DJI Mini 2 Propellers Spin but Won't Take Off
10336 20 2022-7-7
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Flight distance : 62 ft


Dear all,

I just bought a DJI Mini 2 Drone yesterday. When I followed the tutorial on the DJI Fly App for the first time, my drone failed to take off. The app asked me to push the H button (take-off button on the screen). The propellers were spinning strongly at first. According to the app, the drone should take off, and I should push the left button up. But, before the drone take-off, the propellers just stop spinning. The app just asks me to push the H button again. After the propellers start spinning, I directly push the right stick upward. But, again, the propellers just stop, and that is it.

Some steps that I have done:
1. Tried to calibrate the compass.
2. Checked the condition of all propellers and tried to adjust the screw.
3. Tried to turn on the motor first and use the stick to lift the drone. The propellers keep spinning, but the drone does not take off.

Is there anybody who has a similar experience? Advice or suggestion?

Thank you in advance for any advice.
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Second Officer


I bet you try to fly indoor, have you tryed outside ?Alternative try to unlock for low gps reception.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 382536 ft
United States

Do you realize there are 2 different types of props for the mini2?
You have to have the proper props on each arm.
Read the prop packaging.
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DJI Wanda

Hello, there. Sorry for your inconvenience. Please check the installation of propellers, and ensure that each pair of propellers are in the right place.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

First thoughts would be
1) "After the propellers start spinning, I directly push the right stick upward" RIGHT STICK????? for most people that would be the horizontal movement control stick, NOT the vertical control. Have you changed the controllers stick mode? Also, from memory, using automated launch requires a press of the button to start the motors and then a separate prolonged press of the button to actually launch the drone but I have used the automated launch method only for experimentation, I normally use the CSC to start the motors and then give the drone throttle (LEFT stick for me).
2) as per post no3, i.e. one or more props on the wrong motor, either as a pair or, and 'worse', singly'. Props on one motor are supposed to be changed as a pair, they are probably a balanced pair replacing just one bade may cause imbalance and consequent vibration.3) as per post no2, if 2) is the problem -----Switch the room's lights on then press the blue "unlock" word, then press "agree". BUT and extending discussion of post no 2
a) I would not use the automated motor start and launch indoors, I would use the CSC to start the motors and then add throttle to launch.
b) As this may be your first drone flight I would not make that flight indoors at all.
c) the reason it will not take off is that the drone has too little GPS signal and thinks the lighting is too dark for the vision system (VPS)to work. If both GPS and VPS are unavailable the drone will fly in ATTI mode i.e.  no position holding and NO BRAKING. ...........For me, indoors, I get the message shown in post 2 almost every time and this is due to the light reaching the bottom of the drone being inadequate but as soon as the drone lifts of sufficient light reaches the surface beneath the drone and VPS can work BUT YOU NEED TO BE WARY, there may indeed be too little light and the drone will indeed fly in ATTI mode. You need skill to control an ATTI flight, especially indoors.
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Flight distance : 62 ft


DJI Wanda Posted at 7-7 19:59
Hello, there. Sorry for your inconvenience. Please check the installation of propellers, and ensure that each pair of propellers are in the right place.
Hi Wanda,

Because the drone is fresh from the box, I am not sure whether the problem is with the propellers. But, I attached the drone photo for the reference. Do you think anything wrong with the propellers configuration?
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Flight distance : 62 ft


hunterws Posted at 7-7 11:07
Do you realize there are 2 different types of props for the mini2?
You have to have the proper props on each arm.
Read the prop packaging.

Hi HunterWS,

Hi Wanda,

Because the drone is fresh from the box, I am not sure whether the problem is with the propellers. But, I attached the drone photo for the reference. Do you think anything wrong with the propellers configuration?
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Flight distance : 11984951 ft

Just put left ones on the right side. You can see that propellers and arms are marked to fit them properly. Cheers
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1736509 ft

The propellers are mounted in the wrong way. And, if you did not change the RC mode (the default is Mode 2), please take off using the left stick, not the right one.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Oh this is 'good', EVERY blade pair is on the wrong motor, the drone will be blasting air upwards. Every prop is trying to push its motor into the table rather than away from it.
Move every single blade either one motor clockwise or one motor anticlockwise and keep them all in their original pairings.

Is this a new drone or second hand?

