 Second Officer
Flight distance : 4658274 ft
In recent months, we have been very focused on the well-known problems of Mavic 3. At the same time, we are missing out on some small things that can make our work with Mavic 3 easier.
One such example is the ISO setting in PRO mode in the DJI Fly application. When using PRO mode and manual parameter settings we have the following options available: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200 and 6400. This is a one stop step. In each professional photographic technique, a smaller step can be selected (for Nikon 1/2 or 1/3 stop).
It would be nice for DJI to give us a choice for a smaller step (the user can set it in the application settings) .
Why do I offer it? It's very easy for DJI to do, and for us it's a step towards a better user experience.
What are the benefits? In some scenarios, this will allow more precise exposure control, especially when shutter speed and aperture are not desirable to change.
I know this is a small step, but if we move forward we may have a better future.
Have a nice and successful new week to all colleagues!