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Flight stability drift issue after firmware upgrade to
3710 33 2022-3-18
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Flight distance : 1212949 ft
United States

My Mavic Air 2 has been "acting up" lately, and I'm wondering if it was due to the February/March 2022 firmware update (v01.01.07.20) and if anyone else is experiencing similar behavior. Part of what leads me to thinking firmware could be involved was a recent performance test video (on YouTube March 2022) of the Mini 2 after update where the drone would drift vertically quite significantly after the update. If I find the link I'll put it in comments.

Here's what I've seen over the last few weeks, that never occurred before:

  • photo horizon is of by sometimes up to 1 or 2 degrees. I have to manually calibrate my gimbal several times a flight. Its even different based on gimbal angle.  
  • Significant drift greater than the GPS tolerance indicated in the manual. I aborted a mission about 2 weeks ago because the drone was drifting significantly to the right as I was ascending vertically. Plenty of GPS satellites. I recalibrated my controller before the next flight. Some of the drift went away but I still notice the drone is not as stable as it used to be.
  • While landing several days ago (just a foot or so off the ground), my drone shot forward about 3 feet, and I briefly got an IMU calibration error on screen. I will calibrate again before next flight.

As far as IMU calibration, my drone has held very steady for months or longer without needing calibration. Its been very stable even in moderate wind, and the only time it needed any calibration in the field has been when I tried to fly on top of a deck with (presumably) significant EM interference... there were big transformers and microwave antennas nearby, lots of metal, etc. Point is, its been very stable, then suddenly not so, to the point I notice a big difference in the behavior.

Anyone else?


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Using the appropriate assintant 2 can you go back to the old firmware....................................that worked.
If my drones etc. work I leave their firmware alone. I do not update as a matter of routine.

One thing that I have noticed is that when conditions allow the downward looking VPS system to work i.e. low enough and with enough light, mavic drones are MUCH more stable than when they are relying on GPS alone.
Could that be part of what you are seeing?

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Flight distance : 1212949 ft
United States

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 3-18 08:29
Using the appropriate assintant 2 can you go back to the old firmware....................................that worked.
If my drones etc. work I leave their firmware alone. I do not update as a matter of routine.

Downgrade is unavailable in the Assistant.
I've logged a case with DJI Support. If other's are experiencing this, it may help to also do the same.

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Flight distance : 1212949 ft
United States

Here is the flight I aborted after having so much drift. It *may* be within +/- 1.5 meter with just GPS (could have been too dark for vision sensor), but other evening flights I've done were nowhere close to this much drift.

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Since you have that track I assume you know how to retreive flight logs.
If that is so if you upload the flight log for any relevant flight to airdata and then look in the notification section you might see messages telling you if the lighting was insufficient for VPS to work.
If you then click on "HD Fight Player" and replay the flight you may be able to see if the drone moves in accordance with the commands given by the control sticks, the stick positions are shown in the lower right of the replay.

With the above in mind, have you calibrated the control sticks since the firmware update?

I have not looked at flight tracks of mine for flights flown in the dark but if the drone was drifting due to inaccuracies inherent in GPS I'd half expect any track derived from GPS data to look smooth whilst my eyes might have seen a more erratic track .....but that is 'guess work'.
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Flight distance : 1212949 ft
United States

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 3-18 10:54
Since you have that track I assume you know how to retreive flight logs.
If that is so if you upload the flight log for any relevant flight to airdata and then look in the notification section you might see messages telling you if the lighting was insufficient for VPS to work.
If you then click on "HD Fight Player" and replay the flight you may be able to see if the drone moves in accordance with the commands given by the control sticks, the stick positions are shown in the lower right of the replay.

I actually don't know how to do any of that - this is a track replay from which uses an API connection to get my flight data from DJI. Pointer to a FAQ or article on how to do what you ask would be great!

You can see the right drift on the ascent and then the abrupt movements to the left at the same height, which are from my control inputs as I recognized the drift. I did a controller calibration the next day. I'm not getting as noticeable drift at this point, but definitely seeing more movement than before. I don't know how to qualify or confirm that - but this drone has been super stable even in low light conditions up until a few weeks ago. I do most of my photography at dawn and dusk, and never experienced this amount of wiggle. Now it will move several feet in random directions. Will do a daytime flight later this weekend when the weather clears to see if it's just night/vision sensors.
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Ah ok, have a look at the instruction on
or, if you want a more intenstive read, ... alysis-guide.78627/
You can upload the logs to the phantomhelp page or to airdata

If you want to look at the csv's those sites produce, the phantomhelp one contains more data.