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Flight distance : 1267579 ft

Move propellers and pay attention to arm signs.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 19819324 ft

Because I see you don't own it. Before you flight it, watch some videos on Youtube to learn.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

If this was second hand I would check everywhere for signs of damage, I would guess someone will only replace all the propellors if the originals are damaged. I can imagine every prop carrying minor damage from multiple, separate, twig etc. encounters and maybe the seller changed them for that reason but to damage all 4 props in one crash would, I think' leave damage evident on the drone.

If it is new I can't wait to see what a Mod says about this.
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DJI Wanda

IlhamN Posted at 7-7 22:39
Hi Wanda,

Because the drone is fresh from the box, I am not sure whether the problem is with the propellers. But, I attached the drone photo for the reference. Do you think anything wrong with the propellers configuration?

Thanks. We saw that other users have left some troubleshooting steps. Would you please try and tell us your update?
Use props
Flight distance : 62 ft


DJI Wanda Posted at 7-8 02:45
Thanks. We saw that other users have left some troubleshooting steps. Would you please try and tell us your update?
Hi Wanda,

I just finished test flight and checking all basic functionalities. It works! The propellers were mounted incorrectly. I had to move the propellers to their correct places (marked propellers to marked arms).

While there is no serious problem. Unfortunately, I have to criticize DJI about your initial assembly process.
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Flight distance : 62 ft


apb7 Posted at 7-8 00:06
Move propellers and pay attention to arm signs.[view_image]


Thank you for the advice! The illustration is really helpful. Your advice works!
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DJI Wanda

IlhamN Posted at 7-8 02:50
Hi Wanda,

I just finished test flight and checking all basic functionalities. It works! The propellers were mounted incorrectly. I had to move the propellers to their correct places (marked propellers to marked arms).

Hi, there. Sorry for your inconvenience. May we know where did you buy this drone from? If it is bought from DJI Store, can we have your order number? We will check and forward it to our designated teams.
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Flight distance : 62 ft


Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 7-7 23:43
Oh this is 'good', EVERY blade pair is on the wrong motor, the drone will be blasting air upwards. Every prop is trying to push its motor into the table rather than away from it.
Move every single blade either one motor clockwise or one motor anticlockwise and keep them all in their original pairings.

Hi Sean,

Thank you for noticing the problem. Indeed this is “perfect”-ly abnormal. This drone is new from the store. So the factory assembler seems messed up.
Use props
Flight distance : 62 ft


DJI Wanda Posted at 7-8 03:06
Hi, there. Sorry for your inconvenience. May we know where did you buy this drone from? If it is bought from DJI Store, can we have your order number? We will check and forward it to our designated teams.

Hi Wanda,

I did not order this from DJI Store. I bought this from MediaMarkt, Den Haag.
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DJI Wanda

IlhamN Posted at 7-8 03:24
Hi Wanda,

I did not order this from DJI Store. I bought this from MediaMarkt, Den Haag.

Thanks for your reply. To offer customers a better experience and services later, may we know your SN? You may send us through PM. Thanks!
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Did MediaMarkt, Den Haag sell it as new or refurbished or as a customer return.
If new did you have to activate it?  If yes then I think it was new and you can ignore the rest of this post.

But if you did NOT HAVE to activate it, read on.

Have a look at the name of the first photo or video that you shot, what is the number in the name?
Did you reformat the card in the drone when you put the card into the drone? If you did the number will probably be either 0000 or 0001.
You could also upload the flight log of the FIRST motor start where a phone was connected to the controller (it will be the FIRST 'flight log') to (there are instructions on how to retrieve the flight log on that webpage) then post the resulting URL here. Or, if you do not want to post the URL, download and open the csv from phantom help and do a search of the csv for the word "index".
Assuming the csv opens as a spreadsheet this is likely to be in column EF  or FF.      If in EF, what is the number in that column? If in FF what is the number in the message which should read something like "Data Recorder File Index is  xyz".

The "index" number increments by 1 at every switch-on of the drone but only between 000 & 099, 099+1 becomes 000
Similarly the photo/number increments by 1 for each new image shot, I think between 0000 & 0999 but it appears that the number is reset if you format the card in the drone.

it used to be you could also check the activation date in the flight log, but I think DJI have either scrambled the date or deleted it BUT you can ask them to check the activation date, see
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