Hello, I unscrewed my props and the old screw has threadlock weared off, and installed a new one with threadlock from the spare screws. I want to re-use the screws, is loctite 243 okay? or does any threadlock will work (except the very strong threadlocks)
If you buy genuine DJI props they come with 6 screws per set, so you have 2 spare screws in each pack of 4 blades. You might want to look into whether or not liquid thread lockers can damage the winding varnish in the copper windings.
As you need to keep the props in the pairs from the packet (as they are molded together in balanced pairs) theres no real need to ever reuse the screws.
I guess you shouldn't use a strong threadlocker as the screws are tiny, and such is the slot which may easily shear if you need to apply a lot of force. Quite a pity DJI didn't use Torx.
Landey Posted at 4-16 01:09
I guess you shouldn't use a strong threadlocker as the screws are tiny, and such is the slot which may easily shear if you need to apply a lot of force. Quite a pity DJI didn't use Torx.
I was out flying in a field and had to replace a pair of props and dropped one of the new screws. I had saved a pair of old ones so got some Loctite blue 242 (removable) from the trunk and used it. Props stayed on securely and months later when I switched props the screw came out without a problem.
Any brand of medium strength blue should work. Only use a tiny bit to ensure it doesn't get in the motor AT ALL. I got some in a helicopter motor back in the day and had to replace the motor.