You can then present the phantomhelp csv's in graphical form by processing the csv's with CsvView   ( I haven't tried an Airdata csv )
and experiment with the output drop down menus.
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JamieAnne Posted at 3-18 11:45
I actually don't know how to do any of that - this is a track replay from which uses an API connection to get my flight data from DJI. Pointer to a FAQ or article on how to do what you ask would be great!

You can see the right drift on the ascent and then the abrupt movements to the left at the same height, which are from my control inputs as I recognized the drift. I did a controller calibration the next day. I'm not getting as noticeable drift at this point, but definitely seeing more movement than before. I don't know how to qualify or confirm that - but this drone has been super stable even in low light conditions up until a few weeks ago. I do most of my photography at dawn and dusk, and never experienced this amount of wiggle. Now it will move several feet in random directions. Will do a daytime flight later this weekend when the weather clears to see if it's just night/vision sensors.

Hi Jamie,

if you like upload your flightlog for this drifting issue.

use >
Post the uploaded link on here, or just put a cloud link to your log.

Mayby log shows more info about your issue.

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JamieAnne Posted at 3-18 09:41
Downgrade is unavailable in the Assistant.
I've logged a case with DJI Support. If other's are experiencing this, it may help to also do the same.

Most of the drifting seems to be when you are using the RC is this correct?. At hover how is the Attitude of the craft ?
You mention calibrating Gimbal while flying or “several times a flight” , this is not possible, or I have misunderstood. You can compensate for tilted horizon while in flight. But to calibrate gimbal you must be on a level surface while calibrating and props not running.

Did you have any crash or hard landing, this might cause problem with IMU. But I have many drones and most of them have never had an IMU calibration.

The air2 and air2s are extremely good at holding their position in the wind.

Because a lot of this is happening while flying I would be looking at RC, you said you calibrated this and you had some improvement. Could this be a problem ? Where do you fly from ?
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My Mavic Air 2 has been "acting up" lately, and I'm wondering if it was due to the February/March 2022 firmware update (v01.01.07.20) and if anyone else is experiencing similar behavior.
It's unlikely that a firmware update would cause any instability like you've described.
There aren't any similar reports.

While landing several days ago (just a foot or so off the ground), my drone shot forward about 3 feet, and I briefly got an IMU calibration error on screen. I will calibrate again before next flight.
The most likely explanation for that would be poor GPS and/or VPS at your launch point.
Your flight data should help identifying the issue.

As far as IMU calibration, my drone has held very steady for months or longer without needing calibration. Its been very stable even in moderate wind, and
Your IMU should never need recalibration unless the drone has had significant shock impact.

the only time it needed any calibration in the field has been when I tried to fly on top of a deck with (presumably) significant EM interference... there were big transformers and microwave antennas nearby, lots of metal, etc. Point is, its been very stable, then suddenly not so, to the point I notice a big difference in the behavior.
Perhaps you meant that you recalibrated the compass.
None of the things you mentioned would have any effect on the IMU.
They also wouldn't affect the drone's compass.
But steel bolts in the deck (or even steel nails if they are close enough to the compass) can give a compass error.

If that was the issue, DJI's warning message is poorly worded and recalibrating the compass is unnecessary.
Powering off and moving away from what the compass is warning about is what you need to do.

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Flight distance : 1212949 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 3-18 14:48
Most of the drifting seems to be when you are using the RC is this correct?. At hover how is the Attitude of the craft ?
You mention calibrating Gimbal while flying or “several times a flight” , this is not possible, or I have misunderstood. You can compensate for tilted horizon while in flight. But to calibrate gimbal you must be on a level surface while calibrating and props not running.

re: While Flying vs Hovering: I have observed quite a bit of movement while simply hovering, with no inputs from my controls on the RC. At hover the drone appears to be normal attitude, just bouncing around back and forth a bit every few seconds.

re: Calibrating Gimbal: Automatic gimbal horizon calibration is available on the ground only. But manual calibration of the gimbal horizon is possible while flying in the DJI Fly app. I think this is called "Manual Calibration" in the app.

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Flight distance : 1212949 ft
United States

Labroides Posted at 3-18 15:47
My Mavic Air 2 has been "acting up" lately, and I'm wondering if it was due to the February/March 2022 firmware update (v01.01.07.20) and if anyone else is experiencing similar behavior.
It's unlikely that a firmware update would cause any instability like you've described.
There aren't any similar reports.

