United States
I to love my Inspire, I bought a P3 and kept it for about a month and sold it to get the Inspire, I am so glad that I did, Dji made a mistake with the P3, by not addressing the shell crack issues that were inherent in the P2, and by not thoroughly having the product ready to market , My P3 flew flawlessly except for the vps system, and the shell cracking. This seems to be a wholesale problem with the P3's. The large numbers of P3's requiring service has had an affect on the service overall, and in my opinion has probably had an affect on the Inspire and its related service.
I have been in to RC since its inception, my first radio had vacuum tubes in it, with 2- 67,1/2 volt batteries, the circuitry ran on 135 volts with a 1.5 volt D battery to heat the heaters in the tubes, the transmitter (called a remote now) had one button on the front of it that you could push to send a signal to to a single channel receiver controlling a rubber band escapement. I thought that I had the most incredible piece of technology on the planet in my possession. I flew control line for years before that.
With that said, there has never been a company, in RC that backs there product like DJI has, I have read a whole lot of these threads in several forums, I can tell you that a very large percentage of these crashes, fly away's, and screw ups is, pilot error. If you can not fly a Hubsan h4 proficiently you have no business flying a 1300.00 or 3000.00 flying camera, Now pardon my language but I have read some absolutely stupid ass things, Tricks people have pulled, that cant fly a Frisbee, and they come up here on these forums and blame everything on DJI, I have done my share of complaining, but I have had hundreds of absolutely flawless flights on My Phantoms and my Inspire.
Buy one, you cant get anything close to the technology for the price , have someone teach you to use it if you can, and enjoy it , I do feel for those that have had problems, and I hope all of this smooths out for all of them and DJI.