Flight distance : 1212949 ft
United States
Labroides Posted at 3-18 15:47
My Mavic Air 2 has been "acting up" lately, and I'm wondering if it was due to the February/March 2022 firmware update (v01.01.07.20) and if anyone else is experiencing similar behavior.
It's unlikely that a firmware update would cause any instability like you've described.
There aren't any similar reports.
[me] My Mavic Air 2 has been "acting up" lately, and I'm wondering if it was due to the February/March 2022 firmware update (v01.01.07.20) and if anyone else is experiencing similar behavior.
[you] It's unlikely that a firmware update would cause any instability like you've described. There aren't any similar reports.
I've posted this same issue in multiple forums. Other pilots in other forums are starting to reply that they're observing similar behavior, just recently. There was a YouTube video guy who does flight performance testing of Mini2 drones, who had serios vertical drift following the most recent firmware update. Just becuase you haveny seen similar reports doesn't mean others aren't experiencing them. A lot of people don't fly as often as I do, so they might not be as familiar with the performance characteristics of their drone, thus less likely to report it. I might only have "level 1 status" in the forum but I flew more hours than 97.4% of DJI pilots last year.
[me] While landing several days ago (just a foot or so off the ground), my drone shot forward about 3 feet, and I briefly got an IMU calibration error on screen. I will calibrate again before next flight.
[you] The most likely explanation for that would be poor GPS and/or VPS at your launch point. Your flight data should help identifying the issue.
Speaking to the issue where the lurched forward while landing: I've flown this exact location multiple times in similar twilight conditions without issue. GPS satelite count was not in the "red" (>=10). VPS could be a culprit due to low light BUT I had the bottom light engaged, and I think the drone warned about compass. My drone hasn't acted like this in the past in simliar conditions at the same location, so something is different. I'll definitely try using one of the flight data decoders.
[me] As far as IMU calibration, my drone has held very steady for months or longer without needing calibration. Its been very stable even in moderate wind, and
[you] Your IMU should never need recalibration unless the drone has had significant shock impact.
Good to know. I've never had to, and the brief onscreen message was too fast for me to read or adequitely digest. It may have said compass error but I can't say for sure. But I agree, it shouldn't need recalibration, and there has been no shock impact.
[me] the only time it needed any calibration in the field has been when I tried to fly on top of a deck with (presumably) significant EM interference... there were big transformers and microwave antennas nearby, lots of metal, etc. Point is, its been very stable, then suddenly not so, to the point I notice a big difference in the behavior.
[you] Perhaps you meant that you recalibrated the compass.
Yes, you're right, I mean compass calibration.
[you] None of the things you mentioned would have any effect on the IMU.
They also wouldn't affect the drone's compass.
But steel bolts in the deck (or even steel nails if they are close enough to the compass) can give a compass error.
I'm not so sure about this comment. I'm also a hardware/softtware engineer who has worked on embedded systems, and I know firmware can change things in unexpected ways. A newly introduced bug in the firmware could render the VPS useless under conditions where it previously functined well.
[you] If that was the issue, DJI's warning message is poorly worded and recalibrating the compass is unnecessary.
Powering off and moving away from what the compass is warning about is what you need to do.
These issues have occurred on multiple flights in different locations. Reboot and move was my first instinct the *first* time it happened, which I did. Then I aborted the mission. Then I calibrated my RC. But it's still not quite "right".