[me] My Mavic Air 2 has been "acting up" lately, and I'm wondering if it was due to the February/March 2022 firmware update (v01.01.07.20) and if anyone else is experiencing similar behavior.
[you] It's unlikely that a firmware update would cause any instability like you've described. There aren't any similar reports.
I've posted this same issue in multiple forums. Other pilots in other forums are starting to reply that they're observing similar behavior, just recently. There was a YouTube video guy who does flight performance testing of Mini2 drones, who had serios vertical drift following the most recent firmware update. Just becuase you haveny seen similar reports doesn't mean others aren't experiencing them. A lot of people don't fly as often as I do, so they might not be as familiar with the performance characteristics of their drone, thus less likely to report it. I might only have "level 1 status" in the forum but I flew more hours than 97.4% of DJI pilots last year.

[me] While landing several days ago (just a foot or so off the ground), my drone shot forward about 3 feet, and I briefly got an IMU calibration error on screen. I will calibrate again before next flight.
[you] The most likely explanation for that would be poor GPS and/or VPS at your launch point. Your flight data should help identifying the issue.

Speaking to the issue where the lurched forward while landing: I've flown this exact location multiple times in similar twilight conditions without issue. GPS satelite count was not in the "red" (>=10). VPS could be a culprit due to low light BUT I had the bottom light engaged, and I think the drone warned about compass. My drone hasn't acted like this in the past in simliar conditions at the same location, so something is different. I'll definitely try using one of the flight data decoders.

[me] As far as IMU calibration, my drone has held very steady for months or longer without needing calibration. Its been very stable even in moderate wind, and
[you] Your IMU should never need recalibration unless the drone has had significant shock impact.

Good to know. I've never had to, and the brief onscreen message was too fast for me to read or adequitely digest. It may have said compass error but I can't say for sure. But I agree, it shouldn't need recalibration, and there has been no shock impact.

[me] the only time it needed any calibration in the field has been when I tried to fly on top of a deck with (presumably) significant EM interference... there were big transformers and microwave antennas nearby, lots of metal, etc. Point is, its been very stable, then suddenly not so, to the point I notice a big difference in the behavior.
[you] Perhaps you meant that you recalibrated the compass.

Yes, you're right, I mean compass calibration.

[you] None of the things you mentioned would have any effect on the IMU.
They also wouldn't affect the drone's compass.
But steel bolts in the deck (or even steel nails if they are close enough to the compass) can give a compass error.

I'm not so sure about this comment. I'm also a hardware/softtware engineer who has worked on embedded systems, and I know firmware can change things in unexpected ways. A newly introduced bug in the firmware could render the VPS useless under conditions where it previously functined well.

[you] If that was the issue, DJI's warning message is poorly worded and recalibrating the compass is unnecessary.
Powering off and moving away from what the compass is warning about is what you need to do.

These issues have occurred on multiple flights in different locations. Reboot and move was my first instinct the *first* time it happened, which I did. Then I aborted the mission. Then I calibrated my RC. But it's still not quite "right".
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JamieAnne Posted at 3-18 18:04
[me] My Mavic Air 2 has been "acting up" lately, and I'm wondering if it was due to the February/March 2022 firmware update (v01.01.07.20) and if anyone else is experiencing similar behavior.
[you] It's unlikely that a firmware update would cause any instability like you've described. There aren't any similar reports.
I've posted this same issue in multiple forums. Other pilots in other forums are starting to reply that they're observing similar behavior, just recently. There was a YouTube video guy who does flight performance testing of Mini2 drones, who had serios vertical drift following the most recent firmware update. Just becuase you haveny seen similar reports doesn't mean others aren't experiencing them. A lot of people don't fly as often as I do, so they might not be as familiar with the performance characteristics of their drone, thus less likely to report it. I might only have "level 1 status" in the forum but I flew more hours than 97.4% of DJI pilots last year.

There's way too much there to give a detailed response to everything.
It's just not likely that your firmware update had the effect you are suspecting.
There are other things that are much more likely and they might be found if you post your flight data.
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JamieAnne Posted at 3-18 17:40
re: While Flying vs Hovering: I have observed quite a bit of movement while simply hovering, with no inputs from my controls on the RC. At hover the drone appears to be normal attitude, just bouncing around back and forth a bit every few seconds.

re: Calibrating Gimbal: Automatic gimbal horizon calibration is available on the ground only. But manual calibration of the gimbal horizon is possible while flying in the DJI Fly app. I think this is called "Manual Calibration" in the app.

