new transmitter (it took a number of fli ...

Hey Gil and John,
I have been away with work and just checking back.  Thanks for the feedback! Good info!  I am going to upgrade my batteries to   I was curious, do either of you know, after 10 days and the battery goes does its discharge low does it take it? I ask because I have read if you store you battery for extended periods you should NOT leave them to low, they suggest 30%ish. You don't want them stored at near empty.  I would assume these are smart batteries and the logic will discharge to a proper level.  I am going to do it but interested in what the design is. Thanks.
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Second Officer

United States

nordkapph20@yah Posted at 2014-12-4 10:52
Hey Gil and John,
I have been away with work and just checking back.  Thanks for the feedback! Goo ...

The flight batteries will automatically discharge to storage level about 50%
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United States

Gerry1124 Posted at 2014-12-4 10:55
The flight batteries will automatically discharge to storage level about 50%

Gerry - Awesome!  Thanks for the immediate response.  Doing the upgrade now!!
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United States

Correct topic...(regarding the new controller (w/Gimbal wheel).... but different question...  Is there a way to set the default "rest" position of the gimbal?

My gimbal wheel is spring-loaded to center, the gimbal faces camera about half-way between full down angle and full straight-ahead.  Without keeping finger pressure on the wheel, I would like to set the camera straight ahead for takeoff.

Do we have a setting, or a mod to the wheel where we can set and forget the gimbal angle?

Thanks everyone.... my first post! (gotta start somewhere).
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1379308 ft
United States

paul -- sounds like you have a Phantom 2 with Zunmuse H3-3D.  Open the Phantom 2 vision assistant software and go to the "Gimbal" tab under "Advanced".  There you can adjust the vertical and horizontal limits as well as how fast you want the gimbal to respond.
Gimbal config.jpg
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United States
Offline Posted at 2014-12-5 05:02
paul -- sounds like you have a Phantom 2 with Zunmuse H3-3D.  Open the Phantom 2 vision assistant so ...

Thanks Gil, I have found these settings in the assistant.  But I am trying to defeat the spring-loaded return of the gimbal dial.  I don't want to reduce the range of motion, and I am fine with things starting at a default position (angle).  But if I want to fly around looking straight ahead, I would like to have this option without having to hold the gimbal dial against spring pressure.  I'll keep playing around.
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Flight distance : 865177 ft
South Korea

must be something wrong with ur battery...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1379308 ft
United States

Whoa!  That's an issue I've not heard of yet.  You should not have to hold the thumbwheel to get the camera to stay pointed up.  I do have a Phantom 2 with Zenmuse H3-3D but mine has the basic controller with the lever on the bottom.
I do have the Phantom 2 Vision+ with updated remote and when you rotate the thumbwheel the camera will move in whichever direction you choose but when you release pressure the camera will stop where it is.  

Any other Phantom 2 owners have a similar issue with the new remote?

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United States

I have the same return to center design, would also like to have the dial stay where I set it!
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United States

rare1a1@gmail.c Posted at 2014-12-5 23:32
I have the same return to center design, would also like to have the dial stay where I set it!

I just bought the upgraded radio and works fine for me.  I did notice that if you don't select upgraded radio in rc assistant that the camera would'nt stay when i let go of the thumb wheel.  Once i choose the upgraded radio the tilt is smooth.
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United States

Thx zen yep all good now wasn't sure how they had it programmed
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rare1a1@gmail.c Posted at 2014-12-7 10:00
Thx zen yep all good now wasn't sure how they had it programmed

I am also having this problem. My gopro points by default half way between straight out and straight down. When i push the dial up it points straight but releasing the dial the gimbal goes back to the middle position.

how did you guys fix this problem. i would like it to stay when i let go of spring loaded dial.

i looked in RC settings i am set as upgraded controller
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Flight distance : 70203 ft

johnwarr@live.c Posted at 2014-12-1 17:06
Hi Dave,
I think we have answered your transmitter question In another thread ?
The transmitter batt ...

this was the reason for many defective batteries, never store the batterie fully charged for some days! Basic Lipo knowledge
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United States

Matt- calibrate the gimbal wheel when you calibrate the sticks!  B sure to use the current assistants
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United Kingdom

rare1a1@gmail.c Posted at 2014-12-19 02:14
Matt- calibrate the gimbal wheel when you calibrate the sticks!  B sure to use the current assistant ...

Matt and Paul

Please check that you have the latest version of the Phantom Assistant Software installed on your machine.

When I first tried the new 5.8GHz controller with my P2V+ I had the same problem (the gimbal locks half way and then returns to that position when you take your hand off it).

After installing version 3.6 of the Assistant Software the gimbal now starts in the level setting and stays where I leave it when I let go of the rocker.

Hope this helps.

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United States

Thanks for all your help and suggestions.
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion, so here's some more details about what worked for me.
This is how I got my new V3.0 controller to work with my DJI Phantom Vision 2 Plus quadcopter with the camera remaining in the same position after I let go of the wheel tilt control dial.  FYI, I'm on a MAC.

Here's the firmware I started with:

And the firmware after I upgraded everything and everything worked:

My new controller firmware. I didn't upgrade anything here.

For me, the controller worked to control the quadcopter right away after pairing with the button on the bottom of the QC, but the gimbal tilt wheel was harder to get working right.

The thing that fixed it for me was upgrading either the Main Controller or the P330CB drivers (it upgraded them at the same time).
***Be sure you choose the "Upgrade Version" for the transmitter version AFTER UPGRADING FIRMWARE. ***
Then turn off your qc, disconnect it from the computer, and power it back on.

I did the controller calibration in the PT2 program and also with the stand-alone instructions, and it didn't seem to make a difference for me. I did the in-program calibration last.
The program version did not seem to matter. The same upgrades and options were available to me in the 3.6 and 3.8 versions. I used the 3.8 version.

Good luck! Hope this helps.
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