Flight distance : 1248743 ft
United States
Hello all! Looks like a new firmware update dropped over night. I took about two hours to install on two of our T30's and all three of our controllers and 6 battery updates too. Here are a few things I've noticed so far:
- Maps update? Looks like there's higher detail!! YAY!! (Maybe I'm imagining things)
- The power up beeps from the drones when you put in a new battery is SUPER loud now! It scared the crap out of my "pit crew" the first few times they did battery changes.
- Name change for whatever the radar setting was for following the height of the crops. Now it's called like Auto Terraine or something like that.
- Now the remote vibrates when the "tank is empty"
- FYI it did reset some of the radar settings, so if you have customized those, check them out before you take off
- Some sort of change with RTK Satalite positioning? Not sure I understand it, but it's turned on by default and I had to turn it off in order to take off. (I have general issues with RTK Orientation occassionally too)
They talk about a lot of stuff in the Update Log on the remote, but I can't find the Update Log online. I don't recall seeing any of these items in the Update Log from the remote.
What other changes have you noticed?