No thats not calibrating the gimbal. Thats just compensating. I suggest you forget this and carry out a proper gimbal calibration on a level surface. Check the surface with a sprit level first before you do it. This should stop the tilted horizon. Just to be sure are you flying in “follow mode” you should be. The movement when the craft is in hover is most likely compensating for wind so this sounds normal. I would double check remote calibration has been done correctly.

Try get the flight data it also might help. Doing exercise below also helps before setting off flying.

1/ Never calibrate Compass unless prompted to. Your compass will always prompt to calibrate if it needs it .

2/ start AC leave until you receive enough gps lock ,

3/ if you get Compass interference turn off AC and move to another location,
without interference.

4/ In bottom left hand corner on your map you will see small red/blue triangle, check to make sure that this triangle is pointing in the same direction (heading) as your AC, this will show good compass on the ground.

Raise AC to height of 8ft
Hover for 20 seconds
Fly forward 2ft
Backward 2ft
Left 2ft
Right 2ft
Up 2ft
Down 2ft
Yaw left
Yaw right
Each time returning to hover position
If you have a good horizontal each time, you will then know you have good GPS good IMU and good Compass, and your ready to fly.
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Blue Canyon
Second Officer
Flight distance : ****
United States

I noticed on 2 of my flights yesterday that the drone will list a bit to the right. If I stop for a few seconds and maybe spin around a bit, the rest of the flight is fine.

Would that suggest a compass issue?
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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blue_canyon21 Posted at 3-19 06:18
I noticed on 2 of my flights yesterday that the drone will list a bit to the right. If I stop for a few seconds and maybe spin around a bit, the rest of the flight is fine.

Would that suggest a compass issue?

No it wouldn't.
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Flight distance : 1212949 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 3-18 23:47
No thats not calibrating the gimbal. Thats just compensating. I suggest you forget this and carry out a proper gimbal calibration on a level surface. Check the surface with a sprit level first before you do it. This should stop the tilted horizon. Just to be sure are you flying in “follow mode” you should be. The movement when the craft is in hover is most likely compensating for wind so this sounds normal. I would double check remote calibration has been done correctly.

Try get the flight data it also might help. Doing exercise below also helps before setting off flying.

Well, DJI calls it Manual Calibration so, thanks for word policing me. The point is, I have had to do this several times in flight, when pointing in different directions or when changing the gimbal angle. I have previously done automatic gimbal calibration on a level surface, about 1 week before this flight.

I'm also quite aware of how wind affects my drone, and this amount of movement is new. Wind speeds were low on the evening of my flight.

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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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JamieAnne Posted at 3-19 08:30
Well, DJI calls it Manual Calibration so, thanks for word policing me.  The point is, I have had to do this several times in flight, when pointing in different directions or when changing the gimbal angle. I have previously done automatic gimbal calibration on a level surface, about 1 week before this flight.

I'm also quite aware of how wind affects my drone, and this amount of movement is new. Wind speeds were low on the evening of my flight.

That calibration cannot be done while flying “can it” I’m talking “IN FLIGHT”
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blue_canyon21 Posted at 3-19 06:18
I noticed on 2 of my flights yesterday that the drone will list a bit to the right. If I stop for a few seconds and maybe spin around a bit, the rest of the flight is fine.

Would that suggest a compass issue?

Apart from gimbal and IMU calibration, compass calibration will not improve that. I would check where you are flying and what kind of ground is under the drone . Post logs this will show involuntary movements of the drone. They may not show what needs to be done but you could show them to DJI as reference to your problems. At hover drone should hold its ground tight slight wind movements might occur but no drifting .
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Flight distance : 1212949 ft
United States

Here are a few interesting things I've been able to get from my DroneLogBook flight data. Note that I'm redacting my GPS coordinates as I fly frequently from the same location, and as a female pilot I'd prefer not to make that very public information. I will try to get my flight data put into another system to analyze RC inputs compared to flight stability. If I can figure out how to share that without sharing my actual location I will. Interestingly, that's MY CAR in the satellite photo, from a different day I flew this exact location. It's parked in a slightly different spot than where I parked on this flight!

While this is not precise "data", it's anecdotal about my experience flying the same drone, same location, approximately 6 months apart, but it similar flight conditions.

