![]( lvl.1
South Africa
Dear Forum
My photo names are typically, in my FPLAN folder and called, e.g.: DJI_201.jpg for RGB and the different bands eg DJI_206.tif, DJI_207.tif,DJI_208.tif, etc . The Multispectral user manual states the names should be, and i quote: "The photo for each band in the group has its own file name. The naming rule is “DJI_XXXY”. XXX refers to the number of the photo group. Y, with a value of 0 to 5, corresponds to different imaging bands". So i cannot determine between blue, green, red, RE, NIR.
I am obviously missing someting. Can you please assist why my downloaded naming convension does not specify the bands? And how do i determine which is which?The attachment shows the file names.
PS: Yes, i am new to the P4MS ;-)
Johan Baard