United States
Hello All! I am happy to be a new member of the community! A partner and I have developed a utility robot based on the S1 to do health and safty inspections in certian industrial areas.
He is the roboticist and visionary, and I am more of a background character..... We love the platform, and have essentially used a fair number of S1 parts, a fully custom engineered chasis and battery box, custom lighting and a proprietry [thus far - we don't mind sharing!] booster system that I've developed to extend the range of the bot by about 5x!
Here's what I need help with and information on, and am having some issues:
Firstly, I would like to create a custom control program for the bot - which essentially would change the initial UI of the existing software [remove "Battle" "Solo" options, branding] - essentially grafting a new front end to the control portion of the app. Also, I am using the gun controls currently to power a lighting system, we've just changed the lighting to a dimmable system with a more diffuse beam, and I would like to be able to control the brightness [as opposed to the on/off and voltage regulator I am using now] - I was thinking this should be possible either through a small aurduino nano interface taking signals from the gun control, or perhaps integrating with the system that changes LED colors.
I am not at all familiar with the software for the S1 or the licensing thereof. I thought things were mostly open source, but I could be wrong.
Anyone who could perhaps point me in the right direction, I would be very appreciative. I am familiar with Python, as far as that goes, but I do believe I will be needing assistance in this project, and proper compensation is something we believe in.
I hope this inquiry isn't against the rules, and hope to hear from the community soon!
Thank You!