-- GPS Variation --
According to the flight GPS data of my most recent flight, I took of and landed 4.3 meters (~13.5 feet) apart, but I know I took off and landed just feet apart. While that might be within tolerance of civilian GPS to begin with I wouldn't expect that much variation within 20 minutes of flight time. According to flight data from the same location 6 months ago - my take off and landing were feet apart.

Take off and landing 6 months ago, GPS shows I took off and landed just feet apart, which is normal for me at this location:

Take off and landing this week, GPS shows I took off and landed 14 feet apart - which I know I didn't do. I never left the same side of my car!

-- Flight stability --
Stopping and hovering to take photos has been quite stable in the past. While it's hard to show precisely with these photos, you can probably take away from this that hovering was more accurate in prior flights than it was in today's flight. From the same two flights as shown above, here is my hover "pattern" while taking photos. I understand this has a lot of variable error in it since I can't control how closely I'm displaying this, but overall this anecdotally supports what I'm experiencing in terms of hover stability issues:

Hovering 6 months ago, relatively "tight" hover pattern:

Hovering this week, relative "messy" hover pattern with a lot more drift:

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Flight distance : 1212949 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 3-19 08:35
That calibration cannot be done while flying “can it” I’m talking “IN FLIGHT”

Manual calibration most definitely CAN be done in flight. Auto cannot.
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United Kingdom

With regards to redacting your location, that is fair enough. but you can still post you log. It just adds a bit of work to the process.

Upload the flight log to Phantomhelp as per normal BUT then download the csv to your computer. DO NOT post the link to the phantomhelp page.

Unzip the csv and open it as a spreadsheet, find ALL the Latitude and Longitude  columns and, one column at a time, change the first 3 or 4 digits of the coordinate e.g. if they were say     40.9xyzqrstur     &      123.4abcdefghi     change them to say 50.3xyzqrstur and 75.2abcefghi. LEAVE the xyzqrstur and abcdefghi bits alone, they are needed to plot the drones position accurately at the new location.

If you highlight all the cells in a column then press Ctrl & h, excel and other spreadsheet programs should bring up the change entry options and that would allow you to change ALL the entries in that column. You would NEED TO INCLUDE the decimal point in the change to stop any other occurrences of 40 & 123 etc, being changed. I wouldn't go/change more than 1 digit to the right of the decimal point otherwise you might start affecting the accuracy of the plot. You could probably even use 0.0xyzqrstur & 0.0abcdefghi which would put you in the Atlanic off the African coast.

You will probably find at leat two sets of lat and long, change both sets in an identical way so that the data they contain is identical.
You could also clear the contents from all the serial number cells but DO NOT delete the actual columns and column titles.
Also have a look for any other identifing data and either clear the cells or change them but do not delete the columns.

I have just tried the above with the csv of a Mini 2 flightlog and it works.

When you have finished hiding your ID save the csv and see if this site will accept the upload of a csv, if it will not then change the extension of the processed csv to txt and see if the site will acccept that.

It will probably take longer to read this post than it will to make the transformations to the flight log.

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JamieAnne Posted at 3-19 09:27
Manual calibration most definitely CAN be done in flight. Auto cannot.

Thanks for that not sure how you can get the gimbal to calibrate while flying. Ill try it, but it is something I didn’t know. On the page you showed it clearly says place craft on a level surface and I understood you then had the option to calibrate auto or manual.

Your other post is difficult to try to analyze so my advice is to apply what Bumble-bee said.
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Flight distance : 7006224 ft

United States

March 2022 is full of solar activity. Around the 12th and 31st were especially bad. There was an X1 flare about the 28th, G3 storm, with local KP indexes of as high as 7. As we head toward solar maximum, solar flares and their frequency will continue to get worse. BTW, we have been in solar minimum for the past 6 years, and the last cycle was one of the lowest on record.
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eEridani Posted at 4-7 00:48
March 2022 is full of solar activity. Around the 12th and 31st were especially bad. There was an X1 flare about the 28th, G3 storm, with local KP indexes of as high as 7. As we head toward solar maximum, solar flares and their frequency will continue to get worse. BTW, we have been in solar minimum for the past 6 years, and the last cycle was one of the lowest on record.

And none of that will make any difference to drone flying that you could notice ... just like every other time it's been suggested.
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Flight distance : 7006224 ft

United States

Labroides Posted at 4-7 01:10
And none of that will make any difference to drone flying that you could notice ... just like every other time it's been suggested.

