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First use and Motor error
6289 20 2022-4-10
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Flight distance : 1134662 ft
United Kingdom

Good Morning

I am not having much luck with my drones.  This is my third DJI Mini 2 and on my 1st flight I am having an issue with it.

This was my first time using this drone. I got it to a location to fly it, took it out of the bag and setup the controller with my Honor 9 phone and proceeded to do a compass calibration (finished successfully). I set the drone down on the landing mat and pressed the auto take off button on screen the propellers started to run and then the left front one stopped and a 'Motor unable to rotate. Check motor (Code: 30142)' message appeared on my screen. I moved the motor with my finger gently and it moved relatively easy, I then switched the aircraft off and then back on again. I set it down on the landing pad again and started the auto take off again. This time it worked ok, it got to about a meter and hovered. I flew the drone at low altitude (about 12ft) for a few 100 meters to test it for about 10 minutes and it seemed to run ok without error. I took the drone for a bit of a further flight, taking it to about 100 ft and out as far as I could see (about 400m) and noticed the drone was drifting right very very slowly, but noticeably. I could move the left stick and it would stop it, but it would then happen again later.

My concern is that this slow drifting is related to the earlier issue with the left front motor.

Please could someone advise if this a common problem, because all the things I have read are very worrying, like some falling out of the sky with this motor error.

Couple of other things, the drone is brand new, just taken out of a sealed package 3 days ago and the battery charged just once, is showing as being charged 4 times. This would indicate to me that the drone has already been used!!! Also, the drone doesnt have all stickers on it, the stickers on the camera were not there. Could I have a drone that has been returned to DJI as faulty, DJI has tested and found nothing wrong and it has been repackaged for resale, hence the used battery, missing stickers and my having these faults.

Thanks in advance
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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New Zealand

Did something lodge itself in the motor? Have you tried blowing that motor out with Air to check? If it is clear, I would send it back because if that motor fails mid flight you could lose your drone or worse, it falls and injures someone.
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Flight distance : 1134662 ft
United Kingdom

The drone was straight out of the box, not been used at all, unless it has and I have received something that has been used. As mentioned I got the message the first time I tried to start it. Then I didn't get the message after that initial time. When I restarted it the 2nd time it was ok, no error and I did a low altitude test and no errors but drifted right very slightly, so obviously something not quite right.

I am waiting for a response from DJI to see what they say, but agree with you, its far too unsafe to use it.
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VinceG Posted at 4-11 01:49
The drone was straight out of the box, not been used at all, unless it has and I have received something that has been used. As mentioned I got the message the first time I tried to start it. Then I didn't get the message after that initial time. When I restarted it the 2nd time it was ok, no error and I did a low altitude test and no errors but drifted right very slightly, so obviously something not quite right.

I am waiting for a response from DJI to see what they say, but agree with you, its far too unsafe to use it.

If you've got the Mini 2 from Amazon or similar sources, the chances of getting a used drone are quite high.
Have a look at all the unboxing videos on YouTube, compare with your package. Look if plastic wrappers, stickers etc. were missing.
If so, chances are high you got a defective drone previously sent back because of being defective. Many sellers like Amazon don't care at all, there's no "refurbishment", the products just get send out to the next customer.
In that case, immediately returning the drone for replacement should be your best way to go.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Did you have to activate the drone?
From whom did you buy it?
Regarding the drift, when at height it is always useful to do a quick switch to FPV gimbal mode and do a 180 or 360 deg spin just to see how much the drone has to tilt to fight the wind. I have had my mini 2 up in windy conditions and it did drift downwind when climbing or flying horizontally but it was windy, pretty near the drone's limit in fact. I have also noticed some 'downwind'? drift when moving in less windy conditions.
Can you quantify the amount of drift and at what height it occurred and, if low down, over what surface the drone was hovering?
High up the drone uses only GPS to hold position and that is not pin point accurate, low down it uses the VPS system to hold position and that is near enough pinpoint accurate PROVIDING the drone is over a suitable, well lit surface, i.e. not moving and not a repetitive pattern. The manual documents the 'unsuitable' conditions on page 17

I am surprised the battery count is 4, my new batteries showed a count of 0 until their second charge, the wake up charge seemingly doesn't count.

There are flight logs on the phone, if you sync your logs SWITCH SYNC'ING OFF.
Fly a flight and then have a look at the number in the name/s of the DAT flight log/s, it increments each time the drone is switched on.
See the instructions for finding the flight logs on

With the phone connected and the app running the DATs are recorded from drone switch on to drone switch off. They ARE NOT recorded when the phone is disconnected and possibly when the app is not running so IT IS possible to have 'missing' DATs but the numbering still increments in the normal manner.I say "switch sync'ing off" because it is likely that the DATs are removed during sync'ing.
If you have not sync'ed and haven't deleted logs or the app then I think your DAT's should start at 000 or 001.

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Flight distance : 115184 ft
United States

I purchased a refurbished Mini 2 directly from DJI.  During the very first power-up I received Gimball Stuck and a motor error like you experienced.  I think that may have just resulted from shipping, because both were resolved by freeing them by slightly moving the gimbal and motor by hand.  Once they got freed up I have not experienced another error.
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Flight distance : 1134662 ft
United Kingdom

Thanks for the responses. I purchased this DJI from Argos. It was sealed, so I assume it was brand new unless DJI can just reseal them. As mentioned there were stickers missing from the camera, but that was the only ones missing. Yes, definitely not right that the battery had already had 3 charges before I charged it. That is what made me think that the unit had already been used, or at least the battery could have been used. As far as the investigation using the logs etc.. to determine usage of the drone, I would have to look into that, coz that's a bit over my head. But I understand what you mean.

