RC Connection lost: Air 2s with RC Pro. Asking for help before I RMA
787 12 2022-5-13
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United States

I am new here after buying a DJI combo that included the RC Pro controller with Air 2s Flymore package. Due to repeated loss of RC connection (fail), I am ready to return it to the store and likely face 15% restocking fee. Before I box it up, I thought that I would ask the experts here for a solution in case I missed something. When I fly, the video will turn black and white and I cannot see the camera view any more. Sometimes, the Air 2s will not return to me, and so I activate RTH. In terms of distance, it can lose the RC connection hovering in front of me. Antennas are oriented properly. Batteries are fully charged. I have never flown further than 180 ft altitude and about 400 ft distance and doing that there have been some scarey moments.
After reading and learning more, let my anticipate some questions: 1) Was it interference from Wifi or other signals, did you try another location? Yes I tried it in my back yard and then today I went out into the country side and tried it there--it failed again. 2) Did you update firmware via DJY Fly app? Yes, I tried that first. 3) Did you update firmware via DJI Assistant for Consumer Drones for Air 2s? Yes I did that via the DJI Cable for both the Air 2s and the RC Pro controller. All show "current." 4) After experiencing the problem, did you try recalibrating compass and IMU? Yes, after having major disconnect problems, I calibrated both. Sometimes the IMU calibration would fail due to lost connection. 5) Did you try to re-connect the Air 2s with the RC Pro? Yes, I executed the reconnect (rebinding). 6) Can you download the log data file and share it with DJI via DropBox? Yes, I have downloaded the log file and have a DropBox account -- just tell me the official DJI email to give access permissions. I will need your DJI email address.

There is more. My concern is that is that if I did keep the A2s / RC Pro system and sent it in for factory service under my DJI Refresh plan, that I may be sent a refurbished unit. I do not want that. This new purchase was costly and I am dissapointed that the new system, after updates and using fully charged batteries, is not reliable. Is it true that DJI Refresh service may result in someone else's used aircraft and/or controller being sent to me? I hope not. That would be like buying a new car, driving it a few times, having problems, getting warranty service -- and the dealer giving you some other car off their used car lot. See, mine are pristine. They dont even have dust on them.

Therefore, I ask for a solution to both DJI representatives and other users here who have solved this issue -- because I sincerely hope that this unique all-in-one combo would work brilliantly. It would be an elegant solution for me. If not, I was able to get RMA approval and have the prepaid Fedex shipping label printed, and the original shipping box awaits. My backup plan is to return these products, get whatever refund I can muster, and put a better Sony 4k camera on my Naza-based homebuilt. That old aircraft and Taranis controller are 100% proven reliable. I could use it until September 2023 and see what products will be available then.

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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Hello, there. Sorry for your inconvenience. You may contact our support via the link below. We also noticed that you may export the log. May we know if it is the aircraft and controller log? If yes, you can also provide the link to us, we will forward it to our engineer for furthering analyzing. Here is the link: http://www.dji.com/support
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United States

DJI Thor Posted at 5-13 22:47
Hello, there. Sorry for your inconvenience. You may contact our support via the link below. We also noticed that you may export the log. May we know if it is the aircraft and controller log? If yes, you can also provide the link to us, we will forward it to our engineer for furthering analyzing. Here is the link: http://www.dji.com/support

Thank you for your reply. Do you need the log file from the Air 2s aircraft, or the RC Pro controller, or both? I have the log from the Air 2s. If you also need the file from RC Pro, let me know.

I am not clear which link and approach you direct me to use as there are many options on that web page. As a long time DJI customer going back to P2, I request an email for engineering to share my log file. You may sent it to me at my registered email.

Edit: Would this case be covered by factory warranty or my DJI Refresh Plan? Is there a difference? If I have to make application under DJI Refresh, my time is running out for return and refund.

Secondly, in the case that a new, never crashed Air 2s or RC Pro is sent to a service center, that the customer may get refurbished product(s) in return?

Lastly, given that the A2s and RC Pro are brand new, what is likely the problem in these repeated lost connection cases?

I am researching on the internet and see that other users have this problem. My RC Pro came from factory with firmware dated January 2022. I am truly dissapointed to have a $2000USD package fail brand new out of the box.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Evangeline Posted at 5-14 05:26
Thank you for your reply. Do you need the log file from the Air 2s aircraft, or the RC Pro controller, or both? I have the log from the Air 2s. If you also need the file from RC Pro, let me know.

I am not clear which link and approach you direct me to use as there are many options on that web page. As a long time DJI customer going back to P2, I request an email for engineering to share my log file. You may sent it to me at my registered email.

Hello, there. Sorry for your inconvenience. Please export the log of both the drone and controller for our further confirmation. Here are the steps:
The log of drone:
1. Download DJI Assistant 2 from the official website. Download link: https://www.dji.com/cn/air-2s/downloads
2. Launch DJI Assistant 2. Within 20 seconds after the aircraft is powered on, connect it to DJI Assistant 2.
3. After DJI Assistant 2 recognizes the aircraft, choose "Log Export", and then click "Save to local".
4. The final exported data are ".dat" files.

The Log of RC Pro
1. Download DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drones Series) at: https://www.dji.com/cn/downloads ... sumer-drones-series
2. Power on DJI RC Pro and connect it to the computer with the USB cable. Launch DJI Assistant 2 and export the corresponding log.