Actually the impact of the solar outburst at the atmosphere can cause a wildly fluctuating compass. This is usually short lived, but if you are flying when the CME hits, it is similar to waving a strong magnet around the aircraft while flying, and can cause flight disruption. It isn't radio interference as much as the magnetics getting hammered.

Just because most don't understand the dynamics, doesn't make everything about solar effects a fallacy.
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eEridani Posted at 5-24 23:45
Actually the impact of the solar outburst at the atmosphere can cause a wildly fluctuating compass. This is usually short lived, but if you are flying when the CME hits, it is similar to waving a strong magnet around the aircraft while flying, and can cause flight disruption. It isn't radio interference as much as the magnetics getting hammered.

Just because most don't understand the dynamics, doesn't make everything about solar effects a fallacy.

Actually the impact of the solar outburst at the atmosphere can cause a wildly fluctuating compass.
How often has this happened?
Can you find an account of a drone flyer experiencing this, preferably with recorded flight data to support it.
Just because you like to say that the sky is falling doesn't mean that it really is.
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Blue Canyon
Second Officer
Flight distance : ****
United States

Labroides Posted at 5-25 00:04
Actually the impact of the solar outburst at the atmosphere can cause a wildly fluctuating compass.
How often has this happened?
Can you find an account of a drone flyer experiencing this, preferably with recorded flight data to support it.

Pretty often actually...
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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blue_canyon21 Posted at 5-25 06:39
Pretty often actually...

If it's so often it should be easy to come up with just a single account of a drone being affected and data to prove this ???
Without some evidence, you may as well be talking about alien abductions or the Loch Ness monster.

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Blue Canyon
Second Officer
Flight distance : ****
United States

Labroides Posted at 5-25 07:04
If it's so often it should be easy to come up with just a single account of a drone being affected and data to prove this ???
Without some evidence, you may as well be talking about alien abductions or the Loch Ness monster.

We have given you evidence on multiple other threads and you continuously disregard it and degrade your fellow pilots over it.

Why would we keep trying to convince you?
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Flight distance : 7006224 ft

United States

blue_canyon21 Posted at 5-25 08:57
We have given you evidence on multiple other threads and you continuously disregard it and degrade your fellow pilots over it.

Why would we keep trying to convince you?

In the past 12 years, solar activity has been quite low, and actually the lowest its been in a while. As flares increase in the current solar cycle, I expect we'll see more unexplained events.

When the CME hits the atmosphere, it causes a shock wave that changes the magnetic field 100's of uTesla, drowning out Earth's normal fields the drone depends on for navigation. This is a known physical fact. If you want to believe (as in have faith) such events won't affect your drone, go for it. But it will affect everyone else's drone.

Here's a recent example during the last lull that folk have researched: ... hy.2021.762488/full
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blue_canyon21 Posted at 5-25 08:57
We have given you evidence on multiple other threads and you continuously disregard it and degrade your fellow pilots over it.

Why would we keep trying to convince you?

We have given you evidence on multiple other threads and you continuously disregard it and degrade your fellow pilots over it.
You've never shown any evidence that any of this mumbo-jumbo has ever affect anyone's drone even a little bit .. just said that it's a thing.
I'll ask again in an attempt to make things clear.

Where's the evidence ... an account of a drone that has been affected by this phenomemon and flight data to show that it wasn't due to something else?

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Blue Canyon
Second Officer
Flight distance : ****
United States

Labroides Posted at 5-25 17:00
We have given you evidence on multiple other threads and you continuously disregard it and degrade your fellow pilots over it.
You've never shown any evidence that any of this mumbo-jumbo has ever affect anyone's drone even a little bit .. just said that it's a thing.

My god it was nice that you seemingly weren't here for a couple weeks...

I'm done... You're an asshole.
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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blue_canyon21 Posted at 5-25 19:35
My god it was nice that you seemingly weren't here for a couple weeks...

I'm done... You're an asshole.

You're an asshole.
What?   For asking for evidence (that you can't produce) to support your outrageous claim?

You still haven't provided a shred of evidence that this has ever affected any drone flyer.
Saying that it might, is evidence of nothing.
Check the definition of evidence in a dictionary.

My god it was nice that you seemingly weren't here for a couple weeks.
Not sure where ypu've been but I've been here all the time.
And you're still a pig ignorant blowhard.
Use props
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