Again, thanks very much for your responses, its much appreciated.
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Dale 68
First Officer
Flight distance : 439915 ft
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United Kingdom

If you open up a case with DJI and get a case number,  print it off and anything where you have had contact with DJI, also if you can take a photo of the error message you are receiving. Go back to Argos and explain what's wrong with it, the first thing they will ask is " Have you contacted DJI" say yes and show them the case number and they should replace it there and then. It worked for me when I had a gimbal problem. Good luck
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Flight distance : 1134662 ft
United Kingdom

That's good info Dale. I haven't used it since the problem occurred, apart from straight after and the error didn't re-appear, that I noticed. I can seem to find the logs that show errors in the DJI Fly app, but I do have the error listed using airdata.

Is there any way I can get the information required from the DJI Fly logs? Also, I haven't seen anywhere you can open a case with DJI, where would I find that?

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Edited. It seems you have the flight log.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

I repeat the question, did you have to activate the drone before you could fly it?

Providing you took note of what you had to do then, If not, it was not new.

With the Mavic mini, the predecessor of the Mini 2, the drone's activation date is recorded in the .txt flight log. Unfortunately if appears as if that information is not available in the csv of the decrypted .txt flight logs of the Mini 2 :-(((
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Flight distance : 1134662 ft
United Kingdom

I don't recall going through an activation procedure with it, but I do remember there being a message about Care Refresh being activate with 48 hours, but could this have been there when I received it, I don't know.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Getting the message about care refresh more than likely means you DID activate it.
That method of getting/buying activation is, as far as I know, ONLY offered/possible within 48hours of activation. Outside that 48 hour window there is a much more complicated procedure to follow which basically means showing DJI that the drone is airworthy at the time the care refresh is bought.
Coupled with the battery count, I begin to suspect that this actual drone is a DJI replacement for a defective drone with the original being returned to DJI by Argos and that DJI have sent the replacement drone with the old battery. (You can check the battery's production date in the App.)

I bought such a Mini 2 from a private seller via ebay, though their advert made clear it was a replacement drone from DJI with low usage batteries. It is probably the Mini 2 that shows on my profile, such a drone is either new or as good as new, mine needed activation and I have had no problems with it.

The same thing applies to the M2Z on my profile.

If you feel you can not trust the drone I would return it.
motor warning.png
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Flight distance : 1134662 ft
United Kingdom

Dale 68 Posted at 4-11 05:21
If you open up a case with DJI and get a case number,  print it off and anything where you have had contact with DJI, also if you can take a photo of the error message you are receiving. Go back to Argos and explain what's wrong with it, the first thing they will ask is " Have you contacted DJI" say yes and show them the case number and they should replace it there and then. It worked for me when I had a gimbal problem. Good luck

Sean, how do I get a case number from DJI?
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Flight distance : 1134662 ft
United Kingdom

Hi Sean, I would prefer to have a drone that hasn't had an error the first time I turn it on, especially an error that could be potentially affect my drone staying in the air.  Thanks for the information.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

VinceG Posted at 4-11 11:21
Sean, how do I get a case number from DJI?

I have no idea, sorry. I have never used DJI repair services etc.

Personally I would give Argos a try and see what they say before opening a case with DJI.

Print off the airdata page that you show in this thread (Notifications?) and show them the motor error message. You could also print off or photograph the ''equipment'' tab/page that lists the camera serial number, that number is, I think, shown in the ''about'' page of the FLY app and shows that the log relates to the drone, I have yet to find a drone's serial number listed on the airdata webpages. If needs be you could show them a screen capture of the ''about'' menu page taken when the app is connected to the drone.

If you open the ''power'' tab of airdata and then the ''battery info'' page it shows the battery serial number and charge count, print the page or photograph it etc. The battery serial number should match the one on the label on the battery.
Say that you do not feel confident or safe flying the drone because of the motor error etc. etc. and see how things go.

I would also mention that you are of the opinion that the battery was not brand new and had been used and that you bought the equipment believing it to be new, not used. I assume it wasn't sold as ''a second'' or refurbished stock.

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Flight distance : 1134662 ft
United Kingdom

Dale 68 Posted at 4-11 05:21
If you open up a case with DJI and get a case number,  print it off and anything where you have had contact with DJI, also if you can take a photo of the error message you are receiving. Go back to Argos and explain what's wrong with it, the first thing they will ask is " Have you contacted DJI" say yes and show them the case number and they should replace it there and then. It worked for me when I had a gimbal problem. Good luck

Dale, you say you opened a case with dji and got a case number to return your item. How did you get a case number?
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Flight distance : 1134662 ft
United Kingdom

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 4-11 11:59
I have no idea, sorry. I have never used DJI repair services etc.

Personally I would give Argos a try and see what they say before opening a case with DJI.

Hi Sean, sorry, it was dale that mentioned about the case. Thanks for the info. I have only had the drone for 4 days and used it once, so I will try to return it to Argos for a refund or replacement. Hope they will just replace it, if they have any in stock. Will post a message back here, as to the outcome. Thanks again
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DJI Stephen

Hello there VinceG. I am sorry to read and to know that you are having this issue with your DJI Mini 2 and thank you for reaching out. Since we are having this issue with your new DJI Mini 2. It would be best to contact our DJI support team at for further assistance. We will do there best to help and will give out the best resolution for this issue. Again, I am sorry for the trouble and thank you.
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Dale 68
First Officer
Flight distance : 439915 ft
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United Kingdom

VinceG Posted at 4-11 19:50
Dale, you say you opened a case with dji and got a case number to return your item. How did you get a case number?

Sorry for the late reply here is the link, go to "Request Repair
Service Online".
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Flight distance : 1134662 ft
United Kingdom

Dale 68 Posted at 4-14 23:45
Sorry for the late reply here is the link, go to "Request Repair
Service Online".

Thanks for that Dale..
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