After the file has been exported, add the file folder to the compressed folder. And upload the file to Dropbox or Google Drive and then send us the download link. Thank you.

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United States

DJI Thor Posted at 5-15 19:15
Hello, there. Sorry for your inconvenience. Please export the log of both the drone and controller for our further confirmation. Here are the steps:
The log of drone:
1. Download DJI Assistant 2 from the official website. Download link: https://www.dji.com/cn/air-2s/downloads

Thank you. I downloaded DJI Assistant as recommended and I now have the log files from both the Air 2s and the RC Pro. All that is now required now for me to proceed is the detailed information regarding the part in which your say “send us the download link.” How do I send you the download link? Please provide that essential missing information. I have the log files in my Dropbox and I have a link for you. How do I share it with you? Please be clear and explicit in the detail of your response as I am new to this process. Thank you for helping me through the process in precise methodical steps.
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United States

DJI Thor Posted at 5-15 19:15
Hello, there. Sorry for your inconvenience. Please export the log of both the drone and controller for our further confirmation. Here are the steps:
The log of drone:
1. Download DJI Assistant 2 from the official website. Download link: https://www.dji.com/cn/air-2s/downloads

My Air 2s and RC Pro are about 14 days old.  From day 1, the RC connection to aircraft has been unreliable and problematic. I purchased both along with Flymore as a combo from BH Photo in New York City. I also purchased DJI Care Refresh at the same time. What part of that plan or warranty covers both the RC Pro along with the Air 2s? I need to know as I am deciding what to do.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Evangeline Posted at 5-15 20:13
Thank you. I downloaded DJI Assistant as recommended and I now have the log files from both the Air 2s and the RC Pro. All that is now required now for me to proceed is the detailed information regarding the part in which your say “send us the download link.” How do I send you the download link? Please provide that essential missing information. I have the log files in my Dropbox and I have a link for you. How do I share it with you? Please be clear and explicit in the detail of your response as I am new to this process. Thank you for helping me through the process in precise methodical steps.

Thanks for your reply. If you have exported the logs following the steps above, please add the file folder to the compressed folder. And upload the file to Dropbox or Google Drive and then send us the download link here. Thank you.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Evangeline Posted at 5-15 20:30
My Air 2s and RC Pro are about 14 days old.  From day 1, the RC connection to aircraft has been unreliable and problematic. I purchased both along with Flymore as a combo from BH Photo in New York City. I also purchased DJI Care Refresh at the same time. What part of that plan or warranty covers both the RC Pro along with the Air 2s? I need to know as I am deciding what to do.

Sorry for any inconvenience. We will forward the logs to our engineer for further analysis to locate the issue. Please rest assured.
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United States

DJI Thor Posted at 5-15 20:47
Thanks for your reply. If you have exported the logs following the steps above, please add the file folder to the compressed folder. And upload the file to Dropbox or Google Drive and then send us the download link here. Thank you.

"Thor",  do you mean for me to post a link to my DropBox account here in a public forum? I hope not, and I know that you would not provide a means for strangers to view your user files. I need a DJI EMAIL and I can provide access permissions to the shared folder. If I have misunderstood what you mean by "send us the download link here," by all means clarify what you do in fact mean. Thank you.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Other considerations aside, why would there be a restocking fee if the equipment is faulty, as in repeatededly losing the connection? Due to that it should surely be a faulty goods return.

Any how let's see how their analysis of the logs turns out, from memory of comments in other threads I think such logs are 'sent' 'privately'.
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United States

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 5-16 06:19
Other considerations aside, why would htere be a restocking fee if the equipment is faulty, as in repeatededly losing the connection? Due to that it should surely be a faulty goods return.

Any how let's see how their analysis of the logs turns out, from memory of comments in other threads I think such logs are 'sent' 'privately'.

It appears that some vendors have gotten very tough on drone returns. I have it boxed up and ready to ship tomorrow. Hopefully, I will get most of my money back -- I do not know how they will handle my DJI Care Refresh Plan since I will no longer own the unit. Perhaps my Credit Card company will protect me. Even if I lose that $169 for the DJI Care Refresh, and even if I lose the $300 ($2K x 15%) restocking fee, I will be glad to have this albatross from around my neck. I cannot risk unreliable equipment. I could easily get a Mavic 3, or even a pair of them, but now I read of GPS problems with that model. I am going back to my homebuilt, which carries a Sony camera, and is 100% reliable. I NEVER lose connection. I find it strange that I can fly that homebuilt with Naza and iOSD MII from DJI and be so reliable, and the newer product repeatedly lose RC connection. Going backwards it seems. Argh!
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Evangeline Posted at 5-16 05:07
"Thor",  do you mean for me to post a link to my DropBox account here in a public forum? I hope not, and I know that you would not provide a means for strangers to view your user files. I need a DJI EMAIL and I can provide access permissions to the shared folder. If I have misunderstood what you mean by "send us the download link here," by all means clarify what you do in fact mean. Thank you.

Sorry for the confusion. You may send us the link via PM. We have sent you a PM. Please have a check. Thank you.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

One reason that sellers might be getting tough on drone returns is people returning drones that are bound to their DJI account. If you bound your drone in this way  have you undone the  binding?
Best of luck which ever way it turns out.
Oh if you do a google search for "care refresh refund", note a google search not the in-house search, you might find references to care refresh refunds. I am fairly sure I have seen mention of their policy but don't remember the details, sorry.
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